>this movie that fails on every fundamental aspect is actually great because of allegories and symbolism that it does nothing with
Why is this allowed?
This movie that fails on every fundamental aspect is actually great because of allegories and symbolism that it does...
because i liked it
It was pretty great t b h
it's good. it has problems but it's good. if you don't like it, cool
watch it again
Superman fans are autistic
Batman fans are bad too but at least they can admit when a movie is horrible.
>3 hours of pure torture
>but it's cool because it's not Marvel
It really does make you think
nothing compared to the autism levels of flash fans
This is one of those rare times where I truly can't tell how much of the praise is post-irony/memes.
I can only speak for myself. I loved the movie and genuinely thought it was one of the best films i saw this year.
Yes, i know it has flaws
I honestly don't understand the hate.
I'm pretty the dark knight raped the lore worse than this movie did, but people consider it the best batman movie ever made.
A retarded plot twist wasn't enough to ruin empire strikes back.
If misused allegory and symbolism is a cinematic sin, then kubrick was the worst director to ever grace the silver screen.
the fact of the matter is there are much worse movies that people are willing to sit through and yet people brag that this walked out of this one as if it was some kind of indication of cinematic intelligence and sophistication.
this movie was okay at worst.
the negative reviews and backlash is blown way the fuck out of proportion by memeing shitheads and people looking to bash on a movie for political/personal/psychotic reasons.
Oh, new BvS thread
Feels good to be DChad
I'm with this guy.
It does tons of things with them. If you accept the interpretation of all the metaphor that people have pointed out, the allegories and symbolism do this:
>Comic-book god, not "Space Jesus"
1) The world is changing because of Superman's presence. Magic is waking back up because of him.
2) Superman's turning a Nolan-esque "Bat-world" back into the sort of place where gods and monsters and mythic heroes make sense. His sacrifice is what's ushering in a new Heroic Age, which is a great allusion to Superman's place in comic book history as well as commentary on how the grit, "realism," and moral ambiguity of comics' recent past is essentially what killed Superman in the 90s.
3) It highlights the distinctions between perception and reality, showing how if a god-like being really did walk among us, we'd view him through the filter of our own preconceptions.
>East/West/Elite dynamic
1) It does what comic books have always been about but in an even more topical and current way - it presents a picture of a better world, one where the East and the West see past their differences and start finding common ground, foiling the plans of an elite that stand to profit from our continued lack of a meaningful dialogue.
2) It contains possible hints of what's to come. If it's accurate, we can expect to see Superman struggle to reassert his identity in the face of an imposter, possibly one who seeks to use the Kryptonian Codex much like Zod did, but in an even more militaristic way, one where all they seek to produce is soldiers and enforcers, an army of Kryptonian slaves, because if the allegorical arc continues into JL, it will contain veiled references to Wahhabism and those who espouse it.
what's with characters that can run super fast that attracts autists
Good post
Because you're wrong and the movie is great
>be marlelcuck
>open daily antiBvS thread hoping this time DChads won't destroy me
>post like these happens every time
Marlelcuckoldry is suffering
fucking checked
Batman v Superman is simply the representation of the artistic bankruptcy plaguing the contemporary film industry.
Like Man of Steel, Snyder's last endeavor in hackery, this latest attempt is to convince the masses that what they are viewing is something deep or meaningful, when all it has done is push forward shallow technicality and exaggeration to make the frame pulsate with vulgar loudness. Characters are mere veneers, the cinematography is pretty but so conspicuous as to be rendered aggravating and the thesis is about as overdone as Eisenberg's acting. The camera feels like it has been waiting all day for a climactic shot and the film's deliberately difficult production history is laid bare in the indulgent cinematography.
Thematic complexity and philosophical subtext take a back seat to what amounts to as basically an action movie with action stars wrapped up in the veil of capekino. And much like Salome, what lies beneath is ultimately puerile, obscene and holding fascination only for adolescents.
Snyder is guilty of something far greater than simply making a bad movie. He is guilty for the crime of gestating his pretense and self-importance, forcing many others to labor over it in a misguided attempt to create art and daring to call the afterbirth a film. Perhaps instead of taking his cast and crew to greenscreen rooms in search of a better shot, the American counterfeit filmmaker should have taken his juvenile and crass sensibilities to the seedy San Fernando valley. There he could have at least made a profit of filming all the money shots he wanted.
>said OP as he then turned around to unironically enjoy Marvel trash because it's "fun"
No need to beat around the bush. We all know who create these threads. Dumb cocksucker.
>OP didn't mention Marvel once
is this how paranoid DCucks are? jesus..
It's amazing how many words you wrote only to say nothing. Always fun to see Disney whores talk about "artistic bankruptcy".
Ousted yourself pretty hard there MCUck.
Whats wrong with fun you miserable cock. Is your life really that joyless
it's bad, it has decent parts, but it's bad overall, if you like it, cool.
>shallow technicality and exaggeration
>vulgar loudness
>Characters are mere veneers
These are all value judgements and not arguments, you know that right? You're using pretty words to ornament the words "I didn't like it so it's shit", therefore indulging yourself in the same sins you accuse Snyder of.
You know there is something wrong with the Disney shills when they use BvS's visual strength against it and Civil War's C-rate "cinematography" as its strength. Almost as if they were paid to suck cocks.
Nothing is wrong with it. Hell, I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I () enjoy the MCU films to greater and lesser degrees. but it doesn't stop me from appreciating a comic book film that brings more than just escapist fun to the table.
As time has rolled on, I've enjoyed the MCU less, by and large, because their characters are increasingly becoming victims of that patented Disney Magic™.
The main conflict of the film is half-assedly resolved in a big hurry so that they can fight a villain that didn't show up until the last twenty minutes and has no dialogue or personality whatsoever.
Batman has nothing to do for 75% of the Doomsday fight other than run away.
Wonder Woman had no business being there, completely tonally inconsistent with the rest of the film. Also it would have been great if they had cast an actress rather than a supermodel.
They throw the death of Superman arc in at the last minute without building up to it or earning it in any way. None of the members of the JL even know him apart from Batman who just met him and half of the population hated him so basically the only person effected in any way is Lois Lane.
I could go on.
Shit fucking sucks.
Batman v Superman is so bad DC may have tanked their entire cinematic universe already.
You can bet your asses WB Exec's are fucking terrified that Wonder Woman and JL might flop. Batman v Superman's gross was frontloaded as fuck and dropped HARD, only meeting the absolute bare minimum of box office expectations. It was entirely sold on hype and goodwill from fans, and the movie was complete shit, and everyone knows it. Everyone saw that Sad Affleck meme video, and the cultural consensus is, by and large, that BvS sucked. Is anyone really excited for Wonder Woman? Even fucking Justice League? Do normies know that movie is coming out? They're already a billion in the hole for this franchise, and it's not taking off like they hoped it would.
His death in the movie had more narrative importance than it ever did in his comic book death arc.
As for Doomsday, I liked him here a hell of a lot more than I did in his original comic book appearance.
I have nothing but a complete lack of surprise that Batman v Superman was a pathetic, abysmal failure of a film, and I have nothing but scorn and contemptuous laughter for the morons who have been supporting Warner Bros for years. Laziness and lack of organisation will ALWAYS shine through, in the end.
Warner's DC studio have based their entire schtick around "dark and realistic" with Nolan's Batman but this time, when they themselves were put to the test without the help of Nolan ("can YOU make a good film, with all your supposed knowledge about it?") their true colors shone through for all to see. I knew it would happen, of course. I knew it from the first time I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and attempt to view Man of Steel.
Hopefully as a direct result of this, one or more of the members of Warner Bros executives will realise that they are, and have been, nothing but an abhorrent failure "half-assing it" through this cinematic universe, and put an end to it. Their life, that is. Now THAT I would buy tickets to.
Make your suicides happen, Warner Bros Executives. It's the only chance at redemption you all have.
>throw Batman and Wonder Woman under the bus so that Superman could the center of the entire universe
Nah fuck it, a universe where Wonder Woman loses heir faith in humanity and needs Superman to bring it back is not worth anyone's time
>cultural consensus
>literally shill critics in the internet
>all audience scores you can find is about double the critic scores and it was a bluray top seller for almost two months
>it actually managed to bring new readers to the comic market, which the competition never achieved, and that's one of the reason Rebirth dominates the living fuck out Marvel
>They're already a billion in the hole for this franchise, and it's not taking off like they hoped it would.
They already made that billion back and then some. Actually the DCEU is doing much better than the MCU by the third movie and I mean MUCH better. WW is a sub 100M movie that will do ok and JL will do fine. I can see WW being DC's Hulk but even that it's not assured and JL can still be DC's Avengers
So worry not marlelcuck, you'll have capekino for years to come
It's extremely bloated. Horrendously edited. Poorly cast. Baldly acted. Lazily written. Painstakingly dull. Unbelievably boring. Unnecessarily broody. Terribly paced. And that is just the first hour, there is still two more hours left.
The shear number of pointless subplots are simply staggering. Plot holes? You mean mystery elements. The fact that someone read the script and decided it was worthy of spending over 250 million to bring it to the screen boggles my mind. This is what happens when you take five different scripts that have no sense of correlation. Did editing and streamlining the story not cross anyone's mind.
The production is big on making terrible decisions and this is clearly evident in the casting. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther is laughably bad giving his rejected Social Network performance as twitching Mark Zuckerberg. Gal Gadot is by far the biggest miscast. Most people complained when she cast due to her poor physicality and zero resemblance to Wonder Woman. Those points are fine, but the biggest drawback is that she's frankly not a good actress. She has the emotional range of a potato. Her big reveal in costume is complete with a 'cool' guitar rift like it's some Robert Rodriguez film. During action scene she is replaced by her cgi double which obviously looks bigger and muscular in comparison to Gal Gadot's actual physical appearance. I just couldn't help by have a good chuckle at that.
>Millions of people will sit through this thoroughly mediocre movie (directed with basic competence by Gareth Edwards from a surprisingly hackish script by Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy) and convince themselves that it’s perfectly delightful. It’s so much easier to obey than to resist. The spoiler warning sent by the Disney empire instructed journalists to “continue to be our partners on this journey,” and defiance is unthinkable, even if “partner” is taken as a synonym for “shill.”
>not franchise movies
>literally franchise starting movies
>"lol they aren't"
The biggest misstep in the entire production is the appointment of Zack Snyder as director. It seem like he just walked of the set of making Watchmen and nobody seemed to tell him that he wasn't contracted to direct a lackluster patchwork Watchmen sequel. An opening scene that features Jeffrey Dean Morgan being killed with a slo-mo shot of a shell casing exiting a gun; the government against masked vigilantes, a powerful god-like superhuman figure; a man that dresses in a black costume and fights crime with gadgets coming out of retirement; the death of a famous hero; not one, but three funeral scenes. How is this not recycling elements of Watchmen.
Zack Snyder has the inability to direct scenes where no action takes place and he can't mask it with stylish cgi backgrounds like he did in 300. Simply put when there's no explosions it dull and boring. Simple character interactions prove to be a struggle for a director who still gets his philosophy for his movies from teenage web forums. Religious references that completely lack subtlety and elegance doesn't make you movie 'intellectual'.
Other grievances include: a scene and a plot point that revolves around urine; Lex Luther's so called evil plan; Knightmare; a hyped fight that just ends up being a normal fistfight; and actual teaser trailers for future movies in the franchise.
Because it's not actually about how good the movie is, it's about stroking my ego.
My opinion of the movie has nothing to do with the quality of the movie, my opinion just allows me to feel intellectually superior to you, and that's all that matters to me.
savage quads
>>literally franchise starting movies
How is Superman remotely like Dr. Manhattan?
This image alone shuts you down, if you're perceptive enough to understand its implications, that is.
DCuck in a nutshell
affleckis batman is the best yet
>>literally franchise starting movies
Are you mentally disabled?
>samefagging this poorly
Come on, put on the script and have some captain cuck post get dubs and be done with it
>being this fucking retarded
wew lad, impressive.
It was all over the place. Meandering in areas that don't matter (Lois spending 20 minutes finding out that Luthor is evil and does nothing with the information). Incredibly weird ads for the next movies (like when the dramatic music starts when Wonder Woman's picture shows up).
I have no idea where it's going. It fails to set anything up in a logical way that it makes the rest of the movie a chore to watch, a waiting game to the big fight, which was so mediocre and full of terrible effects that it wasn't worth watching 2 hours in the first place.
I don't even give a shit about the Martha thing because it works in the sense that it shocks Bruce into actually taking a second to think, but that admits that Batman wasn't thinkign for the entire film, because absolutely no one was.
this reads like someone trying to sound smart but not having enough going on to come up with interesting ideas.
>Snyder is guilty of something far greater than simply making a bad movie. He is guilty for the crime of gestating his pretense...
this for example. horrible prose, no point, no insight.
>standalone movies with zero (0) franchise potential are franchise starting movies guys!
Shame we were all hyped for the Tomorrowland Cinematic Universe
they were made in an attempt to kickstart franchises
stop being so retarded, it's unhealthy.
Quads post here has settled it.
>they were made in an attempt to kickstart franchises
I can't if you're serious or memeing anymore
>both the watchmen and bvs are superhero movies
the watchmen was about the watchmen story, bvs was about power and responsibility
can't argue with those digits
>An opening scene that features Jeffrey Dean Morgan being killed with a slo-mo shot of a shell casing exiting a gun; the government against masked vigilantes, a powerful god-like superhuman figure; a man that dresses in a black costume and fights crime with gadgets coming out of retirement; the death of a famous hero; not one, but three funeral scenes. How is this not recycling elements of Watchmen
So it's not just that you didn't get BvS, you didn't get Watchmen either. Got it lad, thanks
>>this movie that fails on every fundamental aspect is actually great because of allegories and symbolism that it does nothing with
>no evidence or argument provided
into the trash it goes
It's a meme you dip.
>does nothing with the information).
fucking wrong, he lets the governmetn know which helps them stop his plan o prematurelt invite the future villan to earth because he flees when he watches lex go under custody in the spaceship.
>like when the dramatic music starts when Wonder Woman's picture shows up).
>I have no idea where it's going. It fails to set anything up in a logical way
>I lack a prefrontal cortex
ffs it's been nine months. just shut the goddamn hell up about this movie already. you're worse than baneposters.
It's crazy how people are legit unable to see the meaning in BvS. It's not a perfect movie, but the ideas and themes it tackles and the way it resolves them through the deconstruction of two of Americas biggest pop culture icons is nothing short of astounding.
Fucking Autists who seem to have some all or nothing viewpoints on cinema are a cancer.