Left Wing Libertarian-ism, an oxymoron?
Left Wing Libertarian-ism, is it ideologically consistent?
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No, it's called being a hippie.
swap weed and vape
Fucking mongoloid.
Hey there Webster.
btw stop being so hardcore wrong about Trump in particular and just stick to making good predictions about the overall shape of how the bigger picture is playing out.
Not an argument.
Nice meme, but complete fabrication and you know it. He never endorsed the regimes on the wall, though he did support Chavez before Venezuela went to shit.
Read a book, nigger.
Not an argument.
Source on your claim?
>government bad
>government welfare good
This is basically Left Wing Libertarianism.
You decide if it makes sense
stefbot cuntfirmed
Left-libertarianism = pedo gibsmedat
They want the welfare of the left and the degeneracy of certain strains of libertarianism. That's literally all there is to it.
>Left Wing Libertarian-ism, an oxymoron?
You do realize that libertarianism began as a left wing ideology? It's only in the United States that it became associated with right wing politics.
i'm aware, still doesn't make sense being on the left
America made it make sense because they actually understand freedom
Libertarian Fascism makes more sense desu
The world libertarian was stolen from the left.
You can't have liberty if you're being oppressed by capitalism.
Georgism has some good arguments but most left-libertarians are what I've mentioned in my above post ().
what system is more free than capitalism?
yes, socialism can work in fully authoritarian and very violent and non-permissive regime, but add libertarian-ism and a cult for the individual and you have yourself some crazy idealist which have nothing to do with reality
Then it's not an oxymoron. Case closed. We can all go home now.
literalist fag
This explaines left libertarianism pretty good:
When you mean (((SJWs))) I would call it New Liberalism (IR theorie) applied to national states, by literally destroying nation states. Agreed that from an analytical point of view, it is never wrong to consider more variables and Iam at no point saying that the internal organisation of nation states on all level hasn't some influence on the international policies of given states.
But as Radical New Liberals do it, what is using some perverted ((((de)))constructivism mixed up with (((Neo))) Marxist Paradigms, is the definition of a paradoxon, they try to solve by abolish borders, hoping some IO comes along and pumps up the global administartive overwatch and applyglobal gibsmedat.
The funny part about this is a green text
>Political theory seminar, realism and istitutionalism
>Keep mouth shut, ignore delusional lefties trying to argue the EU as the only IO garanteing peace in the world
>wild abolish border appears
>go out smoke
>Guy who also left early is beging a cig
>"For me history started at 1945, everything before is not important"
>literally 8 semester
>wish good bye, leave, trying not to laugh
This, just standard progressives.
Are you actually retarded or is this some kind of show?
libertarianism is not inherently anti-state, but left-wing politics are the antithesis of minarchism. so yes, that's retarded.
Cooperativism which is just English socialism really.
Its basically what a share-owning capitalist democracy is like only without people who don't own shares.
You gonna accuse Margaret Thatcher of being a commie?
Left wing libertarianism is complete nonsense.
There are people claiming you can have libertarian communist. Just go on /leftypol/.
These people are insane.
I've actually lurked leftypol boards and rooms on certain sites. These people are insane. They will stroke their dick to communism, and then they will legitimize it by saying that people on Sup Forums don't have serious discussion and never discuss economics.
Libertarian socialism
Or maybe monopoly-free capitalism, but that's not happening
>Retarded Shitshow
Please elaborate
>my special objective view of reality
>Sup Forums
>serious discussion
To clarify,
Libertarianism generally means less government.
Leftist generally means more government to enforce policies like anti-discrimination, welfare, free education.
As you can see, these don't go together, only right wing minarchism is possible.
i like this guy
No it's not an oxymoron at all. Imagine you are comparing two distinctly different kinds of libertarianism. There is a "left" libertarianism that believes the government shouldactively institute measures that 'protect' people's rights in whatever sense, and then there is a "right" libertarianism that believes the government can uphold peoples' rights WITHOUT passing additional laws.
Libertarianism is compatible with liberalism, just not the neo-liberalism you see today. The liberalism of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
You might also use it to describe two different kinds of leftism, i.e. a "libertarian left" that believes in individual freedoms and an "authoritarian left" that believes in collective something-or-other
"left libertarianism": You can have freedom to manage your own affairs. Except if there's any money, trade, business, purchasing, or anything economic involved, then you don't have any freedom at all and we're going to take your stuff and redistribute it how we see fit and tell you all the things you can't do because we don't like them.
yes i watch the radical agenda from time to time.
His essays are great. also look for 'white fragilty' and 'be not ashamed white male'
There have been right wing dictatorships.
A left wing government could uphold a few pillars but leave the rest untouched.
Nice strawman.
not an argument, explain why that is not true
>There have been right wing dictatorships.
I certainly don't deny that, I never made the argument that Rightist means less government.
>A left wing government could uphold a few pillars but leave the rest untouched.
Even upholding a few pillars requires massive state intervention into personal and economic matters.
That's not the point, retard.
The point is that leftypol is using Sup Forums not being serious as evidence communism is good.
Are you fucking retarded?
How come Americans are A L W A Y S the worst English speakers on Sup Forums? You ''people'' can't read for shit. Fucking Mexican scum.
They're pro workers unions and shit like that, just not socialism controlled by the state, but more communalism . .
t. different poster
Chavez was good, kept Venny afloat against American sanctions. Castro was dope, leagues better than the American dictator, and Castro kept them alive despite insane American sanctions/invasions. Mao industrialized but was a tyrant, Ho was fucked.
Found the mongoloid.
noam is a jew with incredible debate skills just trying to sell you marxism of a different flavor