What's the most unapologetically obscure and pretentious movie you know and love?
What's the most unapologetically obscure and pretentious movie you know and love?
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what was pretentious about this? just a cool documentary that is very visually rich
Nothing really, except maybe for his Marxist landscape theory (which I like, don't get me wrong), I just wanted to talk about cool movies and the only way to do so on here is to have some stupid meta-pretentious thread text to lure people in
The Green Elephant I guess, I dunno how obscure it really is. Sayonara CP is probably more obscure.
that's a sad sad sad film (goodbye cp i mean)
the only terayama i dont like, to be frank
oh, yeah i dont think aka serial killer has been mentioned a lot here
I'm not very obscure or pretentious. Probably Cat Soup, even though it's a Chinese cartoon that is only fairly obscure not entirely.
Thanks to my persistent efforts it becomes a little bit less obscure every day. And pretentious maybe isn't the right word. It's more indulgent.
I don't think I've ever seen Adachi poster on here, to be honest. I posted Throw Away etc. just because it's the only one I've seen so far. Planning to watch Pastoral soon. Thoughts?
Please do talk about it - neither me nor my more Japanese jnclined friend know about it.
>showed this to people at my dorm
>they didn't like it at first
>kept watching it an enjoyed it
A google reverse image search will give you the name.
It's 'The Red Spectacles.' Mamoru Oshii's experimental live-action police thriller. I find it more interesting than Jin-Roh, which it's a sequel to.
Wow that's something. I bet you'd like this other obscure movie called 'Eraserhead.'
Same thing happened to me with Tetsuo, Cannibal Holocaust, Tarnation and other stuff. Feels good.
Friend of mine tried with Guinea Pig. Didn't go so well
Shit, didn't think it could be his. I've watched Jin Roh a few years back, I'll download this as soon as I can. Thanks mate.
never heard of it
While you're at it you might as well know that there's a third movie for you to watch after The Red Spectacles.
and since you're going to ask me where to find it just go on google and type in 'bakabt Stray Dogs.' Everyone has to ask where to find it.
Fair enough, thank you. I appreciate your evangelical efforts - pissed off as they are.
Definitely pretentious. Not obscure at all though.
Pic related
Google it. It's by Nolan, before he became famous. It's got a few faces you might recognize, but no one huge. I've yet to meet someone whose seen it (or REMEMBERED that they saw it, watch it and you'll get the joke).
Not pissed off at all. I'm always happy to spread the word. And here's another one. Beyond the Black Rainbow.
It's gimmicky junk.
Parajanov is pretty obscure for normies/most film students.
weakest bait
May be the weirdest move ever made but it is really good.
Nothing in this thread is obscure. List something that isn't on IMDB and doesn't have several academic papers written about it a la Papushka
Pastoral is , that's my thought
also it's his best film by fucking far
It was clearly just a joke you stupid twats
Oh, okay. Thank you for spreading the word. Beyond the Black Rainbow is, at least for me, one of the greatest retrofuturistic movies ever made. Great use of movies inside movies, shame the director isn't doing other stuff at the moment.
Watched a couple of his movies, probably the most creative film maker of the soviet era. For what is worth.
Ludione della Lampada
Verifica Incerta
La Lunghezza di Planck
Necropolis (1970)
also, fuck off
Here's something nice
Oh, i'm sorry. I forgot I was on leddit, where everyone pretends to have seen movies so obscure that they don't even exist.
> Obscure
> Main theme is played everywhere
Broncani ain't even obscure!
literally how new?
literally today. you got me.
>ITT my other online cinefile friends have heard of this so it's not obscure
But this is not obscure and is actually quite shit
You guys ever seen that movie about that guy and the anvil?
Not exactly obscure, but still a godly film
Wile E Coyote?
Daily reminder that Kurosawa was a fucking hack
Warm water under a red bridge
Probably Angels Egg
I'm not really into babies getting raped or people eating shit so I don't really watch anything too obscure
If you aren't baiting, how do you like him?
watch it, really, very good slow burning psychological thriller
from a time when Italian cinema used to be god tier even in this little productions
bonus point: this exceptional qt is one of the two main characters
This shit is not obscure REEEE
the prequel to Ichi The Killer
no not the animated one
this one is actually live action and stars the guy who played Ichi
Feherlofia (Son of the White Mare)
Not the obscure one I love the most, but probably the most obscure of the ones I love.
This movie is fucking boring
And the battle scenes are stupid
I personally thought Ludwig was better.
wtf? how have i never heard of this one before.
Six votes on IMDb
Ok this shit is obscure
Is it on kg
if u dont know this movie u shud delet ur /t/v account
essential African kino
I stumbled across it on Hulu about a year ago.
I wouldn't necessarily say I love it, but I thought it was very good for a Chinese film without a huge budget.
Brother. Pretty good Russian crime film.
Two great Chinese movies of the lady few years, not necessarily obscure but cool anyhow
Absolute warkino.
The ending of this really blew me away. The whole film is a massive fucking build up and the ending is a huge release and then cuts to black.
Lol unironically kill yourself for even thinking that piece of shit is good
Love that one. Granted, she was kind of an idiot a lot of the time when she was trying to escape, but you really feel for her desperation and the ending scene was indeed powerful.
thanks man, I wasn't expecting people to agree
whats marx's landscape theory, cba to google it further i found only a shitty blog
Rarely does an ending feel as powerful as that one did. Loved it.
As far as I understand it, it's Adachi:s way to relate Marx's theories about Structure (the means of production, the conditions you grow up in) to the results of your growth process. Essentially, Adachi films the places and sights the protagonist grew up in/saw to create an understanding, in the watcher, of the causes of his madness.
whats the underlying connotation, does it imply that man is born good and is corrupted by civilization? So a terrible landscape produces a serial killer?
When I say madness I mean decision process, end results, the like. Sorry, am drunk.
There's no definite answer. A Marxist would say that inhuman (whatever it means, in a socio-political context) conditions make man inhuman; I can only say that these cases are more due to our misunderstanding of the idiosyncrasies of the human psyche and its autorrgulatory mechanisms than anything. Again, if I wasn't drunk I'd hook you up with the texts I refer to. Just look up Ernesto De Martino, if you will.
phantom of the paradise and lady snowblood are two of my fave films but they seem quite well known on here.
The angel guts series i guess, some giallo films like Deep Red. Hard Boiled is good.
alright cheers