Wow... really makes you think

wow... really makes you think

not an argument

Really makes you shill.


Not the fact that people actually voted for someone under investigation by the FBI?

I'm #cruzmissle now

>People who only knew one of the richest, most successful businessmen in the country as "that reality TV guy" talk about the dumbing down of America

wow it really makes you think

Im now #shill4hill

Reminds me that Obama's a community organizer.

Not think. Just realize that with Trump there is Hope. Not a thought, just a fact.

Wasn't Reagan a movie star?

the fact that people take seriously flashy little political jpgs posted on the internet is proof that the dumbing down of America is complete

considering the fact that a reality tv star has a much better idea for whats good for this country and our security then anyone else with years of experience thats running/ran, yeah Id say this country is pretty fucking dumbed down.

The Clintons are actors. Act honest. Act like you are important. Act like they care about America. Not convincing. Time to Cancel their show. Last season for the Clinton Crime Drama.

>Reality TV Stars
>Not wildly successful

Mike Rowe
Ducks Unlimited
Anything on the home network
Bar Rescue

I could name more shows but these are just a few shows that are "reality TV" but really quite educational in buisness, work and home life much like how the apprentace taught people what professional apprentaceships are like.

The only reality TV that is actually dumb are things like jersy shore or shows that depict the reality of degeneracy.

No really?
The worst of those Americans are the ones that think they are above that influence, or that think that because they are under American influene everyone else would be; they're so deep down that even if they think they rise above they simply sink deeper into the bullshit.
If Germans are cucked then what are Americans? Super-cucked? Seems fitting considering their propaganda-turned-would-be-culture.

The fact that most of them can hardly leave the country due to crippling poverty nowadays just helps perpetuate this state; they lack the very most basic means to actually check out the real nature of the world beyond the limits their masters set them.


Hello, Democrat.

Reagan was a movie star, so I don't see why trump being a reality TV star is relevant

>he was on TV, therefore he's bad

What the fuck is the argument here? Also, most people knew him from his businesses decades ago before he was a reality TV star. These asslords who only know Trump as "that guy on TV who fires a lot of people" makes them the dumb ones if anything.

>wow... really makes you think

You are right, I am now a #hildo


Liberals are in control of education for the past 60 years, take it up with them.