>Sup Forums actually believe crusades was about saving white race
Sup Forums actually believe crusades was about saving white race
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Go back to plebbit shithead.
Delete this. Sup Forums needs a simple and easy-to-understand narrative. This is too complicated and too uncomfortable to think about.
>Stupid Christians you invaded pagan territories too! Feel bad.
A heathen is a heathen.
The islamic ones were just more dangerous so they're more important in history.
>race meme
Except that race didn't really exist as a concept back then
How much is Shillery paying you?
>reddit actually believes the Crusades were done by Christians
>pol/ actually believe
do you have a single source to back that up?
Pagan Rome did far worse to Europe. God knows how many cultures were lost thanks to Roman aggression.
>iceland actually has enough free time and internets to make this thread, AGAIN
>defending Islam
Care to explain why everything EXCEPT Islam is subject to criticism on Sup Forums? Why are you protecting Muslim terrorism? Are you a Muslim? Do you want to lull unbelievers into a false sense of security so they are easier to kill?
Quality posting, lads.
What the fuck does Shillary have to do with the Crusades? Are you a proxyshitposter?
Also the siege of Constantinople as because the byzantine throne was being overthrown by an usurper.
The Venetians sack Constantinople because the usurper took it over and they were still loyal to the old king and wanted him back in power.
But then after the event the King didn't reward the crusader and they sacked it again and claimed their own rewards.
>one post by this id
Except it existed as a biological reality which is now proven by genetics
Putting citations all over your bullshit doesn't make it any less stinky.
>1 post by this ID
Yeah, and other Christians.
I'm pretty sure Real Crusades History already refuted most of OP's points.
>invading Catholic territories like Poland filled with heathen
you have to go back björk
>strawmanning my point
If it wasn't clear i was specifically arguing against the second greentext
>wreak havoc on your homelands by constantly attacking true Europeans
It should be now.
Those areas were heathen af. If you honestly expected a religion to take race over faith than you're not the smartest person.
What's up with all these Icelandic shills and shitposters lately?
I love how he didn't disprove islamic agression and expansion by Moors, Turks and islamic empire. What a disgusting islamophobe.
I understand the Crusades, I just don't get how Sup Forums can be pro white and pro Christian when Christianity never spoke about preserving race.
That image is long debunked with real empirical sourced and citations
It's summer so they all thawed out.
>muslim conquests
>conquest of Buddhist Afghanistan
>conquest of India
>conquest of Persia
>conquest of North Africa
>conquest of Levant
>conquest of Central Asia
>conquest of Iberian peninsula
How the muslims attacked the Chinese?
Battle of Talas
Did you ever ask yourself why muslim forces were near Tibet?
How muslims attacked one of Genghis Khans convoys which brought about the Mongol invasion of Khwarezima?
Look up "Inalchuq"
that image debunks nothing.
It debunks literally every single point in the OP
>Being this uneducated
The concept of race has existed since Adam and Eve you illiterate burger.
And nothing of value was lost.
Fun fact: The mongols had 12,000 Armenian cavalry, 40,000 Armenian infantry and Georgian infantry during the sieg of baghad.
That's a lot of things that aren't necessarily related to the Crusades, and especially the first crusade
What's wrong with Muslim conquests? They were conquering and converting various polytheistic heathens, just like Christians.
Pic is slightly disingenuous though.
The 270 million number includes asians and the muslim jihad picture doesn't show the dots in India and such.
Jew detected
Whats not wrong with them?
Christians had no problems with the Buddhist.
A heathen is not a heathen.
Europe is Europe.
>Citing wikipedia
Nice one
>mongols destroyed islam from the east (siege of baghdad)
Based cousins.
They were not saving souls
Buddhists don't worship a single God so if they were close to Europe they would have been conquered and converted. Eurocucks attacked fellow Christians in Russia for fuck's sake and you seriously believe that they would have left polytheists alone?
>Leaf got so btfo on pol it had to post some ''clever'' comment on a bait thread
How do the events of the Northern Crusade and Fourth Crusade change the Muslim attacks and raids?
>A heathen is not a heathen.
>Europe is Europe.
Race is not as important as religion to either Christians or the pagans of old.
Both considered each other evil.
Both waged war on each other.
Multi-religious pan-European alliances are a modern concept. IF you honestly expected Medieval Catholic Europe to spare pagans just because they were white you're not the smartest.
>Wikipedia, a site well-known for being left-leaning and biased
>Christians attack other Christians
>lived side by side with ancient Buddhist
This can even be found in Greek art
>muslims attack everbody including other muslims
Lol no it really wasn't, we all know this.
>biblical literature =/= world history
>Greek art
Muslims weren't infighting at the time of their conquests. It started later. It's not that it's good or bad, it's simply hypocritical because Christians were doing exactly the same.
>be Western "crusaders"
>sack Constantinople multiple times
>help the rise of Ottoman empire
>prop the said empire for centuries even though it oppressed millions of Christians, prevent kebab removal
>when it finally collapsed don't take Constantinople, create modern Turkey with it
>still protect Muslims through NATO and other treaties
>D-deus vult! We will take back Constantinople my Christian brothers!
Yeah, just fuck off.
>when it finally collapsed don't take Constantinople, create modern Turkey with it
Not Christians fault. This is entirely secular Europe's doing.
>still protect Muslims through NATO and other treaties
Same with this.
>Saved Europe during the Reconquista
>Saved Europe during Lepanto
>Saved Europe during the Siege of Vienna
>race didn't exist back then
It was much more segregated and complicated than today. Separate nationalities could be considered their own race. Europeans distinguished eachother by Scotts, Danes, Normans, Romans, Greeks, Goths, Dutch, Castillian, Slav races, Balkan races, Prussians, Austrians and Hungarians, just to name a few. Jews, Gypsies, Vandals, Saxons, Celts and Moors. World used to be bigger with an abundance of diverse traditions and customs.
Now you're just Black, white, brown or yellow.
why the FUCK is that whore wearing gloves if shes naled?
You're not fooling anyone turkroach
>>biblical literature =/= world history
The Bible is the most verified historical document in history. Look up the objective standards to verify an historic document, then look up verification of the Bible.
Try again.
>The Baitening 2: Ruse Baby's Revenge
Indeed anybody who unironically thinks this is a deluded retard.
The american and nazi obsession with race wasn't even a thing back in the day. The crusades were for religion because the pope needed mone- I mean, wanted to liberate the poor suffering people.
>attacking "true" Europeans and converting pagans as a negative when they were far worse than Muslims and raped, razed and pillaged everything in their sight
>Byzantium as a negative when twenty years prior they massacred 60,000 Catholic civilians, not to mention it was the Venetians and excommunicated crusaders who did it anyway in response to Greeks slaughtering resident Latins again and looting their quarters
>unironically thinking one siege beat the Muslims when their armies were too busy dealing with the west, allowing the opportunist mongols to attack them, also not bother to mention that a large Christian force participated in the siege
>not knowing the Cathars were the epitome of all things degenerate (devil worship, human sacrifice, cannibalism, incest, homosexuality), and they opposed marriage because of the sexual aspect but were okay with fornication since it was behind closed doors, refused to take oaths making them useless to countries, and started it themselves by murdering a Catholic emissary
>thinking the Thirty Years' War was about religion when the French fought on the Protestant side and over time countries entered just to gain land and power
>not mentioning it was because of Christian coalitions that the Turks were defeated and the Balkans were given the chance to break free in the first place
The image ranges from the time of Charlemagne, long before the Crusades even began, all the way up to the Thirty Years' War, long after the crusades were over, which just goes to show how desperate the creator is in their attempt to slander.
The conflict between the Teutons and Poles had nothing to do with crusades.
Like most of OP's point, they are completely irrelevant when it comes to discussing the, completely justified, Crusades.