Couldn't understand a word he was saying

>couldn't understand a word he was saying
>he strayed up murdered an innocent man who trusted him
>romantic interest for female eddie redmayne even though he did nothing to deserve it

>female Eddie Redmayne


he killed him because he was weak.

>couldn't understand a word he was saying


Also the pilot was incomprehensible at some parts, especially the beginning

There was no romantic tension in the movie. Even as they died in each other's arms I felt it was very platonic.

>he didn't see a movie
>decided to shitpost about it anyway

ya must have a lot of virgin free-time over there, OP

Do you even speak English as your first language?

honestly I kinda get it. There were all scum. They were actually killers. he evens says it. I kinda wanted him to be like han solo but he wasnt it kinda makes han more special when a lot of these people like him arent likable. The asian and the robot where the only damn decent

>star wars is shit
whatta surprise

>couldn't understand a word he was saying
Literally autism

Stay mad gringos.

>it kinda makes han more special
aww how nice



>tfw they will never be a couple in a sequel
I hope they are together in spirit ;_;

>that shot of them looking at each other when going down the elevator
Makes my heart melt

>i dont have to

he was a fucking badass and the best character desu

dammit pablo
get ur tortilla hands off my rosie

>couldn't understand a word he was saying


the worst part about this diversity shit is when they have some terrible accent

like that indian guy in Jurassic World

it's like I'm back in engineering classes trying to understand people

white US citizens only!


i think whittaker had the best character and the best acting

The whole point was we think he's a rebel spy, but he's actually a rebel assassin. It's to show that the rebels aren't above doing dirty work to get their way.

Wow the movie actually presents a fairly morally gray situation where there's bad people doing bad things on both sides instead of black and white bullshit. You'd think people on Sup Forums would like that. And that all the "good guys" died.

This guy isnt a spic. He is clearly of euro ancestry

>>engineering classes

just a reminder that sanitation engineering and environmental specialist are just polite names for janitor

every time I saw him I couldnt help think how much better the guy that played oberyn in game of thrones wouldve been

lol, this is Sup Forums where the bugs under the rocks congregate for hivemind and circlejerk about mutual hatred of adult women that they fear

this is why Trump won you fucking condescending r*dditor

>that look she gives him when they're going down the elevator to the beach




I undestood everything the spic said although the black Guerrero fuck I couldnt understand shit he was saying. The same with eddie redmayne in the new harry potter.

>Literally redddit: the post

No, Forest Whitaker was the hardest to understand.

that's like the total opposite of what star wars is, though

the reboot flicks are pretty bad at making you root for the good guy and feel like you're part of the protag's journey desu

>character introduction: kills random guy in cold blood
>next action scene: stops being a cold blooded killer without explanation or development

really the bestest one of all the star wars™

He saw his fair share of war.

Why do actresses feel the need to pose for whorish pictures all the time?

This is that guy's girlfriend
He's in Star Wars, one of the most acclaimed series of all time

What have you done with your life?

this thread is about a character not an actor

>subhuman scum lower than dogshit

Pic 2


>strayed up murdered
>strayed up

It's not a main story-line movie though. It's a spinoff. It doesn't have the crawl. It doesn't have to be like the main series. It can be its own thing and I think it worked well.

>couldn't understand a word he was saying
I could
>he strayed up murdered an innocent man who trusted him
The whole point of his character is that he does shitty things in the name of the Rebellion, that's his arc.
>romantic interest for female eddie redmayne even though he did nothing to deserve it
Embracing someone moments before death != romance

Not only were the characters bland, any attempt to add anything personal just fueled my disdain.

Who is this Kyle Katarn looking mofucka?

he provided a better performance than what he did at elysium

glad el charolastra. its doing great

Why didn't anybody stop to question why an Imperial Officer was walking around with a scraggly beard and long, greasy hair? Or why he was accompanied by a landing signalman en route to the information vault?

But the movie is totally black and white. Even Forrest Whittaker, who was easily the most "bad" of the rebels, still gets a heroic death and a shitty inspirational speech. At the end of the day we're still rooting for the rebels, and the movie makes no effort to change our minds.

why is it a trend now for female and male leads to not make out and fuck? why is it the audience wants them to be platonic? is it because they're all cucks who are friendzoned by every girl and see sex as a huge deal?

i literally had zero problem if they made out at the end. they accepted they were dying and apparently they were buddy buddy. its pretty fucking normal to do that stuff then. they also spend so much time staring at each other with affection that its weird they didnt do it

they kissed off screen


He's also clearly of native ancestry and we all know the basic formula:

>romantic interest for female even though he did nothing to deserve it
Wow it's like real life, true kino

>OP shitposts about an accent in the space alien movie
>OP can't into morally ambiguous characters
>OP shitposts about a romantic subplot he made up

If you're gonna shitpost go for a more legitimate target like the needless C3PO cameo or the poor CGI choices.

Even the Vader quip is better ground.

Companies want as much money as they can get, yet politically the world is extremely divided at the moment. Conservative males/females are more than happy for romance in a movie. Liberal males/females see a woman (ESPECIALLY a main character) getting into a relationship as some form of patriarchy and 'tying her down'.

So how do these companies pander to BOTH audiences to get the most money without pissing one side off?

Easy: Just keep it vague. Rey kisses Finn on the forehead, Jen or whatever her name is has eye-sex with the guy at the end but nothing happened. Nothing happens but something ALMOST happens, so you can let people fill in the blanks in their heads and imagine whatever truth they want to believe in.

It's common sense for business. Expect to see a lot more of it because if The Election was anything to go by the political divide is only growing.
