Which did you enjoy more, The Force Awakens or Rogue One?

Which did you enjoy more, The Force Awakens or Rogue One?

Personally I loved the action scenes in Rogue One, I considered some scenes to be pretty memorable, I really loved that it was a bit slower than other SW movies, the vader halway scene was fucking perfect, it's fitting that a movie about the fucking death star's creation doesnt have a fun adventure tone

For TFA the only thing I can say I appreciated a lot was the lightsaber duels

inb4 some reddit answer about "I wasnt invested that much by the characters" that you got off youtube, talk about which one you enjoyed more even if you think it's a "worse" movie

Other urls found in this thread:


Rogue one

Rogue One, hands down.

Rogue One

Rogue One. The Scari battle really saved the movie for me.


Rogue One for sure

Darth Vader_fucking_everyone_on_the_ship.webm

God, that might be my favorite Vader scene of all time. It was genuinely terrifying. I loved when the last rebel realized that he was about to die, and he went from screaming "HELP US!" to screaming "TAKE IT"

none because sjwars is cancerous leftishit tripe

Rogue One absolutely.

I liked Force Awakens more. Because I thought Rouge One wasn't going to be a steaming shit like Force Awakens. But I was proven wrong. At least Disney actually hired a cinematographer for Rouge One, unlike their other bullshit.

I keep seeing this perspective, that the last part of the movie redeemed the more boring things preceeding it, but frankly I really enjoyed the first half and the drama about Jyn's father's sacrifice, action was decently scattered and then went up in scale for the climax of the movie

that webm is fucking shit

you know why?

because what makes that scene awesome and memorable is the 4-5 seconds of pure fucking darkness and silence in that hallway before vader activates his saber

R1 blew TFA away,
>not as Mary Sue lead
>only one leftist propaganda bit, which is obliterated soon after
>rebels are more like the taliban
>those Isis rebels
>good use of CGI without fucking it up
>that battle
>that Vader BTFOing rebels scene
And some of the visual shots were great, after the Death Star destroys space Jerusalem, that shot of the explosion reaching into space was great

Depends what you define as enjoyment. TFA left me happier after leaving the theater, but wasn't that great a movie. Besides that, it's not long before you start noticing the flaws, after you wash out your nostalgia and initial dazzle.

R1 left me sad at the end, the characters had more deph and thus I cared more for them. The cast and performances are definitely better. The ending was good, but pretty anticlimatic for a sw movie. If you qualify that kind of chatarsis as enjoyment, well yeah, then it was more enjoyable. Still, lets see how it holds up after time. I think is pretty solid.

>people actually like that garbage

kek, this fanbase is made up of 5-year olds

maybe you thought it was gratuitous, but personally thats the most convincing scene that shows vader to be fucking evil and merciless in a way I was never given to understand in the original trilogy, where vader is concerned with trying to turn luke to the dark side more than anything else

It won't hold up over time. Watch one more time and you will see a deeply flawed script. Listen to the dialogue and watch the actions of characters and you will find every cliche under the sun.

Plus: "Mr. Bad Guy. Im so-so's daughter. My father put a flaw in the Death Star that will destroy it and we just sent that information to the Rebels. I know I am unarmed and you have a gun pointed at me and could kill me and communicate with the Empire what I just told you....but oh, there is the guy I thought had died. That is convenient."

Hey, remember when that awful Fantastic Four movie that came out last year had that same scene?

I enjoyed rogue one. I hated force awakens due to rey and finn

I enjoyed Force Awakens more. It got more reactions out of me over R1, even if they were nostalgia driven.

rogue one

it was sjw pandering done right.

spotted the contrarian. here's your (You)

Rogue One is a legitimately bad movie. It's trendy garbage with Inception horns in its trailer, awful show cinematography, and some of the worst characterization I've seen in a movie in years.

I honestly like Force Awakens more. It didn't take itself too seriously and had a few laugh out loud moments between the intense scenes. Rouge One was good but I didn't really feel invested in any of the new characters.

>Mr Bad Guy
From my poitn of view, Galen Enzo is the real bad guy

>awful show cinematography
>and some of the worst characterization

the only "sjw pandering" i could imagine in rogue one was having one black female pilot in a X-Wing

jyn's character is great, she makes mistakes like shooting prematurely and almost killing a friend, sure she can do some combat with a weapon but she grew up in a war, I was honestly expecting her to do some Mary Stu shit like blowing up a whole squadron of empire troopers with a bunch of grenades

Holy shit the only person in this thread that has any common sense.

Rogue One is edgy garbage for gamers who were clamoring for "muh gritty Star Wars movie." I'd honestly rank it well below Episode II.

The final act of Rougue One was its saving grace
Force Awakens was better throughout the whole thing

This. His entrance was really well done and made me smile. I couldn't have cared less what happened next, the main action of the movie was already done.

It had bad cinematography for the first half user.
>Scenes in dark indoor rooms the sudden jump to to bright outside
>Lighting was awful in some scenes
It's like the first half was directed by Edwards then Disney realized he was shit and got someone competent to direct the second half

well war is pretty edgy, I think people even die in war

It's meme "it's symmetrical therefore pretty" cinematography. Didn't interest me in motion. TFA at least had a couple of cool mise-en-scene choices, liking deciding to shoot Kylo Ren with either a dutch or low angle, which implied dominance and unease. Rogue One looked like every other action movie currently being made.

>inb4 some reddit answer about "I wasnt invested that much by the characters" that you got off youtube
You need to go back.

I loved Rogue One. Totally wasn't expecting the sacrifice of all the characters. Seeing Tarkin was cool. Music could have been better though.

When Han Solo died I laughed a bit!, but when K-2S0 made his last stand I cried a little. RIP Sweet Price

I saw it twice, took my little cousin to see it. Actually enjoyed it more. Mainly because I understood the beginning better the second time. I was admittedly very very drunk the first time and left the theater thinking, "Did Disney just portray the taliban-esque rebels in a positive light?"

Rogue One.

1. Wasn't a rehash of an already existing Star Wars movie.
2. My favorite aspect of these movies has always been the spaceships 'n' blasters, instead of the force 'n' lightsabers.

as a film though, it's pretty average due to acts 1 & 2 bringing down the 3rd. this is a story that really didn't need to be told. not looking forward to the Solo flick. would rank it on par with Revenge of the Sith i think.

I agree, i enjoyed the first half alot more than the last 30 minutes of generic action movie filler.

Rogue One. I loathe EPVII, Rogue One has some problem but has more balls.

that's a surprise
I found the drama in the first half dull
it was just plot points being rushed to get to the meat of the main action

Puberty hits hard. I remember when I was your age user.
An hug :)

TFA was more consistent and better put together, but R1 had the oomph factor that TFA lacked.

TFA. I liked Finn and Rei well enough. It's easy to remember everyone, and it had a decent amount of fun involved even though I still feel like A New Hope and Empire outshine it drastically. I have a good grasp of the protagonists, who they are, what they want and so on. Personality.

I can barely remember the name of the protagonist of Rogue One. I can barely tell you anything about her. She had very little personality, her motivations were lacking at best. She lacked personality, lacked color, lacked something memorable - she was portrayed with an almost utter lack of charisma, I never got invested in anything she said or did. I kept expecting something, ANYTHING, from this character and nothing ever happened.

I liked a bunch of the cast in Rogue One, almost any of them would have made a better focal point for this movie. I even like several of the scenes, and the cinematography is beautiful throughout. The action is more than decent.

But I had nothing to latch onto in the story. The story is fine, I know what's going to happen, but it's fine, I needed someone to care about to be my protagonist here, someone I'd want to see more of. I never got that from this protagonist.

you fucktards will literally never be happy

I was pretty happy with TFA

>liked TFA
>hated R1
Opinions man. I'm the polar opposite. I'm baffled by you people but I understand where you're coming from.

am i autistic or were the characters all flat as fuck especially the leads

Funny, I wrote in another thread about how I couldn't understand how someone could enjoy Rogue One but dislike TFA. The latter at least had protagonists with defining characteristics whom you could actually name after the movie was over. I have to wrack my brain just to remember the guys in Rogue One.

>"prequel apologist"
>hated TFA
>watch Rogue One despite this
I think now I actually know how people feel when they say "raped childhood"

You're the opposite of austistic. It's the autists who think that Vader killing a few people in a hallway is more interesting than Finn or Kylo Ren.

Probably TFA but not by much. I liked both.

Prequel apologist but hated TFA? It's better in every way?

Shit opinion.

Perhaps it has to do with I just didn't enjoy Rey's character. I'd rather have a bland main character than one I don't like.

Episode 1 is meh.
Episode 2 is annoying to watch Anakin in but has a few decent Obi scenes.
Episode 3 is the strongest of the three, but still lacks something outside of a few select scenes that were spot on finally.
Episode 4 is decent enough, luke can be a little whiny.
Episode 5 is easily the best in the series, without question.
Episode 6 stats out good and remains good outside of the moon scenes and anything involving the fucking teddy bears.
The two teddy bear movies were actually kind of charming on their own.
Episode 7 was decent, but felt like you were always being rushed through. I wanted Finn and his Fighter pilot buddy to actually become buddies down on the planet and find Rei together so it didn't feel so "WE'RE FRIENDS BECAUSE THE SCRIPT SAYS SO" when they meet up again. I know some people think Rei is a mary sue, but fuck it, I enjoyed every scene she was in.

Rogue 1 has good action, a decent idea, if predictable ending (can't be helped) and some good characters and villains. It even has great filming. What it doesn't have is a protagonist. I don't know if it's the actress, the writing she had to work with, the direction or multiple/all of those things but she is a charismatic void, lacking personality and anything that could be understood as engaging. Following someone through a movie that never makes me give a fuck about them isn't an enjoyable experience.

>I'd rather have a bland main character than one I don't like.
But Rey is more likeable in every way.
Shit opinion.

What didn't you like about Rey?

I don't like Mary Sue's. Call it a shit opinion, it's a trope many people don't like.


I know I was just being mean at you for saying I have a shit opinion.

Although I guess I am actually Rey>Jyn.

yeah, I wish webms had sound on this board

china moot was a mistake

I liked the two movies, definitely more watchable than the prequels.

>1. Wasn't a rehash of an already existing Star Wars movie.
Are you dumb? The whole thing was fan service?

RO was ok, but it was netflix tier. The story/acting sucked (was generic television show tier). Action scenes were decent. You won't watch this multiple times like you did empire. If you're an idiot millennial you probably liked this though.

i think rogue one might be my least favorite star wars movie
not sure what my absolute favorite is

Oh look. It's another person that doesn't know what a mary sue is. Rei is perfectly normal for the Star Wars setting, especially if she turns out to be related to who almost everyone thinks she is. Hell, it may even be more complicated than that alone. Some people think she was trained then had her powers forcibly suppressed which is why she's taking little time to relearn things Revan style.

>You won't watch this multiple times like you did empire
Holy shit grandpa.
People won't watch this multiple times like they did TFA*

Rogue One wasn't even a Star Wars movie. It felt like a generic sci-fi action movie

>"Did Disney just portray the taliban-esque rebels in a positive light?"
They barely did though. Jinn(?) acted mainly on her own accord with a personal grudge to settle and only sided with the rebels because the Death Star threatened the entire galaxy. The rebels were basically portrayed as terrorists in this movie, far from the heroes in all other SW media.

>ywn be this unintelligent

Rogue One

Right now Rogue One, the last 45 made the film for me, pretty sure I was grinning the entire time.
Still love TFA, but it definitely has some flaws and strays too close to ANH.

Rogue one would have been brilliant if they made Vader first appear at the end of the movie when he slaughtered the rebels
The effect of first seeing Vader slaughtering rebels would have been far greater than first seeing Vader in that pointless scene in the middle of the movie
That's my biggest issue with the film, Vader first screen time was lame, they should have saved him for that ending scene only that would have made Rogue one true kino

Reminder that if you like Disney Wars at all you should kill yourself.

First off, it's Rey, not Rei. She's your waifu, I get it, still a Mary Sue and I will explain why.

First, let's get a common definition of Mary Sue established. This seems fitting considering the board we're on.

>In other words, the term "Mary Sue" is generally slapped on a character who is important in the story, possesses unusual physical traits, and has an irrelevantly over-skilled or over-idealized nature.
Main character, force sensitive, and overly skilled in the following ways

1) Immediately piloted the Millennium Falcon with skill rivaling Han Solo
2) Almost immediately becomes an expert with a blaster she was only shown how to use by Han Solo
3) Defeats an apprentice Sith-in-training with zero experience in lightsaber combat.
4) Immediate knowledge and execution of force persuasion.
5) Ability to withstand and repel Kylo's mindreading, again no prior experience.
6) Almost always instantly liked by everyone she meets that is not an enemy.
I really could go on and on. She's a prime example of Mary Stu, one that could be used as an example with almost universal agreement.

Your headcanon doesn't excuse that.

Rogue One all the way.
Plot felt like a product of the establish universe rather than a vehicle to manufacture likable characters.

To be fair, TFA did manufacture characters I like, but that only influences my optimism for Ep 8, Kylo is the only one who really feels fleshed out.
Also Rey was mary sue as fuck. Drop the power converter bypass, drop the fucking mind trick. Developed self reliance is sensible, don't need much more than that. If force-pulling the lightsaber was her first tangible use of the force and the snowquake stopped Kylo from wrecking her shit instead of the other way around, it would have worked a lot better.

It's almost like Anakin Skywalker was able to blow up en entire Trade Federation ship without any force training when he was fucking 7. The Force is magic; sort-of like some Eastern mystic skills, some can access it by hard training, while to others it comes more naturally.

Can someone explain to me why Jyn revealed what the rebels plans were and the major flaw they were going to exploit?
She didn't know the death star was there, nor that Cassius was going to kill the dude.
If she died, and he lived, he couldve reported the plans.

I also consider Anakin a big time Gary Stu. Although I will accept that he was merely "lucky" instead and give him the Born Lucky trope. One flawed character does not excuse another.

It is possible they're going to go with the virgin-birth force-babby angle with Rey.
It would explain her force skills to an extent, but it's still as stupid with her as it was with lil Annie

I figured that that's the case. The story is cyclical; Episode I is nearly as similar to Episode IV as VII is.

Pretty sure Rey is going to turn out to be Anakins reincarnation. Lots of signs point to it.

TFA has characters, so I enjoyed that a lot more.

this is just jumping bean Yoda all over again
Rogue One is prequels bad.

That scene was honestly the only redeeming thing about that pile of crap


No, you?

Rogue One
Both were fairly choppy movies in terms of how the events were sequenced together, especially in the first half of both films.
Rey was far better than Jyn, but literally every other supporting character in Rogue One was better than the supporting cast of TFA. Yeah sure whatever Han Solo is in TFA too but that still doesnt make up the difference.
TFA has literally one good action sequence and its the lightsaber duel at the end. Rogue one had pretty great action across the whole film, and the final battle was fantastic.
Comic relief character in Rogue One (the droid) was so much better than fucking Maz Kanata. God that character made me want to kill myself.
Kylo Ren was a whiny little bitch who got taken out by two nobodies who have literally never fought a real battle before the events of the movie. Director Krennick wasnt much better, but he was at least threatening since he destroyed an entire city and destroyed an entire rebel base in one order.
The only other edge TFA has is that it didnt close on an offensively stupid line. But Rogue One is still the far better film

Rogue one, and I didn't expect that

This guy was amazing

"Rey was far better than Jyn"


>Kylo Ren was a whiny little bitch who got taken out by two nobodies who have literally never fought a real battle before the events of the movie

a year later and idiots like you still dont understand the character of kylo ren

hes only strong with the force because of the medochlorians bullshit, aside from that hes just a sith poser

This. Force awaken is just jew jew Abrams lazy stealing plot from original Star wars movie with added sjw propaganda

>action was decently scattered and then went up in scale for the climax of the movie

I really don't understand how almost nobody agrees with this. Even very positive reviews say how the movie really picks up 'after the slow start' kind of thing. No part of the film drags.

after the shitty prequels people wanted to see the movie they grew up with
he literally gave you the same movie
and you still fucking complain

TFA by far. Loved it from start to finish. RO was complete garbage except for the ending with vader.

>not as mary sue lead

dude she was 100% in every way a mary sue.

> the amount of insincerity in this thread

lucky im only on Sup Forums for the felicity threads

As a movie, Rogue One. But no one can deny that TFA was an event movie, it felt more "woah this is actually happening" when you were watching it compared with Rogue One