>tfw Sup Forums doesn't claim waifus anymore
What went so terribly wrong?
Pedo cuck edition
>tfw Sup Forums doesn't claim waifus anymore
What went so terribly wrong?
Pedo cuck edition
I claim Kris10
Nice watch
>me on the right
c l a i m e d
user how old is that girl?
Dubs and she is mine
Destroyed, fucking loser
Is he using a bionicle arm as a band???
claimed my smilefu
Peyton is all mine
Dove Cameron claimed.
her face is so bad it's really a shame
Wow ban and delete!
reclaiming lera
why do you call her lera when her name is Laura B
prove you are a 10/10 so that you are worthy enough to shit talk alice you fucking pointy elbowed faggot