What should I do Sup Forums?
What should I do Sup Forums?
>Postal vote
Ask your Imam.
Out of interest how rigged is the postal vote in this country?
Is it as bad as Austria?
We will trade with you regardless.
I don't want the gypsies back
Depends what colour the voters are.
put ballot on head
Vote leave, if you guys do this you are kangz of Sup Forums.
Thread theme:
Get the fuck out. Fuck the Islamics and Germany. Disgrace to what it meant to be European.
repeating digitis for leave
Its the most stupid and antidemocratic practice ever, it would be better to let only Jews vote
That's the most retarded ballot I have seen ever. Big boxes for autistic brit bongs
>mfw I won't be able to come back to the UK
At least your country is improving
fucking gypsy
They're trying to jew the younger generations to death, but poverty breeds self-reliance. And comfort only white guilt
stay for funzies
Vote to stay and this will be the actual result, if I get repeating digits.
;_; 7
I salute you
don't forget to kill yourself post-haste!
For fuck's sake.
kill yourself please, you are causing the death of western civilization anyway
Join the USA. You could be like our old, decrepit, parent who moves in with their kids because they can't afford to live on their own anymore.
Postal votes are never rigged.
Trafalgar square in 5 years, and it's all your fault.
You deserve everything you get.
I'm rich, I'm moving to Malta. I'll watch you contend with millions of boatniggers and muswogs on iplayer.
t. Omar Memeht
The crowd there is happy.
Truly a religion of peace.
>Throwing his vote away to trigger Sup Forums
Two can play at this game friend
>scan real ballot
>print fake one
>trigger Sup Forums
Kill yourself.
Here's to (You).
>that flag
kek your postal vote won't count unless you put remain on it
just go to your local polling station and vote leave otherwise lose your sovereignty to the united states of europe
uncuck Britain
I love you for adopting our gypsies
kill yourself my man
It'll be a grand craic lad! Don't know what you're on about with this flag nonsense.
I'm voting out, but my dad's side are Irish so I can just buy an Irish passport and still be an EU citizen anyway lad.
>not drawing the Union Jack in the leave box
The fuck is wrong with you idiots?
OMG! How did you reply to me without me even making a post?!?
watching brexit the movie rn
>You will never be a Brit and vote leave
Why live
Don't get your knickers in a twist about a postal voter, it'd end up remain whatever he crossed.
why malta?
the entire island is the size of a football pitch
do you like glass blowing THAT much?
i'm literally jacking myself in preparation for putting that cross in the box
gonna make huge cummies in the polling station it will be great
I keep doing a sex wee when I think about it. This normal, lads?
You Irish are alright in my book lad.
would bang, but first would remove the degeneracy from her brain
leave before eurabia happens
Please just go to an office thingy and vote and put your ballot in a fucking locked box thing. Don't postal vote you faggot.
I never understood why a country would want to be demoted to a province in the first place
I'd vote leave
vote remain you fucking plebs
Into the incinerator.
The paper can be recycled.
Leave before 9/11 2.0 happens.
vote leave to stop the import of refugees and to stop the islamisation. They NEED your money to pay for refugees no britain, no money, no more ficki ficki and creeping scharia :)
kill yourself
Vote leave for the whole Europe God dam it and for the working class
Too late, Hans.
This ballot is blatantly biased. "Remain" is the first choice on the ballot, giving it the impression to the be the best choice. Exactly 50% of the ballots should have Remain first as the other 50% should have leave first. Britbongs actually think they live in a democracy lol
I come from germany and hunt you down myself
Your traitor to europe and the working class
wasnt Trump last in your ballots?