

Other urls found in this thread:,4592249&ref=np

A cunnybro would give her the flowers he's holding

what did he do?

The unthinkable.

Makes her day...

Did the dog killed her?

He looked at her....
Literally a pedophile

thats a dog shit bag you stupid pedophile

Nice euphemism for pedophile scum, I love reporting your shit threads to the FBI

I can think of a lot of unthinkable things, each more disgusting than the last. Which one did the man do?

He went TOO FAR. Scientists HATE him for this one weird trick.

why didn't the camera man help her find her mom?

did he buy her some ice cream?

one of those dumb social experiments and a guy tries to take her to his rape dungeon and someone else called cops and he was registered pedo.


WTF? They called the cops?

It was just a prank.

>not posting a link to the shit clickbait video

>I can think the unthinkable
come on now

Wait is this what really happen? kek


Hes not even paying attention to her,4592249&ref=np

I feel like this wont even go through