Rape 'em all and let God sort them out edition
Other urls found in this thread:
just say no
blink once for yes
> In b4 Spoggie and those northern benefit cheats
lucy was my choice
Did she go to the posh school?
tucker era was second best hill after zammo era
talk about made for BBC
what is this thread about?
I'm new to Sup Forums.
That looks like a pic that would be Jimmy Saville's evidence locker.
nah, she was the gf of the dude who ended up in a wheelchair after the crappy motorbike accident and then dumped him as he couldn't get it up anymore.
I thought Tucker was pre-Zammo
>Jimmy Saville's e
Did anyone get a tenner out of that yet?
it was. I mean it was second best.. zamma era being the best
This thread is about slagging off Mrs McClusky lad
that fat bully, I forgot about him.
I probably would have, is she still working? I bet not hmmmm
>Grange Hill threads
Fuck it just fuck it
What's next The Bill and Brookside Threads?
That's the spirit
your nicked
Remember that time he was fired from the Bill to make way for "new stars" and he tried to kill himself
I'm waiting for the Byker Grove general
Children's Ward general when?
Get in here, faggots
We're in
After leaving Grange Hill he got promoted to Admiral, we all knew he was evil but nobody believed us.
>implying its not. He was probably up at least one of them.
You wouldn't want to have missed it would you?
He then appeared as Section Leader Clegg of the Death Squad, in Blake's 7
Holy shit. Ausfag here. I had completely forgotten this show existed.
I'm amazed this thread is still going lol
Didn't realise it was shown over there; was it a cultural exchange for The Sullivans and Flying Doctors?
I remember that intro. Why was everybody so shocked at a floating sausage? It made no frigging sense.
Who were the adult sex robots?
>Why was everybody so shocked at a floating sausage?
It was broadcast pre-watershed, if you recall
I seem to remember Michelle,Thorne was one of them, but it's been awhile since I saw that dvd, and even longer still since it was on TAC
>can any anons assist?
I can't find her
Where's the last place you saw her?
Michelle Thorne? What is she local?
Depends where you're posting from, I guess
Also Tamara Noon, I think
What did BTN mean by this?
Many episodes are now available
>for free
>CBBC kino
On that very subject, anyone remember Cavegirl?
>it's a Roland episode
On the contrary, that sounds exceedingly comfy
>12 hours and counting
So this maybe Edward Heath era? WHen wa
American here
is this worth watching? Does it have bantz? Is the humor accessible? Are the cunny worth it?
Why are there so many seasons?
>WHen wa Fucking hell, user did Heath and,Savile Candlej*ck you aboard the Morning Cloud before you could finish typing??
There's nowhere you can go with it is there it's fuckingoing impossible
Go straight to Beth Jordache I'might not going back to work
I sometimes feel like the only fucker who remembers this show. Thanks for showing me I am not alone.
Yes, I understand now
>see episodes of Grange Hill
>see clips of other UK related shows like Jim'll Fix It
I kinda wonder why the US didn't get a chance to nab the rights to remake it (to at least see how it goes before politely axing it after finishing the season).
I'm more surprised on how there was no US version of Jim'll Fix it when it was first successful. I'm talking about when the show was still popular and airing, way before all that fucked up shit surfaced
Did you ever watch shit like Woof! and the Queens Nose as well
It's pretty parochial isn't it?
Results are variable
It ran for 30 years
Why remake it when it was cheaper to import Degrassi Junior High from your maple syrup m8s?
wat? It's a UK thing, you mean?
what are the best seasons to watch? what is the "golden age" of grange hill? ala simpsons
A surprising number of ex-pupils went on to get their kit off in shitty tv/movies when they grew up and left the show
82-87 the Just Say No era (fully endorsed by Ronald and Nancy Regan)
University Challenge general when?!
Feel free to furnish us with a list of examples, user
Gardener's World general when?!
Yeah, us TV might be different where there might be a kids channel that makes its own TV in each state
Gh would have made 0 sense as they all skate boarded
The Archers general when?!
Right after the History Today one has concluded
>you see a spastic, faggot, nigger user? That's you, that is
I prefer Numberwang to be honest
>ywn walk in on those two dyking in the girls toilets.
>seeing one of the characters do heroin on a show for preteens
Why would you be walking in to the girl's toilets to begin with, pray tell?
Catherine Tate is a major MILF.
and Walliams is a major faggot.
thought of that after I posted it.
Grateful you've now stopped masturbating long enough to reply, user
>12 hours and counting
You bingewatching the entire series?
real london oldfag here even fucked one of the girls from 96,heartbreak high was superior in everyway.
How about Jim'll Fix It?
This has now reminded me of 1) Sweet Valley High and 2) The Babysitter Club movie.
11 year old me had some of my first faps to those.
>browse Sup Forums
>Grange Hill general
>still no Spatz general
Remember that time when Mick Johnno was on the roids and started getting roid rage?
What about Jonny Briggs' dad?
>mfw no mention of Press Gang
Fellow UK fags, does anyone remember an 80s kids TV comedy series set in a school where one of the kids was supposed to be like Prince Charles complete with oversize comedy ears? I know I didn't make this up and it was real.
U wot m8?
JFC, user
I fucking do now you've mentioned it; and now I'll also be driven insane trying to remember wtf it was
>A skit on Round The Bend or Your Mother Wouldn't Like It?
>a show in it's own right?
It very well could be a skit, damn it's driving me insane too.
Quite a few episodes on youtube
Palace Hill was a spoof of the BBC's long-running children's drama Grange Hill with characters based on members of the British Royal Family. This proved so popular that it became a spin-off show, also broadcast on ITV, running for three series, and targeted politicians such as Margaret Thatcher for satire.
The spin-off show had a surreal, almost post-apocalyptic feel to it. The characters, such as school bully Nick Knuckle and his girlfriend Binky Spoon, spent their time roaming the seemingly-abandoned corridors of the school, often stopping to address the camera directly. The character based on Prince Charles had a doomed love affair with a girl from another planet, who eventually went back to her home planet. There was also a character who was a schoolboy from the WW2 era.
Great, now a seemingly harmless nostalgia thread has driven us both mad as we fail to unlock it's secrets..
Brookside always make me laugh with the random as fuck timeslots they had it in as well as the fact Channel 4 always had the news in the 7 oclock slot so it never really had a chance to compete with Corrie and Eastenders
At least Hollyoaks as shit as it is discounting the waifu material has a consistent timeslot and a strong lead in with the Simpsons
I wish I could find a TV Guide archive lads
Just say no.
They were just teaching that retard to read
I seem to recall Brookie going out in a regular 8:30pm slot, user
Also : Sinbad certainly saw some shit ;_;
>and the crazy apocalyptic cult that tried to blow up the Close
I still remember when they bumped it to late night and started having edgier storylines and swearing
>tfw Jennifer Ellison's career stalled and she ended up getting fat