The jedi's and the republic's eternal quest is to bring balance to the force

>the jedi's and the republic's eternal quest is to bring balance to the force
>literally millions of jedi's exist
>only 2 sith exist in the prequels
>jedi routinely hunt them down like animals
>sith take over
>kill all jedi's bar 2 (obi-wan and yoda)
>sith were the ones who brought balance to the force

Tell me how the jedi's are the GOOD guys again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sith is bad force
Good force can't corrupt

>implying good and evil are black and white

The Sith are the imbalance Dumb ass

implying lucas gave a shit about germany's edge-meister "philosopher" (he was an edgy theologian who got off on criticising everyone while offering few solutions and frequently contradicting himself)

But too many sith or jedi result in an imbalance, the universe corrected that by killing almost all of them.

>dude let's just kill all these guys who whose red lightsabers lmao

>literally millions of jedi's exist

there were 10k in the entire galaxy

Still 9,998 more than the sith

The dark side is imbalance. Destruction of the sith would bring balance. You fucking troglodyte.

The Jedi weren't true Jedi. True Jedi live monastic lives. While the Jedi weren't bad they became too involved in the galaxy. Yoda even said the prophecies were misread.

>literally millions of jedi exist

Stopped reading there. There were only about 10k Jedi TOTAL around the time of the PT.

Why is the sith inherently evil though?

Just because they're different doesn't make them any worse

Now that the EU has been discarded, it literally makes no sense why there were ten thousand Jedis when there are only two Sith and they are supposedly a peaceful monastic order

But more then two Jedi survived, were up to almost a dozen Jedi now who survived order 66

Lucas also answered this, that 'balance' to the force means killing all the sith, not having an equal amount of Sith and Jedi

Out of necessity, really, what with every previous Sith faction having been destroyed in a war with the Republic, or undone by infighting amongst their own ranks.

At various times though, the Sith, and offshoot groups, were relatively numerous.

The idea is that the Dark Side subverts the Force and control it for their own ends; pure ego. Jedi work righteously and in harmony with it.

You might say, "Well, okay, but doesn't anyone have the potential to be assholes? Why would destroying the Sith bring any kind of significant balance when more assholes can just pop up?"

Which is a very good question, and it's why the whole chosen one prophecy was a stupid, unnecessary addition to the story and added nothing of interest to Anakin's character.

The Rule of Two is canon, Darth Big Guy 4U appears in the Clone Wars and mentions it. The objective of it isn't explicited tho, but should be fucking obvious considering how of a dirty cheater Sheev is.

The Stormtroopers can just enter you home unwarranted and probably fuck your wife too. Fuck Palpatine.

Daily reminder that the Jedi were sent to murder a politician simply because of his religious beliefs.

The only good thing about The Clone Wars is the way it undermined Disney's attempts to non-canonise everything
In every other way, Clone Wars (the cartoon) is better

>Filoni made the fucking biochips canon,erasing any moral or emotional depth to Order 66
>But saved Delta Squad from retconium
>Created a fucking hairdyed "rad" Mandalorian just because
>But made the first step to show Hammerheads in the supercanon

Honestly, I don't know how to feel about him

we shot your force baby too, also thats traitor talk you're coming with us

From my point of view the Jedi are evil.

You mean like a certain Osama Bin Laden?
Sheev confirmed Bin Laden
Jedi confirmed Seal Team 6

daily reminder everything about the jedi backstory is terrible.

>leaving 2 alive


lucas at his prime desu

>>kill all jedi's bar
so where do they go drinking now?

No, but the fact that their entire philosophy basically boils down to "Be the most obviously evil mustache twirling fuckwit in the galaxy because that actually increases your magic Sith powers." sure does.

Yes, for his religion. I'm sure it wasn't because abused his political office to start a war with the seperatits, who he laso controls and caused ucountable amounts of death throughout the galaxy.
Plus they initially wanted to arrest him. Palpatine resisted the arrest and attacked them first.

what the hell are the jedi?
the space united nations peacekeeper force?

He was also an evil wizard to be fair.

They're space monks who slice people with lightsabers if they act in a way they don't like
Like Tibetan monks really

Not really. It's like today many people are killed not because they are Muslim, but because they are Islamists.

aw jeez rick w-w-why can't we just have our cakes and eat them t-to

>literally millions of jedi's exist

Try hundreds, not even close to a thousand

There were just about 50+/- of them in Geonosis and some of them died there

They were there to arrest him and expose him.
Windu didn't even kill him when he had him beaten.

>creator of the setting clearly has a vision about Jedi and Sith
>yeah but what if I ignore it and inject my own vision of reality, muh meme of the author

I think this was the moral of the prequels and the twist about Anakin bringing balance to the force.

However, the republic doesn't give a shit. The republic is just a government.

Jedi aren't a peaceful monastic order, they're an order of mystic warriors. Why would the most important emblem of a peaceful group be a horrific weapon?

Mostly because the Sith are about pure Id, wild emotional extremes. So they are chaotic.
Jedi are super-ego, strict emotional control. So they are order.

He's trolling. Any idiot can tell you people don't care what your religion is until you start practicing it and then they care only about your actions.

>Implying Kylo Ren's not being 'corrupted' by good as a twist on exactly this



Sup Forums memes aside, OP you really need to do your homework on current Star Wars lore. The Sith split from the Jedi Order during the Hundred Year war when Jedi disagreed with how to properly use the Force. This sect split and became the Sith because they believed the Force should be abused (ignoring it's a living sentient being) as an extension of their power because the weak govern the strong. What happened is the Sith became an extremely powerful empire and destroyed the Jedi Order and Republic. Then they turned on themselves in a struggle for power until eventually remaining remnants of the Republic and Jedi banded together and ousted them. Darth Bane was the only survivor and dedicated to create the rule of two and use secrecy to prevent this from ever happening again.

>>sith were the ones who brought balance to the force
No, Anakin fulfilled the prophecy by killing Palpatine. The Force was so tired of being the Sith's bitch they created Anakin to get rid of them permanently.

Aside from the sith, there are numerous dark jedi/dark side users out there.

And it seems anyone in touch with the force can be tempted by it.

>I think this was the moral of the prequels and the twist about Anakin bringing balance to the force.
I don't think so. Lucas himself made clear that "bringing balance" meant destroying the Sith, which is exactly what Anakin does anyhow. He just becomes a Sith himself along the way, which made his fulfilment of the prophecy a tragic ride that ends in suicide.

Jedi complacency is just what allowed Palpatine to manipulate events and Anakin to the extent he did.

>implying that isn't based

Dark side is force cancer.

Nope the number is around 20 to 30k. There were 10k Jedi Knights.

When do you faggots think they'll release the first teaser/trailer for VIII?

oh wow you really flipped it on it's head no one ever thought of that user

the force is the final boss WHEN

you've got to come to terms with the fact that "balance" means lack of evil for some reason

its an oxymoron. aka poetry.

>IQlet who has never even picked up a philosophy book criticizing a man with more brain power than the people on this board, combined

keep regurgitating that reddit atheist meme

>>the force is the final boss WHEN
In Knights of the Old Republic II.

How is it an oxymoron?

it doesnt make any sense and yoda is a massive cunt.

The Force is brought back to balance by destroying the parasites that were disturbing it. It's a stupid addition to the story, make no mistake, but it's coherent. The alternative interpretation doesn't even make sense, as Vader and Palpatine die while Luke--very much a Jedi--lives on. If "balance" calls for an even duality between the Sith and Jedi, how does that make sense?

no i mean he literally brings balance to force.
not that the end result is balance.