Not being discriminatory, inflammatory, or degrading, just honestly asking.
How did so many jews end up in the media world for careers (hollywood, Fox News, CNN, CBS, etc)
Not being discriminatory, inflammatory, or degrading, just honestly asking.
How did so many jews end up in the media world for careers (hollywood, Fox News, CNN, CBS, etc)
You know how when a black kid shows some intelligence, the other blacks tell him to quit acting white?
When a white kid shows intelligence, the other white kids tell him to quit being a jew.
Simple as it is, that's the honest answer.
Uh no. They say that when a fellow white kid is a cheapskate. Where the fuck are you from?
All the rich ones came to America.
All the poor ones got shoahed away.
Completely makes sense, but what makes the media so attractive to them?
Jewish culture predisposes them in childhood to argument-forming, thought-leading, and narrative-maintaining.
Jewish established success enables nepotism.
Jewish cultural engineering ensures that David Brooks or Mark Potok are "respected experts" but Steve Sailer and Kevin MacDonald are "fringe creeps."
Yes, 'cheapskate' is a synonym that's sometimes used instead. Point stands.
And I'm from a red state, that's as much as you need to know.
"I don't know man, that's like $20"
"Stop being such a fucking jew Michael"
I've heard this conversation many times.
Look at Purim, look at the Old Testament, look at the use of story by Semitic tribalists (to include non-Jews) in maintaining identity.
The mafia was Jewish, and it needed a place to launder money. from illegal alcohol.That is how Hollywood became what it became.
Control the people's minds
Things that never happened, not even in fiction, in part because nobody thinks Jews are as smart as they claim. Jews are associated with dishonesty, not intellect.
Nepotism + 1000 years of banking experience.
Have there been any studies on this? Either cultural or historical documents?
money and tribalism.
The fact that you felt you had to preface your question in an anonymous image board with a disclaimer is a good indicator of the power wielded by the jew
Actually try "things that happened to me roughly once a week throughout school."
TFW smartest kid in every school I ever attended.
Formal studies to answer those specific questioms? I doubt it.
I've been studying this all my life and I've never heard of this before in any context.
Maybe you're telling the truth but I simply do not believe you.
Other avenues of business in the US were being shut off to them in the late 1880s. Vaudeville was just getting started and was hugely popular in major cities and railroad served towns. Vaudeville was considered a vulgar way of making a living but still needed financial acumen and services.
Basically there was a need and the Jews provided most of such services early on. Entertainment as a business exploded in power and influence.
There you go.
Two questions, what is Purim, and so you feel them being in media gives them the ability to control their image through the (until recently) #1 economy in the world?
I honestly wonder if it comes from the history in Europe of persecution and identity manipulation they had at the hands of medias they had no control over at the time (think tzar's, communist russia, german politics, etc). Look at the devastating effect those had on them as an ethnicity.
Let one Jew into a position of power, the rest will follow.
I actually heard it just last week. Tried to give my girlfriend the right change for her purchase so she'd get a dime back instead of a penny. She gave me this stupid look and asked why she should take that amount. She just refused to wrap her head around it - she's not dumb, she's what passes for a pretty smart white girl actually, but she just refused to do the math. 'Quit being such a fucking jew' she says.
It's certainly not the only thing I hear in that context but it's frequent as hell.
Thing is when you tell a white kid that, he'll act stupid for acceptance and his learning slows, but when the kid knows he's a jew to start with, he just takes it as a sign he's doing things right, so he keeps right on learning.
Check out the jews are everywhere, if one was conspiratorial about this, we could say they want to dominate "meta politically" aka in the mind so they shape how we percieve the world and that adds credence to the idea when we see lobby groups like AIPAC controlling the foreign policy towards the middle east.
Not only that but quite a few top politicians in Europe and America are jewish and support globalised capitalist policys like mass immigration... however some do not for instance: Michael Gove who wants the independence of britain from the EU though that's the only one I can think of.
Loads. There's a really good book and documentary on Hollywood, forget the name but it starts with the fact that "Hollywood" started as arcades of pornographic Nicklodeons, and fled to California to dodge a lawsuit from Thomas Edison. There's the gatekeepered but good Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkline. You could look into the things I already told you to look into. There's the work of Lasha Darkmoon, Steve Sailer and Kevin McDonald, or Red Ice Radio. There's thezog dot info. There's Israel Shahak's Jewish History, Jewish Religion, which is a short, readable introduction to Jews but does not focus on media. There's Steve Oney's And The Dead Shall Rise, which objectively revisits the lynching that launched the ADL, and illustrates the huge media onslaught seeking to defame the South and whitewash the defendant. There's the books that came out after WWI describing the media effort to foment war. There's Propaganda by Edward Bernays, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E Michael Jones, and Judaism's Strange Gods by Michael Hoffman.
J-Dar is establishment garbage. It overdefines "Jewishness" and gives falsely comforting results.
The only reason I did that was I know how out of control these questions can get so i wanted to make it clear right off the bat I'm looking for information without a bias.
>Not being discriminatory, inflammatory, or degrading
SAGE goes in all fields
I agree "9% for jewish content", but it still gives the everyday person something to think about in relation to possible zionist control over media.
>How did so many jews end up in the media world for careers (hollywood, Fox News, CNN, CBS, etc)
because they decided thats where they wanted to go.
you cant really pin down work-ethics, prestige and personal interest.
Why are so many finns good racing drivers? Who the fuck knows?
in-group bias. Jews had a huge part in founding the television industry, and they only hire other jews
that guy is obviously some sort of mudblood
Interesting phrasing, I am now suspecting things.
Before we go any further learn about Purim. I will finish this comment with a summary.
"So you feel controlling the media." No. Plenty of people attempt the same thing or occupy the same position without the skills or the support network. I said upthread the real trick was engineering consensus, having "your" experts accepted as "experts." Thete's multiple layers and the Jews have been successful in fundamentally Judaizing the basic premises of our culture.
Purim Summarized In Reverse
Janko the Orthodox Peasant is getting hounded by Shmuley the evil tax collector. Janko defeats him at every turn, and defeats Shmuley in the most humiliating way possible. At one point Shmuley is forced to shout praise for Janko with every step he takes. Finally Janko's daughter Sveta, who has infatuated the Tsar, tricks Shmuley into appearing to have attempted to rape her. Shmuley weeps as he hangs himself, a total failure in every enterprise in his life, and Shmuley's people are set upon by Janko's people, who are allowed by God "to do with them as they saw fit."
That might sound like the history of a pogrom in Eastern Europe. But with the identities reversed, it's Purim, the happiest Jew holiday, celebrated with noise and drinking every year. See the Megilla of Esther. Esther = Sveta, Janko = Mordecai, the Tsar = the Shah, and Shmuley = Haman, as well as you. You are Haman. Haman is a caricature of all gentiles everywhere who are dumb enough to try to opose Mordecai's people.
What part did they have in creating it? Does that go back to the Nickelodeon post from 5wDbwqlV?
Okay. But I dislike the focus on Jews per se. I want people to focus on Jewish ideology and Jewish-nudged fallacies. For example, movies that depend on glorifying misuse of guns, made by people who oppose the Constitution, are effectively a way of generating the impression that there is no legitimate use for guns. Notice that in the otherwise excellent film Baader-Meinhof Complex, guns are never depicted properly used, not even in the hands of policemen.
... they created it, so the part they had in creating it would probably be the whole part.
>TFW smartest kid in every school I ever attended.
what sort of school is there where the smartest kid doesn't know what a synonym is?
But I need citations to go with that info
You unintentionally talk like one of them. No such thing as "information without bias." Sapir-Whorf.
First thing I thought too. What white person among whites talks about themselves as a white kid?
So look into the history of TV and pay attention to the names.
I get that people are being dumbed down to think that argument from authority is the basis of truth, but a true statement is verifiable from multiple angles, and truth does not fear investigation.
if you want to know why jewish people are so predisposed to becoming successful, it's because the majority of them are very disciplined per their religion. Fasting, limiting what they can eat, respecting the sabbath, they have a stout work ethic because they can only do things for 6 days a week, they're taught to respect their parents, etc. the jewish people are far more responsible because they're taught to be from birth. Then comes into the picture that they stick together like glue, jewish communities are very close-knit and grudges never last.
I will, but you should also recognize that the consumer generation demands facts and references be given to them with as little effort on their part as possible.
I dont care about successful, successful can be the result of any number of possibilities. I'm specifically talking about jewish participation in media distribution to the US/World
A) High Jewish IQ.
B) Limited assess to other profession.
C) Cultural pressure to be successful.
D) Tribal to help other Jews.
Get a foothold in the media, help other Jews out - few generations later:
Breaking news - White Christians cause cancer!
You sir have put your finger on the real heart of the problem: not Jews per se, who are necessarily limited in number, but Jewish values, whoch are potentially universal.
White christians are the number one supporters of the state of Israel, the day they would be stupid enough to do something like that is the day the world is over as we know it.
That is a really general statement from you, how could jewish values propel them into the media?
Right, I undestand what your saying.
Whoops, read your comment as "you sir have TO put your finger"
>kid doesn't want to blow allowance on stupid shit for his friends
>not a sign of intelligence
Jewish values propel them into the media?!
Jewish values are presupposed in stories and are normalized by media.
You seem to be imagining some kind of WASP establishment that was gradually, partially infiltrated by a handful of unrelated, irreligious Jews. That's nonsense. There was no infilltration, they built it (see the life of Joseph Pulitzer). But that nonsense is the establishment story (eg, Gentleman's Agreement, Mad Men).
American Jews don't care about Israel. Their religion is Liberalism.
As Israel begins to resemble old America they hate it more and more.
I misread your comment, see:
What's hard to understand?
American Jews are overwhelmingly Liberal. Liberals don't like Israel.
Israel is a right wing, ethno-nationalist state that kicks ass in war. It's badass in a way that America used to be badass. So liberals hate it for the same reasons they hate American history.
Linked wrong post.
I said white christians are the majority of supporters of the nation state of Israel, what does liberal american jews have anyting to do with that?
Being successful isn't hard if you're raised right.
If you have parents who feed you bad food, don't care if you watch tv over reading books, don't care if you try in school, then you're probably black. They all want to be rappers, drug dealers, and NFL running backs.
If your parents try to raise you for success, then you end up in positions of power, i.e. Disney, Einstein Bagels, etc.
High IQ