Why did they install that couch in the open? does it never rain in baltimore?

why did they install that couch in the open? does it never rain in baltimore?

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it was all a dream

Niggers are stupid

>install couch

it rain but it also shine

How can such a terrible life look so comfy. I just wanna chill in a square all day talking about the way things be.

>using an uninstalled couch

Wow, some really high-end film commentary happening here on Sup Forums. It's like being in a graduate seminar.

because they're actors
even if a lot of them are from baltimore their actual lives are a lot more comfortable than those of the characters they're portraying

Friendly reminder that the chess analogy is highly overrated

even if it rains the sun will eventually dry it out

You know you can move a couch right?

It rains a lot desu, it's been raining most of today actually lol. The niggers hate it

>you will never be a polack wigger paying baby wiggers to bring you shrimp chips and strawberry soda while you work the corner

we wuz kangz n shiet

yep, if a couch is left out in the elements, it will get worn and damaged.

much like the couch in your pic

I'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger kids chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was teaching them about the chess pieces, he was really referring to THEM being the pawns! What an amazing metaphor!

It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.

Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Wire is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.

Also the acting is amazing. Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.

Its not a good analogy, but its a good scene to show how stupid and uncultured the other ghettonigger "pawns" are compared to DeAngelo.

what i want to know is why the couch isn't falling backwards?

It's simultaneously sad and gratifying for both of us that you've never sat on an abandoned, derelict couch in your apartment complex that sanitation workers couldn't be bothered to pick up.

It's better than sitting on a curb, and when you literally have nothing, the edge of a shitty couch with the cushions thrown away is comparably not bad.

[Vincent] Peranio: The orange couch came from a dumpster, the first day we were scouting up in Marble Hill. It was perfect. We weren’t going to start for another month, so I had them put it in one of the vacant houses to hold. And we used it. It ended up being a central part of the pilot.

The pilot was over and everything was dispersed. And then a month later [The Wire] got picked up. We certainly didn’t expect it to get picked up that fast. So I was talking with my decorator and said, “Well, it’s a good thing we still have that couch.” And he went mute. I said, “Oh no, you didn’t throw that couch away, did you?” It’s like a centerpiece for the show. He said, “Yeah, we did.”

We had to make that couch. Make the frame, send away to Scalamandre in London for the fabric because they were the only place that had crushed orange velvet. It was not popular at the time we were shooting the show. Then we had to age it, split it, pull the stuffing out. It ended up being a $5,000 couch. But we made it as close as possible to the other couch. I don’t think anybody knew. We didn’t even tell the producers.

The entire final season is a masterful metaphor for closeted homosexuality.

>show about poverty in America
>spend $5000 on a crappy couch

Chess is a metaphor for drug deals,
Avon is the king and we're the pawns.
But the game don't change,
and the king will stay the king.
While you and I will soon be dead and gone.

Who's the bishops? The drivers?

they move diagonally. so the bishops are omar after getting fucked up the ass.

>anything but a pitcher

omar was the queen obviously

The biggest plot hole in The Wire is that the couch was never stolen.

Real niggas know..

But user, Crushed orange velvet. Crushed. Orange. Velvet.

>stealing the Barksdale pit dealer's sofa
Nice way to get your legs broken


Quick, post your favourite scenes


it's not about the analogy being particularly deep, it's about establishing D'Angelo as the leader

thats a normie scene

best scene is where norris brings shots out to mcnulty and bunk on the gutter outside the bar, and then powersvomits

I was thinking about ordering a crushed orange velvet couch from London soon, do you think it will be "in" next season?

>not mcnutty's and bodie's last talk.

The couch was stolen to be placed there.

Ziggy removing kebab


Man, I was pleasantly surprised when the second season was about blue collar criminals getting caught over some church glass. I think it was a breath of fresh air.

Frank Sobotka "we'll be here through your weak bullshit, no problem!"

Game is rigged, yo


So good

It's actually my favourite season (even though most seem to not agree).

Even just learning about how ports work was interesting to me.

And Beadie is my waifu

Should drug be legal?

People were turned off by S2 because it was so different to S1. A lot legitimately thought it was only going to be cops vs criminals. But when they hit S3 and S4, they realize The Wire was more than those 2 factions, but rarely go back to rewatch the series.


Prohibition is retarded and has never worked.

When BET got the rights to show The Wire with Season 2 they edited a lot of the white story line out, kek.


Sounds kinda racisssss

Sobotka and Ziggy were great, the problem is that the rest of the docks didn't really get the chance to develop as well as West side in the first season because the second season was dealing with a wider range of characters and situations. Season 1 was just cops and the West Baltimore crew. Season 2 was Cops, a bit of West Baltimore crew, a bit of prop joe and the docks. There wasn't time to develop the supporting characters in the way that they could in season 1. Nevertheless, apart from Bodie, Frank's death was probably the hardest hitting in the series.

How the fuck would they even do that? It's inconsequential to the rest of the series, sure, but I can't even understand how the series would even make sense if you started taking parts out of it.

>seeing word up magazine outside of /scv/

What the frig did I do?

do they deal drugs when it rains? I do not even remember a rainy day when the show focus on them


mcnulty in 4 minutes

How did the completely shitfaced McNulty get to fuck that young waitress after crashing his car?

I know he has "charm" but I thought that was a bit of a stretch.




Girls will fuck anything remotely masculine when they're horny as fuck.

You'll never understand the alpha lifestyle.