How were the Empire able to build a second Death Star several orders of magnitude larger than the first one only a few years after the first one was destroyed when they were only able to build the much smaller and weaker one due to a super special genius scientist?
How were the Empire able to build a second Death Star several orders of magnitude larger than the first one only a few...
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Nigga, ain't you ever watched Contact?
The bottle neck was the technology, not the size.
It was a good trick
I dunno man
But I can't wait for the prequel for force awakens/star killer base in 20 years
That image is way off friend. Ds1 and ds2 are equal in power and almost equal in size. First one took forever to build because Galen Erso didn't want to help and only he knew how to make the laser
This is why Star Wars is shit. It was never about quality, it was always about, lets just make the next weapon in the next movie EVEN BIGGER! That must mean it's more threatening (despite them all having one glaring flaw).
1: for whatever reason the weapon needs a large amount of space
2: without the expertise of the scientist the 2nd death star was less efficient and they couldn't miniaturize it as much, hence vader getting mad that construction was behind schedule and it being apparently made operational without a completed shell and the star fighters being able to fly through it to the core
3: the real purpose of the 2nd death star was to lure Luke Skywalker out of the woodwork, the rebels needed a jedi to help destroy it
>it was always about, lets just make the next weapon in the next movie EVEN BIGGER!
It's been done two times out of seven movies, eight if you count rogue one.
Inb4 the eu did it.
The EU was flawed and written like fan fiction.
ROTJ was so stupid with the second death star, i can't believe they did it AGAIN with TFA
Twice in the second trilogy, and they're doing it again in the current trilogy. Oddly enough the first trilogy had the better premise of a monolithic fight instead of a single all-powerful weapon.
They just highlighted everything in the schematics, held cntrl, then resized it. EZPZ
and AGAIN with rogue one
cant wait for more death star movies
every new movie gets a death star!
I think the real question here is how the First Order managed to make an EVEN BIGGER Death Star without anyone noticing or caring.
Was the Republic really that stupid? And if so, why wouldn't you want the Empire to run the whole joint?
Why was the DS2 bigger? Thought after the kinks of the first one they could make it smaller
What could they do with all that space? Most of it would just be a waste
>lets just make the next weapon in the next movie EVEN BIGGER
Does the Death Star get enough time to fire when ready?
After all this time it's still not clear why Empire was evil.
It is a bit puzzling though why Palpatine would allow someone like Tarkin to just go around exploding major planets on his own. Given how Palpatine micromanaged the CIS/Republic conflict you'd think he'd want to be the one personally using that kind of weapon.
It had a tonne of hangers for Troop ships, soldier quarters and stuff there are blueprints in most of the star wars read out books.
It was going to be used to threaten Core worlds that thought of rebelling and also to patrol the outer rim being able to drop garrisons on hundreds of planets at at time
Serve as a mobile base for supporting a fleet and garrison troops for occupying a star system. The death star was also expected to be able to operate independently with out needing a fleet of Star destroyers to protect it.
Where is your god now, shitSithlords?!
Overrated franchise
I'm just speaking off the wall here but I'm pretty sure the one the First Order made operational is actually much much older and was used as inspiration for the very first death star plans.
why is death star 2 so big?
is'nt that cooler space ship from dbz movies
>Underrated franchise
Where are my Hollywood budget Wh40k movies?
Some Youtuber said that Palpatine authorized the creation of a super weapon during the clone wars. This is suspected to be the 2nd death star
You'll get to see in Rogue Two: A Bothan Story
> they were only able to build the much smaller and weaker one due to a super special genius scientist
But that's not true, faggot. Mads points out that they didn't really need him to build it.
How could The First Order have created a Death Star the size of a planet even?
The Empire had an entire galaxy's resources, The First Order were a resistance and exiled military force.
Just wait until Ep. IX when we get the Death Galaxy that shoots black holes.
What now Imperium cucks?
Because the force lol
Wasn't it more like they just built the giga-laser and it's power sources on top of a planet?
Things work this way in the real world, too. It's not exactly astounding.
They were going to be production lined to fight the incoming VONG invasion in the old EU.
The Emperor was the only one to have the safety of the universe in mind during the whole saga, the Jedi and Skywalker got the New Republic completely steamrolled when the VONG finally came.
Was there a single line of dialogue in RotJ where the said the new death star was larger than the first one?
Don't worry OP disney has several movies lined up which explain everything perfectly
best response
That's still a monumental machine, the size of a planet
Can someone explain to me what is going on in the throne room scene of RotJ?
Like Luke lets himself get captured so that he can try and turn Vader back to the light side, and then the Emperor tells him to strike him down, and then he does, and what are the stakes? I mean, is it really just Luke trying to get himself beat up by the Emperor so Vader will help him? Is Luke that much of a pussy that he's the weakest force user in that room?
how did it take years to create first, relatively weak atomic bomb, and then only months to create more of them which were stronger?
I was not aware the difference in scale was canon. Was this deducted from the Super Star Destroyer crashing to II or something?
Extended Universe mumbo jumbo does not count.
Empire would definitely be able to build a second identical Death Star within a few years - not to mention if the work was done prior to first one being destroyed.
Someone was saying the scale of the Death Star was not possible - this is debatable (as how come gravity to the other pole instead of the center or where the heck does one get so much materials, how to power up the thing etc.).
What is quite clear is that the Empire has comparable fleet to the Clone Wars and controls thousands of planets / systems where to get resources.
Because it was a planet.
>1st one can easily blow up planets
Why did it even need to be bigger?
>1st one was blown up by terrorists
>they made 2nd one bigger and harder to be blown up
I wonder why as well
how did they manage to do an even bigger one while being Rebels in TFA? with what resources? and the New Republic sucks that much at security that they had no idea something that big was being made?
what was tails breathing when he was destroying the death egg ?
because TFA is by far the worst an laziest of the Star Wars movies
fuck you, Abrams.
Death Array when?
They just converted an existing planet. Less conspicuous than building the death star from scratch
You wouldn't understand even if someone explained it to you because you're missing some fundamental parts of normality. It's a father/son thing.
And I'm not even trying to be edgy.
In ANH why did they have to spend like 30 minutes going around the planet to destroy the rebel base on the moon on the other side or whatever? Why not just destroy the planet and then the moon.
Where the fuck are those lasers coming from?
Why is he fighting the death egg?
That image isn't accurate at all
You think that's air you're breathing?
Still a planet-sized Death Star. They converted a whole goddamn planet into a Death Star in secret?
How does his tail-propeller work in space?
The Vong are a stupid concept and I'm glad they got purged from the canon.
Apparently corrupt senators have been funding them Benico Del Toro was one of them in the early drafts of EP 8 script.
that picture has it wrong
>I don't really know the answer so I'll just pretend it can't be explained
Also in secret
The biggest bullshit is the "super impenetrable shield" around the whole fucking planet
biological imprinting
you have been outed as a robot.
And yet they did nothing to protect the building which kept the laser from destroying the whole planet. A few extra shield generators protected by a shitload of turrets? Nah
Also gotta make sure the shield protecting the fucking planet is unguarded and can be taken down by a single fucking person
Fuck this movie made no sense, even for sci fi
Death Star II wasn't finished though
How did they do it without the plans?
Something about exhausting the engines trying to get there as soon as possible. (probably from the old EU)
But in reality just to build tension.
You totally got me, user.
legit post
I'm pretty sure it takes 24 hours to charge the laser on the first death star (something they fixed on the second one) and also, from where the were in relation to Yavin, if they shot it the debris would probably hit the death star with catastrophic results
Warhammer is the most autistic thing imaginable.
- Emperor Trump
Fuck you. They were THIS close to being canon if Clone Wars had been allowed to complete one more whole season.
Reminder that R.A. Salvatore STILL gets death threats for killing Chewbacca but JJ gets praise for killing Han
>super star destroyer
the empire has the worst weaponry in the universe.
Construction meditation
it's shit
The thing was a fucking shell minus a few floors, the hanger, emperor's room and the turbo laser.
You make it bigger for shock and awe to scare enemies
How dis make you feel white boi?
>After all this time it's still not clear why Empire was evil.
you have to be retarded. an evil wizard manipulating both sides of a major war isnt a big enough clue for you?
Every fandom is autistic. I'm pretty sure 40kfags who post in these threads don't actually like 40k, but hate it, so they post about it to make people hate it.
Falseflagging, if you will.
Because it's a movie and not real
>name ships "Stardestroyers"
>don't destroy any stars
>name video game character "Starkiller"
>only destroys one Stardestroyer
>name super weapon "Starkiller Base" (not associated with the video game character)
>kinda kills a star
Also, what was the Nu Empire's plan for after the battle on Starkiller Base? They effectively turned off the sun of that solar system, and soon everything would become absolutely frozen. Were they just going to leave their massive super weapon there to freeze and become useless?
>name ships "Stardestroyers"
>don't destroy any stars
you're a fucking retard, they're destroyers that patrol the stars
Stars burn up a shitton of energy every single second, and they still last very long. I don't think the empire really planned on that star running out of energy, because even with them draining it's power it would've lasted millions of years.
>They effectively turned off the sun of that solar system, and soon everything would become absolutely frozen. Were they just going to leave their massive super weapon there to freeze and become useless?
They were obviously going to hyperspace it to another system
I pretty clearly remember the star not producing any light at all right before the scene with Han and Kylo. It was middle of the day before hand but then it was night
>>name video game character "Starkiller"
>>only destroys one Stardestroyer
It was Luke's first draft surname you retard