Dont even choose to be gay

>Dont even choose to be gay
>The world hates you for it

Ever seen a pride parade?

Because it fucking doesn't.

Ever seen a yuppie dudebro fratboy party?

> I didn't choose to put a speedo on, grease up, hop on a float, and shove my lifestyle in the worlds face.

>don't choose to be a nigger
>The world hates you for it

This lion killed 50 faggots, where was you?

Pride parades have plenty of almost naked women every year I NEVER see you guys complain about that because you masturbate religiously to lesbians

Real talk:

Lesbian porn sucks ass. Penetration or go home.

>Dont even choose to be a pedophile
>The world hates you for it

why are they wearing them that loose
thats pretty loose underwear
something tells me not all of them take it

They do? I always thought that those were fat trannies.

I guarantee if I posted lesbians you guys would be begging for more and fapping at the same time

You mean the ones with tons of alcohol, hot girls, and party games? Yeah I have seen those bud

>Choose to partake in faggotry
>omg y nobodi lyk me when i rub my dick on children in public!?

Because you prance your shit around in public acting like the biggest faggots around and try to tell us it's normal? Forget it. Just keep your shit to yourself in the privacy of your homes.

Islamic world flushes your "born gay" shit theory down the toilet.

In Islamic countries most men fuck little boys because they themselves were fucked as a little boy.

Either all arabs have some gay gene which is impossible or they were molded into faggots since childhood.

Gay can be cured. Islamic societies ironically is proof.

>t. Someone who unironically faps to lesbian porn

What are you 14?

Dude. We are on the internet. Every kind of porn i would ever want is just few seconds of searching away.

most lesbian porn is not lesbians. lesbians in real life are ham planets

Because you are like fifth wheel you only a burden. Why do people should like burden?

so arabs are actually huge faggots?

>lesbians in real life are ham plane

You would rather fuck a hairy dude's asshole than a blonde with big tits. You are retarded

Because you DO choose to be a drug-addled, narcisstic slut. If gay men could behave like human beings, almost nobody would hate them.


I dont but most of pol doest

The steering wheel?

does sex with his own sex
>isn't a choice

eats food he likes
>isn't a choice

see where I;m going ?

You should look around you and see nature telling you you are meant to interact sexually with the opposite sex acting against nature makes you a degenerate.

You can choose to understand this and cease choosing to act against nature... unless you actually are beyond that point in which case... "It is an abomination to me" says the Lord

>er fuck a hairy dude's asshole

You fucking 12 year old downie, the Arab world is full of gay sex because it's jailhouse gay. Polygamy means there are less women to go around, so they end up fucking each other.

How could you possibly know that? Post proof.

Who chose it for you then? You are given over to a reprobate mind because of your own deviancy, and need to repent and know God's law.
There is no substance to the idea that an overriding force compels people to be degenerates. It is an equivalent to normalising pedophilia or bestiality.

The good news is you can believe on the lord Jesus Christ and free yourself from slavery to sin. I beseech you to read the Bible for yourself and know God's plan for you.

because it is in your nature to be seditious traitors that side with foreigners over your own nation and it's culture, even when those foreigners massacre you for being gay.

I don't hate you because you love men, I hate you because your response to being attacked by my enemy is to attack me rather than to side with me against the enemy that attacked you.

Because poo in dick.

No normal person enjoy poo in your dick, expect maybe pakis and indiand

>Sup Forums still has this shit of taste in twinks
So I'm guessing because all of you are so fucking ugly that's why you find no oddity in thinking that hatchetfaced skinnyfats are really hot.

this tbqhwyf

I dont believe in god but when I die I will become a god, so will you.

>>Dont even choose to be gay>The world hates you for it Why?

Which makes them fucking gay.

"im n n not gay, it was just prison, and loneliness, and sexual emergency"

Arab society is fucking gay as fuck and that puts a very big hole in "gay is genetic" theory.

I would BULLY that kid so much and he would be utterly helpless and break up in cries

Opposed to scripture. What's hour basis for this belief?

>No normal person enjoy poo in your dick
I guarantee if a girl said ''fuck me in ass user'' you wouldn't hesitate.

Why don't gays get it? Gays should know why they're so hated by now.

Show me your butthole faggot.

No, polygamy is only real for rich guys, and rich arabs are a minority.

Faggotricy was commom on the arab world before Muhammad. Muhammad could been a bad guy, but he tried to make his people manly for the first time.

Outter body experiences

Well I guess everyone gets gay gene therapy before they enter prison then. Just stick to Spurdo and be silent.

Listen, child. Go do research on why gay sex is so common in the ME instead of pontificating on Sup Forums.

I dont want to get doxxed, this site is full of pshychopaths afterall

You might not choose to have cocklust, but you do choose to be a faggot

I would.

I don't think why would anyone change a pussy for a hole that expel shit.

Its like prefering to drink water from a polluted River than from a clean river

came here to post it
kill yourself faggots, all of you.

Don't fall for this farse, you are damned to hell if you don't turn around

Because all humans are bisexual and your sexual orientation is ultimately the product of arbitrary choice (indirectly; you don't choose to be gay or straight, but you do choose whether to internalize masculine or feminine behaviors / thought patterns / values, which in turn determines your sexuality). You are expected to do your part to strengthen the social order by internalizing the appropriate values and thereby contributing to the social cohesion of the society. "muh individualism" (degeneracy) and "muh innate desires" (no such thing) are not valid exemptions from this obligation.

Still ugly as fuck. Do you degenerates have a mong fetish or something??

Being gay is a choice. No matter what you literally butt hurt faggots think.
Homosexuality is a life CHOICE that you choose from any mixture of bad parenting, mental disability, past trauma, and a deep rooted subconscious perversion.

In the end, faggot is a fetish.

There is no biological basis for homosexuality.

>Yes good goy, dont explore your true non phsyical potential

islam allows sex slavery, Predinho

That's the point. There is no gay gene. It is social. Gay is a mental illness just like having prison sex is just out of necessity.

Post yourself then, can your fat ass even fit inside the cameras focus?

>It's a mental illness
>Which is also a choice!
Go away.

Take that shit to /soc/, you fucking cancer. And enjoy your ban.

>islam allows sex slavery, Predinho
But not from muslims...

In the Ottoman Empire most sex slaves were circassians(before they converted to islam), balkan and ukrianian christian people

I have to admit thats a pretty funny joke

Nobody hates you, you do this to yourself.

>promiscuos western instagram girls will be forced to suck Ahmud's smelly cock

Did I hurt your feelings tubby?

you blacks have no shame

>says the Lord
Which lord was that again?

Sup Forums isn't for camwhoring, you ugly skank.

>not wanting to force a whitey twink to suck your cuck while you use your superior muscles to slap him and threaten to release footage of it all if he refuses to let you paint his chest with cream and lick it

>Be a flaming faggot
>Why does the world hate me?
Try being a normal person in gay and you will find life is easy?

>suck your cuck
Are you on holiday Sven?

>you ugly skank
No need to get catty I'm sure if you call yourself a bear you might find one of those chubby chasers who are into sbbm.

i meant cock
im an homophobic right winger but i payed a twink to let me fuck his ass and millk my cock with his feet once

I'm gay.
I used to hate it, and myself. Got seriously depressed for a while. In high school, I pretty much whored myself out to every woman that I could find. Never enjoyed it, got laid a tonne but I always had trouble getting it up. I didn't find any of the women attractive, despite a good portion of them being the "popular" girls.
Tried real fucking hard to be straight. I even stopped being friends with pretty much every guy I knew and only started hanging out with chicks. Which, actually only made me hate myself more.
Eventually I decided to get my shit together, but stayed away from any kind of romance and sex in general. Which has basically gotten rid of my depression.

Now I've accepted it, but I think I'd still prefer to be "normal". To be straight. If there was a pill to make me full straight, I'd probably take it. Problem is, just do not see the appeal in women whatsoever. I can talk to them, and seduce them just fine. I guess it helps since I'm pretty attractive, but that's not it. It's not even their looks, which also don't do it for me, but their personalities. I just do not enjoy talking to them.

How was it?

Delicious but i felt very guilty afterwards
i havent done it again ever since

No one enjoys talking to women, mate.
It's just a necessary pain.

Maybe I am dumb but unless but you sound bi.

How do you deal with long term relationships then.

I'm not trying to be an ass hole, or sarcastic. I'm legitimately serious.
Like If I were to start dating one of you faggots, I imagine it'd be pretty interesting. Shit talk about politics, jews, movies. Then do manly shit like go hiking, camping or whatever else.
I've just never met a single woman who has ever had interests that aren't just god fucking awful.

But you do choose to shove stuff up your ass. Fuck off op, it's a mental illness that doesn't need encouragement.

I known some bi sexual guys who've opted to being gay since women were too much of a hassle. So I guess they chose being gay.

Yes but your forgetting one thing. BOOBIEs

>Dont even choose to be gay
Yes, you choose to be gay. I have seen plenty of faggots fucking women, many of which stopped being faggots for good. Stop kidding yourself!

>The world hates you for it
And for a daam good reason, you faggots make pride parades and rub your gayness in our eyes and in front of children, if you kept your fucking degeneracy behind closed doors no one would give 2 shits about you or your kind.

That said, stay the fuck away from Brazil or we will crack your motherfucking head and upload the video to liveleak, you have been warned!

>Pride parades have plenty of almost naked women every year I NEVER see you guys complain about that because you masturbate religiously to lesbians
The only think likeable about lesbians is how they cry like little bitches right before you crack their fucking skull in using a crowbar.


Brazil proving once more that they are in fact sociopathic niggers.

>blatant self loathing
>projection of insecurity and said self loathing onto everyone around you

What makes you believe anyone gives a fuck about your sexuality apart from your imam?

Nah. Took me a lot to get myself hard. Was even harder keeping it hard. Just did not enjoy it. You know those shitty porn movies where the guy fucking the chick is barely hard throughout the entire scene? Yeah, that was me.

Do literally nothing for me. Asses though, now they're good.

I hate fags in the same way as lesbians.
Fucking degenerates

just slaughter all the semitic believers

I think you just need to accept it and find a qt Sup Forums bf tbqh

It might be the choice of someone else in your life though. For example a jealous father competing for your mother's attention.

Based Joel

>tranny capital of the world
You sure showed us.

>Dont even choose to be gay
So tell me, who have chosen for you to put dick in another dude's asshole, recieve such dick in your asshole, or lick pussy?
Was it government? Local priest? Illuminati?

Because of the intolerance of religious assholes that don't actually understand their religion and instead use it as a means to support /justify their hatred.
Also, repressed homos want to be homos but are too scared of what theyre friends and family will think of them.

>Don't even choose to be gay


Already have. But finding someone with Sup Forums tier beliefs is fucking hard. Even if it's more moderate.

>that picture
Isn't that, that popular cosplay kid who killed himself. I think his name was Frank or something?

Only rich maggots could afford being gay in the fucking NATURAL STATE OF MANKIND.

See Ancient Rome, can the farmer desperately trying to live off his land BE A FUCKING FAG? No he needs sons for the labour work, he needs daughters to tend the household when the mother is too tired.


No that's Frank Wolf, Joel is just a twink. He still posts on tumblr but he isn't a super thin femboy any more just a normal twinkish homo.

You'll find one eventually just need to put yourself out there.

Just BEEE yourself :^)

>sociopathic niggers.
Im an european descendant actually, even though there are 2 niggers in my group it is still mostly made out of Portuguese, German and Italian descendants.

Can't really argue with the sociopathic part, I guess that defines us pretty well.

>You sure showed us.
Well, if we already have that many trannies while doing this kind of violence, just imagine how bad the situation would be if we did not actively control their population? This is the only think we can do at this point. You can't even tell these fucking mentally ill freaks that they are acting like a bunch of mentally ill freaks withoun't they trying to start shit up claiming hate crime or some shit, therefore only one solution remains: Violence.