Amerifats will defend this
American Healthcare System
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Our government fails horribly at running their own departments and you think its wise for us to be totally depandant on them for healthcare?
Worry about your own country horsefucker
just another piece of freedom canucks will never have :^)
Nobody is going to defend shit because nobody thinks our health care works.
Fuck off, leaf.
He deserves it for white knighting
>Be American.
>Go anywhere.
>Get shot.
>Go to hospital.
>Become bankrupt.
You're SO RIGHT I would much prefer years-long waiting for transplants and major procedures instead of paying then and getting them done
The government wouldn't be running the hospitals you dumb fuck. They would be footing the bill. Kill yourself.
Before Obamacare insurance companies charged my family less for coverage. Since it's enactment, they have all raised their prices by a significant amount, because it has become a much more inelastic good, due to it being mandatory. Textbook example of cronyism ruining America.
Commies will defend this.
>trying to defend a girl
His own fault 2bh.
It's broken by design, this way the insurance company and health care industry can fill their pockets. They are also the larges lobby for congress.
I don't think you know how NHS works. The government would indeed need to run the hospitals in order to maintain proper oversight.
Trump wants to establish a healthcare system like in Germany which is an ok-healthcare system.
Pretty much. Hospitals themselves don't actually make much, but insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies roll in the dough.
Same as the NRA being a front for gun manufacturer lobbying more or less
Remember, in burgerland it always comes down to the holla holla get dolla
>be European
>die waiting to be treated
It's OK, just take these pain pills for your fatal illness and go home. Your surgery is scheduled for October 2018
It is honestly too expensive. It's just retardedly expensive.
Our system is flawed, I will not deny that.
But do you think """free""" healthcare is a good solution?
Why doesn't the government instead look at ways to reduce costs and prevent hospitals and big pharmacy from butt fucking patients?
Why is a surgeon refusing anyones insurance
pretty sure an accountant somewhere is actually doing this
In network vs out of network insurances.
Its either he pays it or i do. I'd rather he pay it m8. We've already seen how terrible a universal health care system for america would be. Hell the attempt wasnt even close to fitting the definition of one. I cant imagine how much of a disaster a true attempt would turn out to be.
I do not defend this.
t. Poorfag who would love to mooch off the system.
>they would be footing the bill
>using taxpayer money to do so
>we the public would be footing the bill
Yeah no keep your commie shit.
People's queue would be prioritized by how urgent their care is.
To say people die while waiting is plain dishonest.
How about we stop limiting the number of medical schools?
Aah i still remember those times as a kid when i had to go to hospital (i had asthma and a lot of broken bones from time to time).
>Remember son, you cant breath
>but mom im feeling better
You, Cant, Breath,
I always got first in lines and quickly out of hospital. Thanks mom :3
Couldn't he call another surgeon or hospital to see one who would accept his insurance?
So you happen to fall under the "not immediately lethal but will die in the near future" tier. People needing immediate care will constantly be pushed ahead of you until its too late for you. Its simply a reality of a system like this.
physicians dont refuse insurance
Yes. Thats what they're conveniently leaving out. If someone doesnt provide a service, you find someone that does. His insurance wont be universally denied by every hospital. If it were, that insurance provider wouldnt be able to stay in business.
That's how free market works right? Also if someone needs a surgery to save his life and the surgeon "doesn't accept his insurance" how does that work?
its more likely his insurance requires prior auth, and given the fact that the surgery wasnt done while he was inpatient its probably cosmetic and not necessary and their medical director wont sign off on it
Are all "cosmetic surgeries" so fucking expensive?
>To say people die while waiting is plain dishonest.
it happens
prices in the us are inflated, often by orders of magnitude as a result of a death spiral with many moving parts too complicated to explain on a Sup Forums post. if his insurance would provide authorization the surgeon could expect a couple grand in remittance if commercial, or a few hundred bucks if its government sponsored (medicaid, medicare, tricare)
No I'm talking specifically about cosmetic surgeries.
"They didn't take my insurance" is code for "I didn't have insurance". Which I would bet is because the person in question is an illegal immigrant
Thats the fucked up thing about surgeries that involve the face. My lower jaw stopped growing along with my skull when i was 12. It would've been a $15k operation to split and lengthen my jaw but since it wasnt correcting a medical issue its viewed as cosmetic and therefore a no-go.
they can be, depends on what he needs. if he had a broken jaw it might be misaligned so he'd need major surgery to repair it.
Also he could just not pay the bill and nothing happens but his credit score takes a hit for a while
The government runs and foots the bills for VA hospitals.
That alone is reason enough to keep them the fuck out.
It's still surgery, user. Fucking up can severely and permanently disfigure someone, but also still kill them as well.
Get a job that provides medical insurance.
I'm 20 and get to enjoy the fact that my father wasn't a degenerate and got a job with health insurance that I'm still under.
I'm sorry you/your parents were low life losers.
maybe because he broke his jaw in an altercation he could have easily avoided by simply not participating he wasn't covered
Does it run out at all? My fathers insurance would've dropped me when i turned 24 but i've already gotten a comfy job with benefits a couple years before that.
holy shit, post pic of jaw line
I dont have the ability to do that at the moment. But i'll tell you this: look at your fingernails excluding your thumb. From cuticle to the tip of the nail is how far offset my bite is. Not to mention my lower jaw also being narrower than normal so i get to enjoy biting my tongue and insides of my mouth alot.
24 or 25. But I'll be working as a teacher or in the military before then so I'm pretty comfortable.
Based. Good luck out there.
Do you want to hear a joke ?
American healthcare system.
What makes switzerland special enough to deviate from the average as well? I know why america's health care is shitty but i didnt expect a euro nation to be that much higher than the average.
This is less because of the business and payment structure and more because americans are extremely fat and unhealthy.
Also because of nationalized healthcare systems cutting corners. For example, in much of europe, older women can only get a mammogram once every 3 years rather than yearly.
considering me going to the hospital more than once a year is incredibly rare why should I have to pay constantly for other dumb fucks surgery? Plus you can just find a job that gives health insurance
probably had some government insurance plan
top lel
>government paying for something it doesn't own/control
>implying the point of paying for it isn't to gain control/ownership over it
He relaxed
americans are fat and we have too many government regulations. also unlike those socialist shitholes, we can't be refused treatment if a government review board decides we don't "need" it
Our healthcare is objectively the best in the world. We have cutting edge techniques, medicines, and surgeries available on demand, that's why our survival rates are consistently the highest and why our spending on healthcare is high as well.
Nevertheless, we could see many more options for lower-class Americans if we broke the grip of the AMA on the medical sector and deregulated key areas. But the answer isn't socialized Euromedicine, three year waiting periods, and 52.8% survival rates.
>have health insurance
>go to need it
>surgeon refuses to take it
>forced to pay out of pocket
>lol u had some government insurance it doesn't count
>whiteknighting sluts
should have had better insurance.
American healthcare service is the best in the world. It should certainly cost more than everywhere else, but probably not by this much.
out network they do. people on medicare or medicaid have to stay in network to recieve the cheap or free health care and thats good but sometimes those doctors are cheap for a reason. For small shit its ok but for surgery its big problem.
>surgeon refuses to take it
Then you go to one that doesn't hate guaranteed money.
>we can't be refused treatment if a government review board decides we don't "need" it
this is true
I family here in Europe (I think it was UK) was denied of cancer medication even when they were prepared to pay it out of their own pockets because they board decided is was not "cost-effective"..
>those piss poor UK survival rates
>americans are fat
>we have too many regulations
how are we gonna stop people from being fat then? Capitalism inherently causes degeneracy like obesity.
>Be in europe
>Get cancer
Similar in the US where a health insurance company can just deny your claim because they can and not because it's not under your contract
Mvp used to deny people instantly on every claim so they could make more money not having to pay out to people hoping they would shoo away if they didn't submit the claim again
>how are we gonna stop people from being fat then?
We don't. What we do, is stop paying for it. If you don't have a signed document that you aren't obese (or alternatively, a low percent body fat, for athletes), then you don't get your bennies.
But there must be some tricks on how to get a cosmetic surgery at a decent price, otherwise the market wouldn't function.
If he had a gun he wouldn't have had to get that close. thereby preventing the pussified response to being punched.
Kill yourself mudslime leaf filth
i ain't disagreeing with this but i see this being some sort of discrimination crap.
holy mother of kek
Probably, because people are too fucking stupid to realize that your body weight is basically entirely determined by how tall you are and what you eat.
>muh cutting edge
Prostate cancer is one of the less lethal, cancer, the more you age the more you have a propension to develop one and so dying in the interval, that is easliy explainable by the superior life expectancy in most western Euro countries (2 to 3).
Source: I'm a med student.
In the other domain we do as good as you in France will spending 2 times less.
You are simply scammed by pharma companies and the patents, your state does not negotiate the price of drugs distributed in the country and so you are buttfucked by both insurances and drug sellers.
we can't negotiate shit because of the FDA and all these other fucking regulatory bodies. the solution is LESS government, not more, you fucking cuckold
good job handling your mental health crisis by the way
Another thing for you.
The best healthcare system is a public/private mix:
- where doctors can practice either in hospitals or in private
- where the state reimburse a part of the care and the private insurance the rest
- where the state negociates the authorization to commercialize a drug on the market in exchange of a fair price
This force the state to take massive part in prevention actions too because that makes it save money.
Health is not your "everyday business", if you let people sick or don't heal them enough you are losing economic power by attrition.
I think there is a lot of thing US does better than Europe but your approach on healthcare is dogmatic.
Healthcare is just like army, it works better when it is centralized and supervised by the state.
>Healthcare is just like army, it works better when it is centralized and supervised by the state.
False. There are no benefits to state control or oversight on healthcare, only penalties. The dead-weight cost of government bureaucracy alone is enough to recommend against it. A single payer system (i.e. a government monopoly on healthcare) will produce the same thing that our government schools produce: a bad product at a high cost.
Without the government regulations you'd get denied for having a pretty existing condition
And throughly if you got sick, lost your job and insurance then tried to get insurance again you'd be denied because your sickness is preexisting
The trick is to get government health care. They pay a set rate for procedures, generally much less than what private insurance or uninsured people pay.
Unfortunately unless you're old, disabled, in the military, a veteran, or one of a certain type of government employee you do not get that sweet ass insurance. Still have to pay into it, but you don't get coverage.
That's nonsense. You might not qualify for every insurance plans, but that's because some are highly selective. There is a market for insuring people in poor health. They pay higher premiums, just like high risk drivers pay higher auto insurance premiums. That's how the market works. You can't have something for nothing, and if you need more healthcare, you should have to pay more. Period.
In fact your HMO would drop you if you suddenly became too expensive for your liking
>muh free market
You are the one cucked in the process retard, pharmaceutics company are thrustingtheir big balls in your throat and you are here asking for more.
That's why you pay your drugs sometimes 10x more than the rest of the developped world.
But continue to spout your simplistic memes instead of using critical thinking, in the meantime I will not have to sold my house if me or my child have an accident or become sick, I bet you can't say the same.
The FDA does not regulate price and your goverment totally fail in an area they should protect their citizens.
>our government schools produce: a bad product at a high cost.
Our schools are absolutely fantastic if you exclude the dindus who wouldn't learn a fucking thing at the most advanced private school anyway.
It's not nonsense
Before Obama care 2014 you'd be denied every time for having preexisting conditions. This was one of the biggest issues of having the losing insurance
This is a scam, it's obviously so the details can get Transgender surgery. If you need surgery in America you get it and pay later.
If u r chopping dick off that's elective and not covered.
Cap this truth
His fault for not having health insurance, fuck it is even against the law.
The artiest says he had insurance but was refused
>That's why you pay your drugs sometimes 10x more than the rest of the developed world
That's because of the FDA cucklord. All this regulation and red tape that's required to bring a drug to market in America is passed on to the consumer. All those fucking triple blind studies and certifications cost money, and the end consumer foots the bill. Abolish the FDA and drug costs would drop overnight.
Look up compound drugs, you faggot. These are drugs composed of ingredients that have individually been FDA certified, but which do not have to go through separate certification to be sold in America. They retail for literal pennies.
this is false. inner city schools fail everyone, white, black, latino and asian. the teacher's unions have destroyed education in this country.
Cuz it's really to get Trans surgery
It's devi-ever all over again
[source needed]
The reason so many health insurers refuse people with preexisting conditions is because the existence of medicare/medicaid prevents them from charging competitive rates to insure these people. It's not even worth doing business with them.
Why do I need a source to an issue that was so prevalent before it was illegal?
The Obama care act of 2012 specifically outlawed the dirty act of denying someone for having a preexisting condition
Of course there are, who remains the big boss of the market ? The State.
If the State denies you the authorization to sell your patented drug on the market because you set some crazy profit rate you are totally fucked, especially with the US, which sane company will say to the FDA:
"Hey you don't want to let us commercialize this drug we spent years of research and billions to develop because you don't approve our 600% profit rate ? So go fuck yourself."
No, they come back to the table and just lower their prices,
It is a form of protectionnism just like any other, but instead of protecting your steel industry you protect the health of your citizens.
Drugs and cares are not a random product, you don't choose your treatment like you choose a car or what you will eat at lunch, the treament chooses you.
The fact that we talk about some very high end technology plays a huge role in that too, for a disease you have maybe two or three competitors in the best case, not much, they are close to a monopoly situation.
Socialized health care is alright for most things, but it totally drops the ball on surgeries and is an unmitigated disaster on time sensitive treatment like cancer, this is all due to it always getting overburdened by the dregs of society who can't even take care of themselves.
Yeah, great fucking move Obongo. They can't deny you anymore, so they'll just jack up everyone's rates to deter shit applicants from getting on their insurance.
Well done.
> All those fucking triple blind studies and certifications cost money, and the end consumer foots the bill. Abolish the FDA and drug costs would drop overnight.
Yeah, let's flood the market and inject some badly tested substances and shit on the scientific and safety standards, these scientists are silly guys we should not listen, I'm sure the patients and doctors around the world would be super happy to do that.
I propose that we abolish all the safety standards fucking everywhere, it will diminish the cost of everything, people will work in dogshit first industrial revolution conditions while work-related deaths/injuries will explode but hey, who cares, at least things will be cheap !