Any Kalifornia bros here? We're about to lose our AR's. Post yfw

Any Kalifornia bros here? We're about to lose our AR's. Post yfw.

That "meme" image needs to die.

Who the fuck has been spreading it so much recently?

Simple solution do not turn them in. I would never comply with any law that takes away my weapons.

We can still get semi-auto shotguns right?

Yes. But you'll have to take a background check and register your ammo

Fuck Eminem looks horrifying.

Or just go to a gun show.
>People seem new to this old concept

Also, if you have a bullet button AR you get to have it for life, registered, and it will not be able to be passed on upon your death

so your saying every time you buy a box of ammo you have to go the fuckin police to register it? Who the fuck is going to do that.

The memes must flow

Looks like sks's with detachable mags might get a little more popular, if AR's get banned.


No, you'll need to submit a form to the doj just like when you purchase a gun

If that's true, get ready for war gentlemen.

Any reason you put "semi-auto" in that sentence?

Makes me glad I make my own ammo.


Liberalism strikes again.

have you actually done this?
because every gun show I go to you go through a background check when making a firearms purchase.
are you spewing the "gun-show loophole" meme, or has it happened to you?
If so, what state do you live in?

I live in FL can confirm gun shows here run background checks and comply with holding periods. Gun show loop hole is a lie.

Yes it's real, Ya there are ffl dealers at gun shows but there are also regular people selling guns like it was a garage sale. I've literally bought all my rifles this way. I'm in NM.

Exactly, NM. The laws are quite different in CA. Here you must do a face to face transfer at a local FFL - federal firearms licensed dealer

It's not a lie where I live. I know how crazy it sounds but as long as you're buying from a "private dealer" ( Joe smoe) there's no background check. If you try to buy from a sponsored dealer then you have to go through there background check.

I feel for you user

>Mfw my city here in Sweden has more gun stores than San Francisco, a city with a population half as big as Sweden

MFW California bans guns and gun violence increases. Its going to be so much easier to shoot people when only the cops and criminals have guns. Enjoy waiting 20 min for help when some psycho with an AK is 20 seconds away from you. You asked for it when it happens.

He's not considered an FFL Dealer then. I can take my whole gun collection to the gunshow and sell each one, without background checks because i'm not a dealer. The gunshowloophole is a 90% lie. Most of the people, the vast majority of sellers at gunshows, are dealers. There are exceptions but who cares. It's not pertinent, and I need to be able to give a weapon as a gift or buy something for a family member or sell privately without govt involvement or pass down guns to my kids if i want to and the Govt can GTFO if it doesn't like it. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

All this talk about guns and bans and shit is immaterial. The media blasting the names and making heros/martyers/infamous out of the shooers, the govt not enforcing immigration laws, the drug companys and govt allowing them to sell dangerous drugs to people who make them psychotic etc are way more at blame for any of the shootings than the 2nd amendment or any law abiding gun owners. And the rest of the shootings are the cost of doing business, i don't care if 1 million people a year get killed, your not taking my right to defend myself away so you or anyone can feel "safe". GTFO.

Yea, sf just closed down the last one. They wanted to make it mandatory to videotape all transactions. Paging Mr. Wells...

>California Ammo will have serial numbers and you'll need to present your used casings to the Police and tell them what you shot and why you shot it

In NY you do a background check right at the gunshow. There's no private deals going on and state troopers walk around the parking lot looking for anyone trying to sell anything.

Nice pasta user, I agree with you. I'm just saying get your guns while and how you can. When I walk into gun shows here, I have at least a hundred private seller's collections to pick a choose from. Ffls can eat my shit.

We have state troopers do the same thing. But private sales are legal here.

Same in FL but you don't have to register your guns.

No registration needed here either.

They can attempt an assault weapons ban, but it will be gone around, just like the SAFE act in NY. You should see some of the abominations that have been made to get around the law.

lmao, Commiefornia
By the way, could you stop coming to Austin? We don't want you here in Texas

> googled microstamping

holy fucking shit, how is this real?

they really passed a law requiring microstamping. but only for new handguns not previously sold. and the microstamping firepin technology that's required, is patented. and the only legal way to implement it is to purchase it from the patentholder, a company in Washington.

so, thanks for creating a monopoly. gud job guise.

oh, and, what stops you from replacing it with a functional, non-stampy firing pin? nothing. are they going to make firing pins illegal to possess? no.

for existing guns, there is a different list, the Roster of "Not Unsafe" Handguns. i wish i was making this up, holy fuck.

no wonder Smith & Wesson, and Ruger completely gave up on California. no new products will be sold there. they cited microstamping psychobabble as the reason.



>Ridiculously high real estate being driven up and up by rich chinks who buy all the houses and apartments but don't work there or pay taxes there
>Highest taxed state in the US
>Severe drought and natural resource shortage which will only get worse
>tech "companies" worth billions of dollars that have never recorded a cent in profits.

Why don't they just include the buffer tube into a stock and make it one big stock, instead of having two prongs sticking out like that?

Brush up on your California gun laws, and it will make "sense"

You forgot the fact that the entire southern half of the state has been flooded with Mexicans

so that you can still hold onto the bottom prong
you're not allowed to have pistol grips

>Yfw you realize just how Orwellian California is...

Yup, far more spics than any other state, all of whom leech off government services but none of whom pay any taxes.

The bubble is going to burst soon.

That's what liberals do to America

I was thinking about buying a gun, because my neighborhood isn't safe in LA. But this law will it really hard for criminals to use a gun. I feel safe, and am now #mentallyhill.