Why is this allowed? How did Marvel fuck up with Thor and how did Snyder get away with being this based in casting?
Aquaman is more manly/intimidating than Thor
>tfw this movie is guaranteed to have a 20% on RT because of all the triggered numales who will give it bad reviews
>celebrating aquaman being turned from a blonde blue eyed king to a poc
fucking dcucks
Aquman is a new male cuck though
Why don't you suck his dick user?
You mean because of all the mouse shills on there.
I wish I could desu
>feeling strongly about children's films
>D list villains are bigger and more imposing than Thor
Kek, nice Fiege
>thor commands the power of lightning itself, and flies
>aquaman talks to fish, and swims fast
That happens with all DC movies, and I imagine it will stay that way so long as they are competing with Disney. What annoys me is that people think it's justified because Suicide Squad was shitty and because they didn't get BvS.
And a fucking meme actor from every numales favorite libcuck show
makes me sick
Cuz marvel only hire soft twink actors
That is the gayest shit I have ever seen.
>being manly is being muscular
haha what a true beta we have here
Whedon pls
DC movies aren't children's films.
Even though they have cool action moments, kids wouldn't understand the underlying themes of something like BvS
>DC movies aren't children's films.
Yes they are.
Unironically This
WB/DC: "hey guys how do we make Aquaman not be a joke?"
Snyder: "tattoos are bad ass right?"
WB/DC:"hell ya they are!" "Also we can have him have an angry attitude too and dark clothing"
Kek. It's like all the generic ways to try to make somebody cool.
Will you also be riding a Harley Davidson jet ski in the water?
>Momoa as Aquaman
>Mera is still a white woman
ALSO Aquaman's half brother Ocean Master is white too and he is going to get cucked out of both the throne and Mera.
aqua man's actor is a good actor
always fun to watch
he deserves to be part of better movies though
> My movies about kids cartoon characters we should are not for children OK!!!!!!! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>a balding superman
>a fat batman
>a mexican aquaman
what is going on over at DC bros?
Momoa is only good for grunting not talking
Will Thor ever be based in the CW
DCucks can't stop posting muscular men with no shirts on.
"That's totally not homo right guys?"
I guess they thought no one would care about the change since no one cares about Aquaman
I would if I could, bitch.
bottom left needs to do more chest and less traps, jesus fuck.
Thor destroyed a city with a hammer strike in the MCU
ayy lmao
There's nothing wrong with masculinity, user.
If that picture of Affleck isn't shoppd that motherfucker is more aesthetic than all those other guys and he's older than all of them
>momoa pure curl bro
>Superman no abs at all
>black monkey no chest
Muscles aren't going to replace good acting
When we look at them its not lust its awe, true male dominance is apparent with these physic's and its awesome. It shows what is possible with effort and endurance.
Snyder recognises this and keys in with the original 1930s comics, mirroring old-time strongmen.
>inbf "Snyder doesnt have that much depth you dcuck"
Its in the behind the scenes for BvS and MoS you moron.
Well niggers are intimidating by nature, tell me you see a gorilla and you don't think you are gonna go and gibe it a hug do you?
Woah slow down nu-male, don't get so excited because you finally saw an alpha in your life
>wouldn't understand the underlying themes of something like BvS
You seem to be projecting a bit hard there, I'd advise you to slow down but you already dropped the ball. When you have gains youll appreciate good bodies.
Reminder that Snyder made 300. A movie with obvious heavy homosexual undertones.
Sure man. It's not gay at all to drool over muscular men.
Ass fucking is OK too as long as your not staring at him in the eyes user.
one word: Disney.
>DC casts buff men
>This is the type of woman they cast
Friendly reminder the Zack Snyder's films are always dog pilled on by (((critics))) and reviewers for portraying masculinity in a positive light (300) yet Zack is progressive enought to give Jason this huge role, he is a good friend. Do your part and give a Aquaman 5 stars review
>Khal Drogo: water edition is better than Thor
No shit, GRRM can write a better cool guy than the nu-male writers at Disney. DC didn't even fucking try, they are literally piggybacking off of HBO's hard work to establish Mamoa as a younger cooler version of Dwayne Johnson
Kek. Snyder has no idea how to hire females.
On the other hand he is a expert on hiring good-looking muscular men for his roles though. Probably has them undress for the additions as well.
The fuck you just say kiddo
Marvel is aimed at kids.
Where are the boobs? Are we sure that's a woman?
Face > frame
Snyder is truly our guy
They were right.
>implying numales won't flock to it because the unironic thing to do is like DC crap
Ben Affleck must be mainlining testosterone at this point. Isn't he nearly 50?
mfw casuals don't realize how based and outrageous Aquaman can be
Thise hormone treatments take their toll.
The pic would've been funny before but they are back together now.
for now
Is Jennifer Garner a hardcore Christian these days, or was that just a rumor?
is that sysadmin?
>Marvel nu-males hate Snyder
I'm not surprised. After all, their idols are Peyton Reed and Joss Whedon.
It's not just DC vs Marvel, it's an ideological battle. Trump vs Hilary. Alphas vs betas. Winners vs losers.
Seeing an alpha male like Zack Snyder causes them to remember how they were bullied by an alpha male and uncomfortable and lash out the only way they know how - impotently typing out hateful words on a Japanese jpeg board. Some, like Ant-Man director Peyton Reed when shown a statement from a capeflick rumor monger saying "DC directors can physically beat up Marvel directors," choose to withdraw into safe spaces instead. It's little wonder why Sup Forums connects with Marvel more.
Men are meant to be strong in mind and body. Aren't those the values of superheroes, the reason these characters impressed you as a kid? The divide between DC and Marvel isn't just about the quality in filmmaking (where DC obviously win). Some people grew up reading comics, looked up to their heroes and decided to follow their paths. They hit the gym and became better, healthier persons: leaders, alphas. Meanwhile, others neglected their bodies, because their minds stayed weak, they remained scared and pathetic manchildren even in middle age. If real life was a superhero comics, these guys would be the villains' victims at best and the villains themselves at worst. Would you really trust them to bring the true spirit and meaning of superheroes to the screen, when at their deepest core they cannot possible understand these values?
Snyder directs in sweatpants and Under Armour wristbands.
Snyder, Affleck, and Cavill get the bitches and gays all juicy. They are just ripe with raw sexual energy. This offends the virginal fanboi. MoS and BvS deal with emotional issues and belief systems in a mature way. This doubly offends the fanboi, who is stuck in perpetual adolescence. They can't process or register mature emotions. And people hate what they don't understand.
>Aquaman is more manly/intimidating than Thor
Intimidating, maybe. Thor is way hotter though
Yeah, we should rate movies on how wet they make your boipussy, you fat faggot.
what is this? some kind of gay parade?
me on the right
Quads confirm DCucks are too cucked.
>tfw you will never be these muscular men's sex slave like that boipucci in the photo
Just like in the comics, Cyborg is just fucking there for no reason.
Also where is Cavill? Snyder has already spilled that Superman is in the movie.
Original filmmaking.
He's there for the diversity points.
Wait, when?
Damn, she could win the Chloe Moretz body award.
>wouldn't understand the underlying themes of something like BvS
Why is Charlie Day included?
Charlie Cox*
Jennifer was in the daredevil movie years vack with Ben. Charlie Cox now plays daredevil in the Netflix series.
Only Evans is as big as the DC guys. The rest look like Leto
Even Chloe has better biceps than Benderdick Cucumbersnatch
Very much this, There's still enough there for the kids, but it's very much aimed at adults and older fans of the characters.
In a way, it's a hallmark of WB. Look at the old Warner Looney Tunes cartoons. They were entertaining for kids, but still had cerebral humor and risque stuff going on that only older viewers would pick up on and appreciate.
So how comes noone in the Justice League was around when Zod decided he wanted to terraform earth?
I can excuse Aquaman since he lives under the sea, but to everybody else this should have been a big deal. Even the Auschwitz skeleton should have realised if they destroy earth they also fuck up her home.
>hating on based thor
except Aquaman isnt meant to be intimidating, they are ripping off Namor's hypermaculine fuck-everyones-wives characterization since they knew Aquaman would never be cool
This, they turned a noble king into a caveman
Actually everyone is a caveman in these movies except for Superman and Flash
I know. Aquaman has been a favorite of mine ever since Peter David revamped the character.
Thor's not big. He's shredded. There's a difference
The way Momoa has his hands on Ezra is kinda homo
If you're one of those insecure faggots who thinks all male camaraderie is homosexual.
I don't hate on Thor. I just wish they'd stop making him a punchline instead of the badass that he is.
I remember watching the first Thor movie and when he one-shots that ice dragon thing, I thought, "Oh hell yes. They're going to do it. They're going to show us Thor as what he very much is in the comics - Superman with a warrior's mentality."
Then I saw the first Avengers. I still have hope for Ragnarok, though.
>Marvel nu-males hate Snyder
I'm not surprised. After all, their idols are Peyton Reed and Joss Whedon.
It's not just DC vs Marvel, it's an ideological battle. Trump vs Hilary. Alphas vs betas. Winners vs losers.
Seeing an alpha male like Zack Snyder causes them to remember how they were bullied by an alpha male and uncomfortable and lash out the only way they know how - impotently typing out hateful words on a Japanese jpeg board. Some, like Ant-Man director Peyton Reed when shown a statement from a capeflick rumor monger saying "DC directors can physically beat up Marvel directors," choose to withdraw into safe spaces instead. It's little wonder why Sup Forums connects with Marvel more.
Men are meant to be strong in mind and body. Aren't those the values of superheroes, the reason these characters impressed you as a kid? The divide between DC and Marvel isn't just about the quality in filmmaking (where DC obviously win). Some people grew up reading comics, looked up to their heroes and decided to follow their paths. They hit the gym and became better, healthier persons: leaders, alphas. Meanwhile, others neglected their bodies, because their minds stayed weak, they remained scared and pathetic manchildren even in middle age. If real life was a superhero comics, these guys would be the villains' victims at best and the villains themselves at worst. Would you really trust them to bring the true spirit and meaning of superheroes to the screen, when at their deepest core they cannot possible understand these values?
Snyder directs in sweatpants and Under Armour wristbands.
Snyder, Affleck, and Cavill get the bitches and gays all juicy. They are just ripe with raw sexual energy. This offends the virginal fanboi. MoS and BvS deal with emotional issues and belief systems in a mature way. This doubly offends the fanboi, who is stuck in perpetual adolescence. They can't process or register mature emotions. And people hate what they don't understand.
Sure, sure, you're not gay at all.