cliff notes me baby
tl;dr the movie sucked since it wasn't feminist enough
>shoehorning a female lead isn't feminism
>writing boring female characters isn't feminism
>including female characters because it's an easy way to sell a boring film is lazy marketing
>noted misogynist Stephen Hawking
Oh THAT's where I know that name from!
No True Scotsman the review
You can't appease these people, they thrive on "taking a stand" and picking apart every detail of everything. Why even try
>the horrible sexist Stephen Hawking who got cheated on by his wife for being a cripple is a terrible person because his ALS forced his wife to stop her studies in order to take care of him
This is that woman. The woman who basically blames a genius ALS sufferer for being a burden on his family.
>implying hygge isn't real
Tbf Stephen hawking should know he would've beeen nothing but a burden. Why he chooses to burden people is really selfish
>>blonde white bimbo has a stupid opinion on a blog since traditional print media can't just die.
>search "hygge"
>it just means cozy or comfy or some shit
>implying it isn't real
>a watery actress best known for playing the downtrodden hamster of noted misogynist Stephen Hawking
She went too far here and lost her audience. The whole thing with Feminism is supposed to be not making any judgement about the "right kind" of woman and saying Felicity is the wrong choice because she previously played meek roles and has a stereotypical meek physical appearance goes completely against that.
She is talking shit.
Jyn isn't a Jedi firstly.
Secondly she isn't destroying the death star, she is trying to steal the plans.
Thirdly she isn't a mary sue, nor is she a weak female that needs to be carried. She pulls her weight, without pushing down everybody else like Rey did.
TL;DR. Watch the movie not just the trailer.
This desu
Also she misspelled "astrophysicist". There's no "m" "g" or "n" you silly woman.
>Reading Camilla Long articles
>Taking her opinion seriously
This woman is a professional shit stirrer who makes things up to criticise films so people will read her crap reviews.
She is not one of "these people" as in SJW and "activists", which is clear if you actually read it.
LOL. She seems upset. Frothing at the mouth over Briget Jones. wew.
So Sup Forums is fine with hysterical feminists as long as they dislike the same movie? She's literally complaining that the film is feminist ENOUGH, and you're...celebrating her?
Trump has driven this site retarded.
So, reddit is just fine being stupid?
Rogue one was preddy good, dude. And i cant speak for the rest of Sup Forums, i dont really give a shit what feminist like or dislike, i just enjoy when they sperg out at movies that set out with the express purpose of appeasing them and the rest of the whining niggerfaggots.
it really wasn't.
As a Dane, I find it extremely offensive that she misappropriates my culture and contends that "hygge" isn't real. I think she is a shitlord and should check her privilege.
wtf i LOVE star wars now
shut the fuck up contrarian baitamax cunt.
i think its time you got laid for the first time, op, and no not the fleshlight either
Cry to your mother
Wow she's pretty spot on.
>the SJW beast is devouring itself
>bridget jones isn't a feminist
>stephen hawking is a misogynist
uhhh. ok.
Women need their own Star Wars to soothe their penis envy and menstrual cramps. They could call it: "Star Trek" because it's a journey of feelings among the stars...
The mask is coming off; feminism has always had man-hating at its core, making women ashamed to be pretty and even reinforcing ugly, manly women is a part of the hatred for all mankind.
Felicity looks and acts like a woman\ girl, and "feminists" can't stand that.
I was using the wordage of the reddit post to notify it of its true nature.
wewly shit
I did not care what sex the main character is (although I did enjoy that zoom in of her ass when she was holding the Death Star plans behind her back) only that it was an entertaining film, and that it was.
I would argue that she's right, but then I remembered that women are boring and uninteresting irl as well
People on here take Armond White seriously, he's basically the male Camilla Long.
>Write a good female character
>Character isn't female enough to satisfy feminists somehow
At what point do we recognise that feminists hate men, women and themselves and that nothing will ever satisfy them?
>Muh STRONK WOMYN died at the end, not muh feminism!
Star wars is for faggot nu males.
Honestly that is what it said.
B.....but there were female Jedis
>get angry when female characters have flaws and are portrayed as actual women can be
>get angry when Disney removes all flaws of female characters, essentially making them all the same
>the strong, smart type with ample smartass comebacks is now every female character
Gee, ladies.
>it's a "minor NEET posts a screenshot of some random dyke writing about some crap Sup Forums watches" episode
>Anyone who thinks starwars female tokenism for the sake of attracting in retards, is feminism, is retarded.
I agree with her.
So wait
If a man is driven by his wife/sister/mother's death it's called manpain, but if a woman is driven by her husband/brother/father's death it's called patriarchy?
Don't you understand, men are never right, and neither are non-feminist women (but only the kind of non-feminist women that I don't personally agree with).
I don't know what to do about this clickbait article. I agree with half of it, and disagree with the other half.
But feminists ARE retarded and will see a GRRL POWER movie as awful as Rogue One.
Holy shit, she is a piece of work.
There is actually nothing remotely SJW or anti-Trump in Rogue One, that was just people having a retarded knee-jerk reaction
In the end of the day people saying "this is feminist!" or "this is anti-feminist!" or "this is SJW" is nothing more than confirmation bias, it's people projecting their own expectations onto something when it doesn't exist
>Noted misogynist Stephen Hawkins
Can't wait to see when they realize that Rogue One was masked Trump propaganda all the time that got secretly sink into Disney libclownses minds.
That's why Zack Snyder released his fan-made mash-up before Rogue One. That's why film itself doesn't seems like something that came out from Disney, but from Fox or WB e.i. good guys make controversial deeds, bad guys are have a fair points, tragic ending with a brief of hope in the end, good cinematography, original plot with a bunch of homages and references. We did it again, boys and girls.
2016 is an amazing year. Can't wait for 2017 aftermath.
Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
Im surprised the complaints are not that Vader stole the show & how fucking white males always have to win or some shit
Well she ain't wrong
>people on Sup Forums actually thought the casting decisions of Episode VII and Rogue One were the result of SJW's, feminism and/or political propaganda instead of a bunch of Jews trying to broading the audience as much as possible to make the maximal amount of shekels possible
Why are you guy so retarded?
What a horrid cunt.
These people will never be happy, I don't know why everyone panders to them. Being a feminist must suck
There was nothing retarded about it. The writer spewed his sjw nonsense over twitter about the evil whitey and the cowriter replied saying that only diversity can defeat the evil whitey.
Anyone who gives money to people that hate you is a cuck.
Are you meaning to tell me that the writer based the villains, an evil empire, off the Nazis?
Wtf I hate star wars now!
>They try to appeal cancer
>They fail
>They try to appeal cancer again
It's like... they just never learn. Cancer cannot and will not be satisfied. ever.
>The mask is coming off
You are saying this as it's something new.
I know you're probably a marketer but tell me again about the Maori white supremacist army that has blacks and Orientals.