Alright, time to watch a true classi-
>3h 58m
Oh fuck off.
Alright, time to watch a true classi-
>3h 58m
Oh fuck off.
god damn millenials can't go 4 hours without checking their phones
>So this dead guy finally got his sticky, huh? Let's see how good his only movie is
>3h 48m
Yeah nah
more like 4 minutes
Jesus. I can't stand neo-Sup Forums.
Hey, I heard this was one of the most influential films of all t--
>3h 28m
LOL nope
I could go days without looking at my phone, but I'm not sitting through four hours of romantic drama.
>1. Sup Forums would tell these posters to fuck off forever
>2. Sup Forums ironically posts this to trigger other tv/ users
>3. Sup Forums genuinely posts this but knows they should be ashamed
>4. Sup Forums genuinely posts this and isn't ashamed
>5. Sup Forums genuinely posts this and calls anons who have seen the movies cucked sjws because of a screencap they saw from the movie that had a girl and/or black person in it
Is there a lower point for Sup Forums then where we are now?
kino is not bound by the attention span of plebs
there's an intermission, you can always stop it during that and finish it later
>Is there a lower point for Sup Forums then where we are now?
PC or PS4?
Cuz romance is only for icky girls not super studs like us, huh user. Besides that though there's a lot more going on in the film once you realize that a story is more than the narrow frame of it's protagonist.
OP is a faggot.
considering that most Sup Forums posters probably binge watch 8 hours of some totally inane tv show with no problem, this shouldn't be that big of a deal for anyone.
Why was Clark Gable so suave?
They do that while snap chatting and shitposting on a Mexican Hat Dancing forum.
Okay, time to watch Bergman's late-career epic-
>5 hours and 12 fucking minutes
Come on, man.
That bored me to death by the 1 hour mark and I was watching it at 2x. Does it get better, or at least less shit?
>can't watch 4 hours of one of the greatest movies ever
>will gladly marathon 400 hours of Game of Cucks
not for you it won't
Kill yourself, and yes it does.
>Come for the sweeping Scottish highlands, love story, and medieval-tier violence.
>Get Scottish man-ass instead.
>Year of the lord 2017
>Makes cuck puns out of tv series titles
>I watch movies made before 1960
Maybe I should give Hungarian cinema a chan-
>7h 30m
>Black and white
We've been over this before. 1977 is the cutoff year.
I know this is trolling, but GWTW legitimately needed some serious editing. The entire second act basically serves no purpose to further the narrative. Most overrated film of all time.