I just marathoned the first episode of this and it's fucking incredible, why isn't Sup Forums shitposting about it 24/7?

I just marathoned the first episode of this and it's fucking incredible, why isn't Sup Forums shitposting about it 24/7?

It's like Dredd without Judges

>Dredd without Judges

fucking dropped

what's it about

It's 2074 and everything is shit

The main character is an American who jumped the border to Canada (they built a wall after 12 million illegals entered their country), took a new name and is now working at a company where the executive package includes hogtied sex slaves and getting fired involves Dennis Haysbert torturing your family to death

Some guy got arrested for snuggling food porn to work, i.e. a video of a woman eating an actual cake that wasn't a genetically engineered algae soy piece of shit

ok sounds interesting ill give it a chance, i love the expanse, scifi channel is getting better now

>tfw The Incorporated Man was a huge pile of shit that completely wasted the potential of its premise

Or you could think of it as a RoboCop series where the main characters are these guys and more emphasis is put on how every moment of their lives is just as desperate and tenuous as urban street rats


>Some guy got arrested for snuggling food porn to work, i.e. a video of a woman eating an actual cake that wasn't a genetically engineered algae soy piece of shit
That's what he gets for violating NAP.

Yeah but it's on SyFy, so there won't be enough smut in it to keep me entertained.

>Marathoned 1 episode.


>jumped the border to Canada (they built a wall after 12 million illegals entered their country)

Shill propaganda detected

into the trash it goes

But how can it be good if SyFy made it?

the expanse is pretty good

>like Dredd without Judges

So all of the bland, generic dystopian future setting with none of the action and fun?

this. and Sup Forums so dumbed-down even further.fuck

I was thinking about what's off on this show and it's actually unique in how it focuses on the rich in the setting instead of the poor. Usually these shows center on the ghetto and give glimpses to the faceless opulent greedy people living at the top, this centers on the corporate skyscraper and gated community that serves it, gives little details like how the MC's wife is crazy as shit because she was held for ransom and her ear was cut off a few years ago, how an exec who was kind of a drunk pill popping jerk still didn't deserve to be framed and executed for treason, etc.

Everything these days is the "Game of Thrones of X" but you know how in any other fantasy series the Lannisters would just be "the bad guys" but instead we spend half the time learning WHY they're such a bunch of deranged murderers and tyrants and how awful their lives are too?

sounds like a p cool concept. does it have awful execution like the rest of the syfy shows?

It's got all your favorite StarGate actors and actually uses Toronto becoming a megalopolis as a plot point because most other major cities are underwater

Haysbert is a treat though - I never expected him to play such a convincing fascist sociopath. I love how every conversation he has involves the other participant shitting themselves wondering if they're going to die at the end of it even though he only seems to kill about 10% of the people he talks to

>Toronto becoming a megalopolis

Toronto is an awful awful city. One of the worst places on planet earth I'd have the misfortune to visit

>I never expected him to play such a convincing fascist sociopath
Well he did used to play Obama

This a realistic depiction?

for people with adhd i guess they can call it marathoned since their attention span is so small

they just stole that directly from Brazil didn't they

>It's like Dredd without Judges
So its shit?