the other faggot OP is kill
/classical/ no description edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Links. Sorry guys, I forgot them because I'm a fag that sucks somalian dicks
>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #3. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #5. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #6. Very eclectic mix
>General Folder #7. Too lazy to write up a description for this, but it has a little of everything
>General Folder #8. The user who made this loves the yellow piss of DG on his face. Also there's some other stuff in here.
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy. There is not an accompanying chart, not available on request.
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic
>Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.
Opinions on Andrew Norman? Is this kind of stuff where contemporary classical is going to go next? Or more "post-minimalist" stuff?
who is your favorite harpsichordist ? you DO listen to harpsichord music, r-right user ?
> Beethoven's symphony no. 3 is a masterpiece
t doesn't appreciate milky sopranos
Scott Ross is great
How is it not?
What do you mean by post-minimalist?
new "complexity" which is more or less minimalism and some stuff happens. The chief exponent is Nico Muhly. Go and listen to that trash and you'll know that this movement is cancer like all the other movements post 1960.
Brahm's Second Quintet is his greatest masterpiece.
wrong the piano quintet is
More like this?
I adored his piano quintet (almost all his chamber works are masterpieces), but now I consider his violin concerto as his best
Have you even heard it? Its terrible
He'll be glad to know it
New Complexity has jack shit to do with any minimalist scenes wtf are you talking about? The earlier is far more chaotic structurally. Maybe if you actually knew a thing or two about movements after 1960 you wouldn't hate them. Stop sticking to muh common practice, and open your mind to other ideas in music.
90s and after music with a heavy minimalist bent but do different things with them.
Colin Stetson, Max Richter, Julia Wolfe, Glenn Branca, etc.
>Colin Stetson, Max Richter, Julia Wolfe, Glenn Branca, etc.
Scott Ross is pretty awesome. do you like Jean Rondeau ? there's some similarities between the two.
Based post
it's good
I like this, sounds like a deranged love baby of Messiaen and Penderecki
Its been six years and it never gets old
>it sounds like something bad so I like it
this is why we can't have nice things
Lay off the soy, boy or go listen to some cuckpin for pretty sounds
the irony is that Chopin was literally a cuckold-making factory whereas soys like Ives and Penderecki are permavirgins
>Chopin continues to be 2deep4plebs
Trips of truth
why are operas so lengthy?
can someone recommend light entry level operas for n00bs?
Already listened to Carmen and The Magic Flute, looking for something similar that doesn't last for ever.
Asperen, Robert Hill
>dude the counterpoint is good, trust me lmao
Fuck off Rosen
he dated a crossdressing whore
Hantai, Sempe, Ross, Leonhardt. This is nice too
pretty sad post tbqh
Got anything under an hour?
thanks, pickle man :D
>Bach had operas
This is what Bachites actually believe
if it doesn't have an aria sung by a THICC soprano it is NOT opera
The underated trinity:
>literally the cuck king
Literally any non-normie knows him.
>he gets underrated on the list of holy trinity of underrated composer
is a state of being more underrated possible?
anyone normies don't know is underrated. Me for instance. I am underrated
>tfw brainlet
>can only listen to 3-voice counterpoint before i start getting confused
bitch nah you're overrated AND overweighted
He's pretty qt tbqhwy
>tfw no qt cub countertenor bf
>why are operas so lengthy?
They're the equivalent of a feature-length movie. It should be entertainment for 2 - 3 hours, something worthy of going all the way down to the opera house to watch.
is that from an actual mozart piece?
I have no idea.
ach malachai! shalom and welcome back to tel aviv!
Maybe classical isn't for you sweetie
More like the forced meme trilogy.
>The underated trinity:
Counter tenor is the worst voice type.
If I write an orchestral score and it gets put in a library, would I be allowed to walk in any day I felt like it and rip it to shreds?
There is an unbelievable pathos to Smetana's First String Quartet
Schnittke is completely worthless
as are poly's opinions, you should have learned that by now
t. normie
yeah but Martinu is reasonably underrated. At the very least he has a distinctive sound (even if it is just coloring everything with ascending half-steps).
further proof Schnittke is underrated
His polystylism is fantastically modern in the stylistic sense; the first movement of his third quartet amalgamates Beethoven, Lassus and Shostakovich.
Wait.. what's wrong with contrary motion to a perfect fifth?
Anyone here play piano? Taking a piano class and found one on Craigslist, what should defects should I look for? It's a digital one btw
are you unable to get an upright piano due to where you live? it's much better to use a real piano
t. i have a degree in piano and composition
Make sure it has mono midi output
nothing, but it's coming from a perfect 12th which is really like a perfect 5th anyway and two perfect fifths in a row sounds like trash. you also should avoid leaping to perfect consonances
Mozart used parellel fifths so liberally and particularly in the case of resolving a German Augmented 6th that this particular sort of parallelism is called a Mozart Fifth.
Regardless of contrary motion, there is a perfect fifth between the uppermost notes of the chords as well as a perfect fifth between the notes of the second chord. It removes an element of contrapuntal texture - though this primarily a concern of aesthetic and not the balancing of harmony and dissonance.
interesting. ive never heard of that term before, thanks.
what are you laughing at? Of course he can break the rules, he's Mozart. He knows better than anyone how to do so.
I guess anyone who ever wrote convincing invertable counterpoint knows pretty well what they are doing. I'm just shitposting thouigh.
Dido and Aeneas is under an hour
Cavalleria Rusticana and I Pagliacci are usually done as a double bill cause they're short
La Boheme can't be much longer than an hour and 45
Elektra is about 85 or 90 minutes (sure isn't light though!!)
Poulenc's La Voix Humaine
Ravel's L'heure espagnole
Puccini's Gianni Schicchi
Bartok's Bluebeard's Castle
None of the above is longer than 70 mins.
I was wrong above, Elektra is more like 110 mins. Salome is shorter at circa 100 mins.
thanks for your recommendations and knowledge, senpaitachi
>Puccini's Gianni Schicchi
What's a good performance of this?
It's often performed with Puccini's other short operas, Suor Angelica and Il tabarro, as "Il trittico" = "the triptych". Various productions are available on Youtube, your mileage may vary... I personally would prefer a voice like Renata Scotto in this rep but it's hard to find a CD of her doing it at a reasonable price.
About 10 years ago, Parterre Box, the extremely gay opera gossip site, posted free sound files of almost all the operas in the standard rep in notable (and/or often otherwise hard to find) recordings. Il trittico files are downloadable here and there are similar pages for following years:
Hampus, did you finish your twelve tone fugue yet?
Not Hampus, don't even know who that is. And of course not. I suspect it will take a long time.
>don't even know who that is
>there are people posting on Sup Forums now who don't know about the Big Man on Hampus
Does anyone have those old /classical/ comics with him?
For the love of god /classical/ help me
The piece he starts playing at 1:00 is it really beethoven's??
It does sound like Beethoven and maybe familiar but I couldn't place it sorry. It'd be a sonata in the 15-20 range probably.
wew, thank you anyway
whats the difference between a strong melody and a good fugue subject?
A good fugue subject in the traditional sense is one which is amenable to all the contrapuntal devices you've decided to employ for the fugue you're going to base it on. If you're going to use stretto, for example, it needs to be canonic given the harmonic language you're utilizing. If you are going to use it in the base, you shouldn't use fifth chord factors otherwise you'll have 2nd inversion chords.
>new "complexity" which is more or less minimalism and some stuff happens
I think you mean "die neue Einfachheit"/"New simplicity"/"Nye enkelhed", like Wolfgang Rihm or Hans Abrahamsen.
what do you mean "fifth chord factors"?
Parallel fifths is fine and every composer does it. It's just usually avoided (and even then you can find exceptions from any composer, contrapuntal masters like Bach included) when the lines that it occurs in are meant to be distinct voices.