jesus christ, has he reached the apex of JUST
he sounds like hes on the verge of tears the entire time
jesus christ, has he reached the apex of JUST
he sounds like hes on the verge of tears the entire time
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we should all watch this movie and make sure to mention that we did so because of Brendan Fraser.
>Mfw every year the same week as his birthday they show his movies here on the UK channels
I find that odd, do you think Brendan pays them too?
Are the Jews behind this?
What did he do to anger them?
Simply existing. He had the mark of just since the day he was born
Brendan wouldn't have the money to pay them
why is he even being interviewed if his role is literally 'guard'?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Brendan? So you had cancer and need to pay some alimony and you 15 minutes are long up, stop crying everywhere like a little bitch about it.
How can one man be so JUST?
Srs this makes me uncomfortable
Is an advanced campaign to humiliiate him, blame the juice
how do we save him bros
his fucking ex wife is behind this
Unfortunately he can't be saved until his wife remarries or dies or agrees to get rid of or lower the alimony
Is she r/ourgirl ?
Jesus Christ, this time this isn't some Sup Forums meme... he LITERALLY looks like those fake pictures you guys have been making for two years now, and SOUNDS like someone who could cry at any moment.
Did we meme this into existence or was this just inevitable? Most importantly, HOW do we save him??
He sounds like he has some sort of neurodegenerative disease.
Buddy cop drama with he and Keanu Reeves trying to police charleston NC.
They're both dead inside and looking for a reason to keep getting up in the morning. One joins a neo-nazi group and the other, resistant at first, looks for reasons why his partner shouldn't join the neo-nazi's.
Last episode is his wife's son meeting his real dad in prison and Brendan sitting in the visitor room watching.
>Brendan Fraser will die in your lifetime
>agrees to get rid of or lower the alimony
>Fat joey from walking dead is earning more than brendan
Definitely an anxiety disorder (I took a psychology course in kindergarten)
what did amazon mean by this?
Quentin Tarantino needs to give this man a starring role in his next movie. QT's ample capacity for nostalgia must again be deployed to reboot a career in crisis.
what did amazon mean by this?
I couldn't watch past his answer to the first question. WHY DOES HE SOUND SO SAD? It's depressing as fuck to listen to him.
Just watch this and see how far he has fallen in only 5 years.
my eyes look like that after doing DXM on antidepressants
Brendan "JUST fuck my butt a'm a broke slut" Fraser is a snob motherfucker when picking non comedic roles
>maybe one day i'll have a future in broadcasting too
What did he mean by this?
Doesn't he seem more anxious than sad?
He meant, "Maybe one day things will get so bad that I'll be doing utterly shit-tier jobs like yours".
I need a wojack interviewing breandan with
-My feet hurts
-I can't hear him over the alimony
-he really thinks those are real fans not paid extras
All those kind of lines
>"Sad Brendan Frased Interview"
Oh fuck
I'm now convinced that some dark arcane ritual is gradually transforming Brendan into a new host body for Rodney Dangerfield.
Brendans life is collapsing and it's all YOUR FUCKING FAULT. You were poropably thinking, lets meme about Brendan, it's sooo funny xD Now, as you see this man is dying before your eyes, and it's not a joke anymore. You made it happen.
first things first, you non poorfags get in there and 5 star every one of these
>that pose
>weak cracking voice
he looks like a beaten dog
we should start a Brendan Fraser movie club where we watch and discuss Brendankino
This is all Monkeybone's fault
That little fucker took over Brendan's body and ruined his life
This is so sad.
damn, critical hasn't been funny in ages and it's only gotten worse apparently
Before Marriage.
It's like a fucking group therapy session.
He's surpassed the memes at this point.
Amazing how he tried to cover that he plays a small, throwaway part in the show.
> I will address the elephant in the room, why I wasn't in the trailer. The actors did an amazing job ummm.... when you see the title which is black on white uhhhh I mean white on black and you just get memories and stuff, like how ummmm.... he went to the court and surrendered uhhhhh...and then there's this guy Gunther that helps him.
Couldn't stop laughing when the uploader started commenting again.
if Sup Forums can meme a guy into the white house Sup Forums should be able to meme a guy onto the hollywood a-list
We failed to save him Sup Forums. If the power of thousands of autists isn't enough, what is?
What would it take to save Brendan Fraser?
Curse you curse you Afton Smith!
Die in a ditch you piece of shit
Curse you curse you Afton Smith!
Get raped you worthless bitch!
A friend of mine made this video sometime ago and I think it rings true now more than ever....memes have surpassed life...
Please pay your respects to baby Brendan....his life was cut short by alimony....
2:15 in the video makes me want to fucking kill myself
All jokes aside, why can't he get good roles?
I understand that he's old news but he's talented and should be able to land roles in B-tier movies, at least.
jesus christ
is this why people have such pity for him?
>All jokes aside, why can't he get good roles?
He injured his back in 2010 and the doctors told him to not do anymore action movies
That's the real reason
it's not fair!
I'm gonna star him in a comfy warkino and he'll be happy again
People will flock to see him and he'll win an Oscar for best performance and he'll go home and use the skills he learned filming the movie to kill his ex
Now all I need is to find a rich producer. Time to hit up the LA area synagogues
Sup Forums memes have never helped anyone. Just caused destruction. Sup Forums'a JUST meme probably helped push Brendan to this new low.
He can still make it big in comedy.
Look at Charlie Sheen - he was making 1.8 million per episode at one point.
As a result, he's also dependent on painkillers.
>Sup Forums'a JUST meme probably helped push Brendan to this new low.
Sadly true. All you have to do is look up brendan fraser 2016 on google and it is all JUST
:( fuck you
B-Brendan is that you?
:) I wanna hug you
fuck this timeline
You are aware he's not paying the full amount already?
>watch old Charlie Rose interview just before he peaked with The Mummy
>realize he's a dumb as fuck airheaded moron
No sympathy for this balding cuck, he has zero depth
He needs to get fit and shave his head. Move permanently into television.
Hes like a real life Reek.
The fall is what must hurt really bad. His life is probably still better than the average anons, but this man is broken.
>"the hat was free"
Brendan Fraser
>Brendan Fraser enthusiasts
If his wife dies is the alimony cancelled or does it go to some kid and does it remain that amount? If things don't improve for me I'd be willing to explode her skull with a 45 before going out myself
Do you think Brendan will finally see his son this christmas?
It's time to stop asking ourselves 'How can we save him?' That time has passed. Brendan is clearly dying and he needs our help. We need to get up off our asses for once and save this beautiful human being from his suffering. We need to get off here and spread the word of Brendan on twitter, facebook, reddit, and yes, even tumblr. We need to convince those big wigs and fat cats in Hollywood that, even if Brendan's a falling star, he's still worth it.
Who's with me?
jeesus christ
the preview pic is a fucking jump scare
>hollowood listens and brenden gets a leading role in a movie that become a suprise success launching fraser back into relevance
>his ex wife demands more money for alimony
>brenden becomes JUST again
theres no winning situation here
We need to get Notch on this shit. He can spend a tiny fraction of his Jew money to jumpstart Brendan's career
There are plenty of Hollywood actors paying ransom levels of alimony without being on the verge of suicide. More money can't be bad
youve still got time left to do it before the crime would be attributed to Trumps presidency
When she dies the alimony dies as well. However I'm afraid irreparable damage has been done to brennys soul
no, I'm TheChamCham
>ywn hang out with Brendan with some pizzas and beers and get him to smile again
>Sup Forums memes have never helped anyone
Keanu Reeves
the guy who made that youtube video probably earns more
I think in a few years he will look like Greg Antonacci
Jesus Christ, he's finished. lol.
he doesn't even look bad
I've seen pics of him looking bad and he looks way better now
he always sounded sad and autistic
He's can't physically do it. He perma-fucked up his back, and now he's an obese disabled opioid addict.
he had some pretty good roles in late 90's/ early 00's and was generally considered down-to-earth