So, how the fuck getting naked in a horse got this fine gentleman killed again?

So, how the fuck getting naked in a horse got this fine gentleman killed again?

He was fucked by the horse

He fell off the edge of the park. For somebody of that size it's like a 500 foot drop.

when you get to the edge of the park the shrinking effects instantly wear off and you expand to normal size at dangerously rapid rates.
he was suffocated by his own internal organs when this happened, how dumb do you have to be to not catch on to the implications

The horses are artificial. They cross the park boundary, they blow up.

he didn't fly so good

>not mentioning the feather

when the horse reaches the edge of the park, it is greeted by a giant raven god which will eat anything as a payment for granting humans the usage of its shrink magic

Stupid fucking idiot, here's the real reason:

What implied he died?

Arnold is the guy that died. Will did this to make it look like Logan went nuts so he could take over the business.

How many dickgirls do you think there are in the park?

None, as neither Arnold nor Ford were huge fucking faggots

he's alive, he just got cucked out of business

I didn't see any picture of a wife or family in Ford's desk.

Logan didn't die.

But being found naked on a horse made folks think he was insane, and unfit to run the company.

No but their guests are and Westworld generally indulge their guests degenerate fantasies.

They have some on staff, too.

I think Elsie would've arranged to have a dick put on Clementine if shit never went down and the park kept existing normally.



But he would have been immediate unshrunk and it would have been a 2 foot drop

but the ai are programmed not to go beyond a certain part. The animals would have even less cognition than humans and could have easily just stayed within the boundary. Any human wouldn't guess the horses determinism.

>not just drunk as fuck and messing about with the lads

Unshrinking actually takes a long time, that's why they have Westworld guests stay to "depressurize" at the resort before they're allowed to leave.

alcohol helps with the expanding of body mass too. that's why they're all getting sauced on the pool deck before they go home