Projects he is working on:
Pepe le Pew movie
Live action Pokemon movie
Live action Berserk movie
Dirk Gently tv show
Based Landis
Projects he is working on:
Pepe le Pew movie
Live action Pokemon movie
Live action Berserk movie
Dirk Gently tv show
Based Landis
Other urls found in this thread:
Is he a homo? He looks homo
Max, did I ever tell you about the time your father organised a dangerous film shoot despite several warnings from experts, which resulted in the deaths of actor Vic Morrow and two children, and that because he was wrongfully acquitted, he had the opportunity to spawn you, and that only nepotism allows you to continue your career as a mediocre screenwriter?
He was a good friend.
reminder that Max is always right and you can see him destroying everybody in this video but nobody will see this video
>Live action Berserk movie
Thank god Miura himself killed my interest in this series before Hollywood got its hands on it.
All of those except Dirk Gently sound absolutely shit-tier godawful, no wonder people are always showing up in DG threads and calling everyone Max Landis.
He's not working on pokemon, his script went no where.
>implying live action berserk starring tom hardy as guts and paul dano as griffith wouldn't be god tier
(((kinda))) funny
man that fat fuck greg is the worst
wtf, since when is he doing berserk?
He's part of the effeminate cuckold generation
Source on Berserk?
This is great because he does browse Sup Forums. Rock bittom self esteem.
He sure is (((our guy)))
No. When he first got famous he did an interview where he tried to sound like a Chad and bragged about how many hot chicks he nails because he's famous. Now he shaves the side of his head and dies his hair rainbow. He just does whatever gets the most attention. I'm sure he'll come out as trans any day.
>Projects he is working on
But this just means he submits scripts and then they get rejected
>Pepe le Pew movie
Yes, because why not make a movie about a skunk that people would call essentially a rapist?
I actually don't mind Landis. Some of the videos he puts out are cool and insightful though I don't really like the movies he writes. He is also one of the few people who criticize Disney .
link to interview?
Thanks for making American Girlfriend
I didn't think it was possible but they sound even more shit than everything else he's done
It got taken down after he changed his image. Here is SJezebelW whining about it but they do include direct quotes:
>Posting direct jezebel link
nah still would be shit
the series is never going to be finished
It's a real shame that helicopter didn't land on him