Vader solo movie

Why in the FUCK are we not getting a Vader centric/more inclusive film featuring him? James Earl Jones is alive and clearly still has it. Why limit him to 5 minutes of screen time. Yes, less is more in some cases, but dammit, let's see him crushing pubstomping rebellions and elminating the last of jedi(s) and supporters. I've never left a theater quite as happy as I did with Rogue One though. Just wall to wall smile on my face. Just print money with the guy.

Vader isnt spooky anymore. Theres no point besides jew bucks.

this is the spinoff we all deserve desu

There were three Vader centric films.

Because this.
Also, James Earl Jones clearly doesn't still have "it". His voice was cracking and old. It didn't have the same power it once did. If they ever have Vader in a movie again they will need to find an impersonator.

>Why in the FUCK are we not getting a Vader centric/more inclusive film featuring him?

You mean like the prequels?

A better question is why people can't just let shit go and feel the need to milk stories with tedious detailing and gap filling. We don't need to know anything else about Darth Vader. We've had plenty of him. We don't need a Han Solo movie. We don't need a movie elaborating on a throwaway line in the first Star Wars.

We didn't even need the prequels, but at least they had room to tell a good story even if they ended up being mostly garbage.

Because putting Vader front and centre has worked so well in the past.

what prequels? ;^)

he sounded great. of course not the same, but even the fucker who does chad vader / darth vader in ea's star wars games is fucking shit compared to JEJ.

The prequels were great

>James Earl Jones is alive and clearly still has it.
He doesn't really and that pains me to say. It's a shame because as late as 2006 he still sounded pretty good. They just waited too long to bring him back.

I honestly don't care what voice they use. Not like it isn't a computer's voice anyways. I just want a damn Vader movie.

>he sounded great.

Stop letting nostalgia and loyalty to JEJ cloud your judgment of his performance in Rogue One (and in Rebels too). He lost his touch as Vader, it happens when you're almost 90.



You are the cancer killing film. You're responsible for everything being capeshit because you're begging to see pandersome fan service from a fucking saturday morning cartoon villain.

this desu honest
The star wars universe is large enough to make other characters from different places without using the same already established ones. hollywood however is to scared to risk it so they rely on name recognition alone

They should just do a slasher film with Vader as the villain. Following his tie fighter getting shot down in a new hope. Have him crash into a large rebel ship or on a rebel base, have him injured so he can't just kill everyone in the whole ship.

opinions, how do they work?
eat me pal :) i can do with my money what i please, i'll gladly throw my money at vader and star wars because it's 2 hours of fun and i couldn't give a singular fuck about what it does to our current film culture.

the point is, you're putting him in the movie for 5 minutes, fuck, make it 20.

Fuck off George

I don't think opinions really come into play in terms of the sound of a character's voice. It's either off or it's done well.

Hollywood is terrified of creative risk, and is just mainlining memberberries to get through the day.

Because parents will throw a shit fit about a villain being the main character of a Star Wars movie.

that's like a non musician saying that they have the final word on a guitar's tuning when they don't play the fucking instrument.

If Vader was front and Center then so was Luke and Lei in Ep III

Just read the new Vader comic series
It's pretty good


and all hope is lost

It's really not.

I'd kill for a Spider-Man movie like this. Have Kraven be hunting Spidey the entire movie but never really seen for more than a minute or two until towards the end. Entire movie is Spidey hurt and on the run, with Kraven springing traps of C-list villains throughout the city, slowly wearing Spidey down and herding him towards the final battle.

Yeah but rouge one did a good job at making him spoop again


So only 10 people will see it

Did you fucking see Rogue One? I was terrified of Vader there. I felt nervous during his first scene and thought he was gonna kill Krennic

>VR Film
What that?

Sounds like a really retarded idea, my friend.

>Why in the FUCK are we not getting a Vader centric/more inclusive film featuring him?
Because there will be no conflict. Vader is literally the strongest character during the OT until arguably the end of RotJ so there can be no dramatic tension as he assfucks rebelscum left and right.

I would love to see
>darth vader and the lost command
>darth vader and the ghost prison
but I don't think they will do it

this is the old "superman is boring because he is strong" it shows how limited your imagination is that you can't see beyond brute force

>I've never left a theater quite as happy as I did with Rogue One though.
easily pleased manchildrens

There has been no good Superman movie that didn't have a villain challenge him in terms of strength/power.

Vader is literally the strongest character in the OT until Luke levels up.

Go fucking die, you pathetic manchild.

vader is always challenged by numbers and he has had antagonists that challenge him the same way lex does superman

Yep he sounds way too off.
Which is weird, because he sounded passable in Rebels. Maybe they oughta use the Rebels modulator effect instead.

>he sounded passable in Rebels

Because a Vader solo movie would be way too much of a good thing.

Well, more passable than in Rogue One.

So Knightfall but with Spiderman

They will do it for sure. You don't think they would save the best for last?

>I've never left a theater quite as happy as I did with Rogue One though.

I hope you aren't serious.