ask a White, Conservative, Macrista argie anything
Ask a White, Conservative, Macrista argie anything
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>his hand is a as brown as the pump on the shotgun
lmao i hope this isn't you
im not him
I don't trust your people. The Pope emerged from your kind, and he is crashing the Vatican with no survivors.
when are you guys going to pull another conquest of the desert?
Vatican WAS corrupt
he is going along with vatican heresy
when nightclub culture ends
>A perfect place for christian anglo-saxon hard-working men and submissive-to-their husband women where jews ,coons and goons have no real power and are marginizalized in admiteddly comfy ghettos
we're a nation of nu-males
the pope is just a puppet
he is just corrupt
Why do you kiss other guys in the cheek?
Thats gay
>he is going along with vatican heresy
Someone who is comparing Christ to islamic hordes has some problems, especially if he's considered to be God's substitute.
the average argie male is VERY cucked
even the ones who "do boxing" are genetically and morally worhtless
he was a bad archbishop
even protected an adulterous priest
Why do Argentinians feel so strongly about the Falklands? The people there want to be part of the UK and you lost the last war, so why get so "muh malvinas" about it?
How did it come to this? I know why the average German is worthless, but Argentinia doesn't seem to suffer the same shame we do. Did you genocide some bush people?
I dislike Franziskus. Could be because I am Old Catholic.
culture wars plus sexual education plus drugs and alcohol cucked our population
also Peron bringing pesants to the city contaminated both the negore peasants and filled the city with ghettos
ONLY Catholics care.
it is because the British were Anglians, and, thus, Heretics.
had you been catolics we would have agreed to papal diplomatic intervention
average argie youth
Can you give me more of this meme or tell me where I can find more of them Argentina?
Some Mexican user told me it was an Argentinian meme
We're making Argentina white again.
Where can I find more of this dank Argentinian meme?
google "que picardia"
I know these people are trash, but why does trash always live in these holes? If they can afford to buy a month-worth of kush, they may be able to afford a can of paint and a brush.
first, we MUST FORBID boliches and tinelli.
Then we must destroy the condom industry
KEK, thats just an abandoned house they use as a lair and for gay sex surely
their true house is much shittier
>also they have a fucking midget
the face of modern argie urban decadence
Tinelli is one of our biggest cancer but 70% of the country defend him, is fucking shit I don't get how the can be so idiots to watch that shit, though some watch Big Brother that is worse.
Also Biondini is stupid as fuck.
God bless
i actually cheer whenever an argie dies
Argies refuse to go out and murder gran hermano participants
therefore they're all guilty.
the punishment is Death.
That's not a reason.
We have these abandoned houses as well. I recently visited one and the homeless inside actually renovated parts of it, just because it looked bad. Now the city is demolishing the building, what a waste.
theyre retarded rappers and pedohpiles;what does thou expect?
True but I hear that not all provincias are like that, in fact I hear that Mendoza is 100% nationalist. I want to go live there since they also have such a beautiful places.
Negro detected.
>one chance at life
>born in Argentina
Fuck this fucking country. Wish i was born in some nordic country.
go to superior villa general belgrano, my white friend!
Why? to be cucked by Arabs? We use to be a great places before Peron.... Don't let peronist and the poor make you betray your homeland.
>he desires BCC
go to Palermo
We all wish we had Blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale white skin, nigger. I have black hair, brown eyes, and pale white skin.
That looks cool. I live in the coast and they keep sending Bolitas and Paraguayans all the time here since GBA is already full.
Argentina Reddit meetup from last weekend
more pics
Will you kill any and all Muslims when the time comes to do so?
>dat SJW girl
>miley cryus
>creepy fat guy
>ahmed on the front seat
>couple of nu-male, hipster-bearded faggots
this is shameful
That looks like a Tumblr meetup.
then again, what is the difference...
Finland seems pretty based. Also Poland.
But its true. This world is becoming one big cuck shed. Soon, there will be nowhere left to run.
>tfw i don't live in Bs As
I'm in Nueve De Julio, Provincia de buenos aires.
Place is full of hillbillies abd rednecks. I want off this ride.
At least Palermo is comfy
Feels bad familia man.
Chetos hdp.
Because it's our clay
I have 0 respect for any man who looks like these
>Giving himself piercings with paint
>Messy room
>No trigger discipline
>No trigger discipline
>Takes photos of himself in the bathroom
santiago no confundas las cosas
palermo has faggots in it
Look at all those numales and sjw.
Did you have more of thoses rare Macri ?
I hate Ni una menos with all my strenght
Fuckers don't know they are working for the communist agenda
if a women could he would kill you and all your male friends
Fucking disgusting
Those women are fucked in the head
unbelievable how they all cry against american invasion and they fucking copy all left and liberal movments from there and lurk american sites
Ni Una Menos are allied with PTS
That show you what kind of people are in there.
Yep. What place would you recommend?
I have friends living in Recoleta, but it's quite expensive. Also some other folks living somewhere in Liniers. Kek
Thanks for sharing that one senpaitachi.
>At the work
>one guy tells me that his GF cheated him 3 times and that he just broke up with her
>I show my powerlevel and i say "If my gf would do something like that i would beat the shit out of her"
>Almost get jumped by feminist and they tell me that i should go to Ni Una Menos
>pagarle al judio inmobiliario
anda a un lugar rural, es la unica salida para el macho blanco contemporaneo
Sadly that's the only one i had.
You don't kiss your friend's in the check?
Get out faggot
Im not really triggered by communist and leftshits, in this case at least, but the "middle class" girls who attend there are literally sheeps and -free -political capital for their agendas.
I find it highly inmoral to lure them to that kind of manifestation when you are going to use them for LGTB, Male hate, workers rights, etc. Instead of Domestic violence.
My sister use to live in Recoleta, and she get the fuck out of there because all were Bachateros tinelli lovers. Disgusting.
Pretty much this but... does anyone know about Bariloche? Seems cool but I never visite there.
falklands when?
thoughts on macri?
know anybody descended from nazis?
>Vivir en Capital
Sos retardado? estas a 30 minutos del conurbano
>Pretty much this but... does anyone know about Bariloche? Seems cool but I never visite there.
Somewhat Wealthy Family living there says it's getting big as fuck and that the city is divided by whites and negros (kynda like a north- south) thing
>youll never burn alive a micro full of egresados going to bariloche
kike,but somewhat conservative and not corrupt
only one old guy
>falklands when?
Never, we don't have a real army
>thoughts on macri?
Great so far, though leftist and shitskins are triggered by him, so when you hear shit talking about Macri, you already know who they are
>know anybody descended from nazis?
Yeah, my own grandma is the daughter of a German, she is nazi but we don't really know about his father so I don't know but yeah, I meet some people descendent of Nazis.
>Rural area.
This is literal hell on earth. We are 50k citizens and everyone pretty much knows each other.
Everyone is always gossiping around and minding in other's people business. You can't be yourself here, let alone make progress in your life.
It's no wonder why everyone leaves as soon as they finish high school. Everybody hates everybody here and people are always competing to see who's more wealthy.
Lol no. Nueve De Julio, Provincia de Buenos Aires is 250km away from bs as.
Google it, you'll see.
It's a 5 or 6 hour trip in a bus.
Rural area but not in Buenos Aires, go to La Pampa, Mendoza, Cordoba, Chubut... They have great towns
No gato yo te decia que si vas a capital, no vivas en capital
im kind of a wizard so i wouldn mind being alone
if any mestizo messes with me i would defend myself
urban centers are intrinsically degenerate,harsh truth
>chaqueños are fucking annoying most of the time,also
>tfw when parents are from Argentina but I lucked out and was born in the greatest country in the world
>If they can afford to buy a month-worth of kush, they may be able to afford a can of paint and a brush.
They are lazy. They don't want to work and expect someone else to do the job, so they can destroy it with graffiti like the niggers they are. I know that your hard working head can't comprehend how people can live without work but that's the Argentinian nature.
> looks like arab
> speaks like spic
> white conservative
Love globalism
Only die hard nationalists care. Everybody else is focused in fixing the mess the K left.
Last year i had the chance to find a job at Falklands but its complicated and expensive to get there.
Here's hoping for Ezeiza or Aeroparque direct route.
I have a few friends in the island.
Why is your fucking head so little?
Thanks. I'm also considering San Luis.
Yeah, it can be quite painful. Especially now with all the piqueteros and leftists trying to disrupt transit whenever they can.
Being a robot or a wizard here sucks. It's literally normietown here.
Such a nice and white young we have. God bless this great country.
Because he has big dik
Hola Tomás Tumino
>Not supporting him makes me negro.
He was the better option last election, that doesn't mean you should support him or his policies.
augmented head on the left
for you
>ctrl f
>UNA: 0 results
>VELA: 0 results
why is the mag tube and barrel so far apart?
is this a homemade shotgun?
It's a Mediterranean thing
Every Southern European does it
I saw americans and australians doing it too
this is so funny coming from Brazil
Well the Western civilization is Greco-Roman or not :^)
i never saw a brazilian saying that the entire brazil is white
(((americans and australians)))
hehehe :^)