Do you have any blacklisted actor? Someone who you never watch the movies they're in because of how much you hate them.
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Do you have any blacklisted actor? Someone who you never watch the movies they're in because of how much you hate them.
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You should watch This Is The End anyway, it's his finest performance.
Shuan Penis, he's a faggot kike.
I want to beat his kike face in
Isn't that guy a pedophile?
You're strongly retarded. Paul Dano is studied at the most prestigious drama colleges like Tisch and Strasberg. He is classic cinema.
yep. It's the only part of the movie I like.
Yes he is a Jew.
Michael Cera is good in Arrested Development
Thanks for reminding me, I fucking refuse to watch any of this dirty jews shit.
Adam Sandler
he needs to mow my lawn and go back
Isn't this guy a pedophile?
Any black, Jewish, brown, or non-christian actor.
He was pretty funny in arrested development desu. Being a mad pol cunt does not equate reasonable hate.
That was 13 years ago. He's been shit ever since.
Except for that webseries he did with Clark Duke. That shit was tight.
jonah hill
adam sandler and any of his friends
Jennifer Lawrence
Anything with Seth Rogen
No, I don't
Audrey Hepburn
Pampered coal burning bitch, so smug. Can not stand a second.
Mila Kunis
Never seen a good movie with her in it
Yeah fuck that piece of shit. I hate how everyone acts like its an honor to be in his dumb fucking movies too.
Isn't every on Sup Forums a pedophile?
No user just you
The Book of Eli is a great movie. So is Black Swan.
Isn't that guy a pedophile?
Just a bender
Leo diCaprio
>this pic
so accurate
Max Payne
Observe and Report and 50/50 are pretty good.
You can ignore the rest.
Any nigger, jew, hispanic, asian, gay, trans, feminist or anyone else who has ever said anything I disagree with.
What about it?
No, because I know the quality of the movie depends on the director rather than the actors.
shia, iron man, cruise, depp, j law, harlot johansin
is a bad movie, yes.
Vin Diesel. Only ever saw him in Saving Private Ryan but have gone out of my way to avoid all his other films.
dude has hella dandruff
Iron man and Cruise have made some great movies though.
He's not so bad. I don't know why he gets all these tough guy roles though, he's like a poor man's Dwayne Johnson. Riddick movies are halfway decent if you ignore the retarded lore.
Channeling your inner Orson Welles, I see?