Trump meme is over

I voted for Trump in the primaries and helped him win my state, my district was close with Trump on top, and Rubio running extremely close

Got myself a white trump hat with a nice navy MAGA

That hat gotten me laid and has been the life of the parties during March madness and on wards. Love it

But I'm going to vote Johnson this November. Anyone else in the doing the same?

Other urls found in this thread:

>That hat gotten me laid and has been the life of the parties during March madness and on wards. Love it
At this point we knew op was a shill.

I'm voting Hillary.

nah youre fat and ugly and alone

I used to be a Trump supporter like you

>yfw you realise that Hillary is spending thousands of dollars hiring dorks, losers, and various other forms of societal rejects to shitpost anti-trump threads on Sup Forums in a desperate attempt to sway public opinion on the board.

>yfw it isn't working.


You talk like a nu-male trying to fit in.

You are human garbage.

Damn...really makes you think...

Can someone please tell me why anyone in there right mind would shill on Sup Forums?
I mean, at this point it's getting ridiculous.

Commit sudoku, senpai-chan-sama

There has to be some major leftist offensive on Sup Forums now. It's been crazy the past couple of days. Funny thing is that they never actually convince anyone of anything other than that they're retards. But we already knew that.

really makes you think, I'm a #Shill4Hill now

t. Gregg Hughes

Just keep spamming nigger threads to redpill them.

Dat Twist in the end.
I love it.

You think you can get the U.S. out of the slop that is their two-party system?

nice try faggot

sage this shit

Not a shill, just a #Johnsonmissile from the very beginning

I did vote for trump as a way of saying fuck you to the republican party and he did a damn fine job

I almost feel bad for them. But you're right, there's a good chance a few of them might end up coming over to our side instead.

Rand Paul --> Trump --> gonna write in Ron Paul in the general

>voting third party when the electoral college exists with its current rules

There has been a MASSIVE shill offensive on Reddit, all political subs have turned into Hillary propaganda and Trump bashing. It's real.

>hot couple

Time to kill myself thanks.

Also there are no white Trump hats with the slogan in Navy. OP is a lying cunt.

I can believe that. All political subreddits have been infiltrated by srs and they slowly gain mod power and start controlling which opinions are allowed and which aren't. This has been going on for years. That's why reddit is cancer, their mods often have a political agenda.

Yea there is

no - get the fuck out of here

Pretty much this

After Rand lost, I ironically support trump for the memes

But in the end, just gonna vote Johnson

Probably motivation. Wear the opponent down so he gets tired/worn out. Sup Forums has some influence on outside opinion (however small) so bombarding the most zealous followers with propaganda may not sway people but it does wear them out. Tired people stop fighting your rhetoric or broadcasting their own position.

Oh my god, this is the most obvious shilling I've ever seen on this board.

>another thinly veiled VOTE FOR JOHNSON thread

libertarians are autistic

>Hillshill detected.

There's no fucking way a /pol virgin would denounce Trump after getting laid by a fucking hat.

Shill harder, cunt. Maybe you'll be able to afford a dinner out at TGI Friday's this weekend.

Guys who do i vote for??


Isidewith johnson tho

Should i vote trump?

Pls respond

Vote your heart mate. I helped Trump win my state. But my heart lies with my man. I only voted for Trump because it was pragmatic

Trumpfags full-on Berniebro now with the conspiracy theories.

Hold on, now. Actual Libertarians by philosophy are just like super Republicans. The Libertarian Party is the one that's absolutely shit. How the fuck is an anti-gunner running as VP on the fucking Libertarian ticket?

I too helped trump win in my state, but voting johnson

I think shills should have free blowjobs from every women see. They are the most upstanding citizens in the entire country.

Guess I'm #shilldog now

You're not American tho boo.

>yfw you realise that Hillary is spending thousands of dollars hiring dorks, losers, and various other forms of societal rejects to shitpost anti-trump threads on Sup Forums in a desperate attempt to sway public opinion on the board.

Where can I sign up? I'd love to get paid for shitposting.

I actually reached out to both campaigns to see if they would pay me to post for them on Sup Forums.

I got two letters back, both essentially bashing Sup Forums and mentioning child pornography at least a dozen times.

I drank myself to sleep that night. Feels bad man.

Johnson is splitting the Republican vote and every vote for him just pushes the presidency closer towards Clinton

That's cause you're a liability
They don't want to pay for something that hurts the brand

You gotto do it under the table

pics or gtfo

Kill yourself you manlet gook.

Stay the fuck away from Johnson nad vote Trump. He's a fraud trying to ensure Hillary's presidency.


didn't we have this same thread like 20 mins ago

No you kill yourself my small dicked man

what a nice slide would be a shame if something .happened to it

Libertarians are trolling hard kekked


>WF/AM spammer

come on Sup Forums....

Sit down cuck, nobody cares about you or libertardianism.

You slanty-eyed gooks have the smallest dicks on the planet.

You'll never get a white woman.

Slow down, I'm Mexican :^3

I honestly like Johnson more
But trump doesnt have a shot in my liberal state, should I vote Johnson?

Lay it down senpai

>No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

johnson doesn't have a chance to win anywhere

Yea but my state is liberal land
My vote doesnt matter either way

look at the shill
all shills are kikes, post holohoax busting anti kike memes in every shill thread while sageing

Do you know what's even better? Many of them will bitterly swallow the red pill during their stay.

>helped trump win my state
>even though i supports Johnson

>Shill shill shill
No thanks

rebbit is shilling here too

One of the kekkiest thread on Sup Forums today

Well kekked lad

#ridingjohnson now

It's simple. Trump is most of Johnson's good policies and none of his bad ones.

Trump is Libertarianism in one country, as it was originally envisioned. Even (((Mises)))) eventually came around to admitting (alongside (((Rothbard))) and Hoppe) that National Libertarianism is the only stable kind and that internationalism is cancer. That's Trump's policy. Same as Coolidge.

Because it's fun. I post at least 3 anti-trump threads a day.

I don't care if it's bait. If you said this to my face I would punch you right in the face. Hard.

Believe me. Believe me.

So you're voting Hillary then


Young Ivanka

I have posted more Ivanka, but its not showing

You cant even vote Chang, your kung fu is useless irl

I am now a #johnsonmissile

you just like a big johnson

They only let Australia and Canada do it.

>said nobody ever

You're not even an american. Neither is plenty of people in this thread.

>But I'm going to vote Johnson this November
aka, you're voting for Haillary

Pretty much all the butthurt losers who cry shill shill are non-americans who doesnt know how our voting and districting system works

Sorry to bust your Trump bubble you underage foreigners

>talking to libtard "friend"
>"""huuurrr trump is a raciss an he cant to build a wall, das not tolerant""""
>tell him Mexico has a wall on its southern border
>"""yesh but mexico is one of the most corrupt countries in the world so they need it""""
There is no hope for western civilization ;_;

Actually the LP is drawing more voters away from the Dems than the Reps. So you're fucking welcome.

Nice try faggot OP

Lel!! Im going to post this on r/Sup Forums XdDDDD!!!1

fuck you shill
hang yourself

Vote ron paul
Romney shills: youre just voting for obama
Me: youre just voting for a loser
Obama wins regardless

vote johnson
Underage trump shills: youre just voting for hillary

Notice something? They shills are repeating the same losing playbook

but not in your case retard

huh, really makes you think

>There is no hope for western civilization ;_;

You need to remind them that they are literally promoting that the following becomes the new day to day "norm" in America (start at minute 7):

"""Progress""": The Video.

Pretty much, I shilled for Trump before, but now I'm just gonna vote for my Johnson

The rest of the shills here are the loser who cant even vote in our elections

wow, this really makes you think

really makes me think

seriously though

I'm really surprised how much asianmale/whitewomen porn there is now.

really made me think


H-holy shit...Trump BTFO!


I'll be voting for Hillary 2bh

Oh, damn, really makes you think?

Please no. A pure white girl must not be defiled by slanty eye men