Biopic when?

>Michael Sheen says he's quitting acting to become a full-time activist fighting the rise of 'fascistic' far-right populism

Good for him, your God Emperor's Admemestration is obviously a plight on the planet.

Amy Schumer, Emma Watson and others should join his cause.

What a cuck

kys yourself

>dated Kate Beckinsdale and Rachel McAdams
>now with Silverman

How was he pulling top tier hotties and why did he settle for that?

Based savior of the leftist race


What's up, alt right redditors?

I've wanted to fight him ever since I've seen Midnight in Paris.

hopefully one of his pet niggers brains him at a "protest" (read: chimp out)

If you like this guy (he looks familiar but I don't remember what I saw him in), then you should be worried for his safety.

'They' will get after him and possibly kill him if he gets too close and tries to oust them.

Except Mossad and/or CIA to make a move if he says anything.

*I saw

Drunk like Hemingway

>mfw I read this earlier and it's a real story, not a parody from the Onion or something

in what way is he going to fight fascism? what the fuck is he talking about?

You have to go back.

>leftist faggots

Fighting the NWO.

das juden

Remember when dignity was a thing?

At what point did everyone turn into diaper wearing adult-babies?

It doesn't even make sense, even something like 'quitting acting and going into politics' I would get but he's literally saying he personally is leaving his family and going on a mission to fight fascism in Wales like it's a biker gang he's going to hunt down

>Michael Sheen

Around the 60s when people started being cheered on for being unemployed racemixing Communist drug abusers. Since then the notion of shame has completely gone out the window. Chris Brown beat Rihanna's face into a pulp and a couple months later he was back to selling out arenas. I think short of pedophilia it's open season nowadays

>in what way is he going to fight fascism?

He'll go along to a couple of protests, get bored and then come back home like nothing happened

This is embarrassing how hard you're trying

Trying to do what?

Masters of Sex
Likes to play Tony Blair in films (The Deal, Queen and The Special Relationship)

Trump may be a populist but he's anything but far-right.

>'fascistic' far-right populism


So he's going to dance around in the middle of a Welsh street, shadow boxing and yelling "Down with white privilege!" until Dindu Mohammed runs him down with an ice cream truck, right?

So nobody.