Stop frogposting.
Stop frogposting
eat shit church burner
... said the murderer who stabbed Euronymous 16 times in the back
he sacrificed many years of his life to rid the world of euronymous for the rest of us. show him some respect.
why did varg have a memeresurge just now? Is it because of the amount of redditors that came here for the elections?
>that came here
bad news bud
they were already here
>people hating on Based Varg
rddit pls go
He used to be so cute :3
It was the lamps
what's norwegian for JUST?
You do realize that redditors idolize racist retards like him, right?
looks like an edgy faggot 2bh
Varg or Brevik who is best?
Varg. Breivik is a puppet for the Jews.
but every racist subreddit gets banned so how is being racist being reddit
we can't control what reddit does, nor do we need to adjust according to what they do
>uploads on jewtube
>not a jew
ya'll jealous that he's not cucked and has a qt aryan wife and 5 children
she looks like she has teh downs
Downstards are infertile.
heres one of them
That's just called "being Scandinavian."
She's French or some shit.
yeah but she's french