
If Jews control the (((media))) and are passionately promoting race mixing, then why aren't they afraid of breeding their own race out?

They're clearly a minority, and it's not like they don't watch tv.

What protects Jews from these psyop conspiracies Sup Forums is always harping on about?

Other urls found in this thread:]]

Maybe racemixing agenda was pushed to single out reluctant Jews.
Maybe it was to dilute and destroy Jewish blood.
Maybe it was to make everyone a Jew.

jews will be disowned by their entire family for dating a schwartze and they know it.

Have you seen the huge masses of immigrants that land every week in israel?

I'm talking about America.


How would it make evryone a Jew

C'mon Sup Forums I'm trying to figure out what reasoning you guys have behind ruining a decent board like Sup Forums.

Don't tell me you guys are stupid enough to make these evil Jew conspiracies without being able to answer my simple question.

The "bigger picture" of the conspiracy falls apart pretty quickly and is pretty boring. No one wants to discuss the boring truth so you won't get many replies.

I think most people here are in the smaller camp, that they aren't trying to dilute other races or create a race of people to pick their bananas and sugar. They are just an in group that takes a lot of welfare from the West through what seems to be deception. They are taking their bad neighbors and shipping them somewhere where they aren't their problem anymore.

The racemixing shit is just to become more popular. It plays into peoples vanity and makes money, which is why they do it. They care about money.

>why aren't they afraid of breeding their own race out?
Because of hybrid vigor.
Which doesn't work for races whose gene pool is sufficiently big.
But it does a great deal of benefits for those who have experienced ages of inbreeding.

So, basically, racemixing is the only way for Ashkenazi to stop having crippling diseases due to inbreeding. They are dying out and so for them is reasonable to mix.

Problem is they feel guilty about having to mix. Why? Because it is evidence previous policies have failed. Because it means they did something wrong at the beginning, etc. So it hurts to admit a mistake.

Hence, in order to feel less guilty, they decided to take all humanity down the same slope. This will also guarantee they will retain their relative advantages because if everyone slides down the slope, those who had a lower (or slightly lower) starting place are going to fall even lower.

Other races' mixing will excuse Jews for their guilt about necessary mixing.
Moreover, other races' mixing will mean they will lose ranking in the same way Jews do... so that Jews will keep an edge on top of everyone else.

>Maybe racemixing agenda was pushed to single out reluctant Jews.
>Maybe it was to dilute and destroy Jewish blood.
>Maybe it was to make everyone a Jew.
>jews will be disowned by their entire family for dating a schwartze and they know it.
Yes, but see below.
>The racemixing shit is just to become more popular. It plays into peoples vanity and makes money, which is why they do it. They care about money.
Kinda wrong.

All of you. Read here:

So if they're on top of the food chain, and will continue to be...why are whites considered the superior race?

What do you mean top of the food chain?

Also, proof inbreeding disease amongst Jews?

Sup Forums envisions Jews as some sort of master societal puppeteer. If that's true, how can you guys consider whites to be the greatest race when they're merely pawns at this point?

>why are whites considered the superior race?
Because blame.

I'm not saying Jews are fully at the top of the food chain.
But given racemixing is now a necessity to save their dying inbred geneseed, it is logical to think this:
>if I am jumping down the cliff, it is better to take everyone with me

>Also, proof inbreeding disease amongst Jews?
Are you fucking kidding me? Jews are THE most inbred people in the world.
There are entire diseases named just after them.

and Wikipedia:

>Geneticists are intrinsically interested in Jewish populations as a disproportionate percentage of genetics researchers are Jewish. Israel in particular has become an international center of such research.
>Jewish populations, and particularly the large Ashkenazi Jewish population, are ideal for such research studies, because they exhibit a high degree of endogamy, and at the same time are a large group.
>Jewish populations are overwhelmingly urban, and are concentrated near biomedical centers where such research has been carried out. Such research is especially easy to carry out in Israel, where cradle-to-grave medical insurance is available, together with universal screening for genetic disease.
>Jewish communities are comparatively well informed about genetics research, and have been supportive of community efforts to study and prevent genetic diseases.
>Participation of Jewish scientists and support from the Jewish community alleviates ethical concerns that sometimes hinder such genetic studies in other ethnic groups.

Jewish communities are very tight-knit. They have camps, community centres, and schools all exclusive for jews which keeps interaction with other races very minimal so race mixing isn't an issue. All jewish families highly value education so they never have time to be brainwashed by the goytube.

Also there's this
>Weir says he was told by the national director, “Look, he doesn’t belong. I don’t know what you’re going to accomplish here”.

>“She said there are parents who pay a lot of money for their kids to be going to camp with other Jewish kids who would have the opportunity to marry each other and get together as Jews and don’t want other white Canadians mixing in with them. I was like, what? This is April Fools, right?”

sorry meant to replace the link with this source

The Jews have hivemind. The cannot fall in their own schemes.

There is a difference between Jews/Israelis and Zionists.

Until you learn the differences for your self you should refrain from such comments Op

>at this point

There lies your answer you fucking cunt...

I mean, they even have Dor Yeshorim that tests couples for compatibility.
It's the ultimate eugenics.

Dor Yeshorim's plan is that if everyone lodges DNA samples with them, they will be able to apply for a compatibility test any time they want to breed... Dor Yeshorim's will respond just with a rating, without disclosing details.

It's fucking GATTACA mate. You date a girl and when relationship is getting serious, you both ask for a print of your compatibility, and hope it is good.


Eugenics is something Jews invented.
Then it was used against them.
But they are still masters of it.
Because Ashkenazi inbred so much they now are rushing to save themselves.

You can't really converse with people who think that way, they'll come up with excuses for everything.

They'll say white people have higher IQs than blacks which makes them superior. When you point out east Asians have a higher IQ on average, they'll say white people are more creative. You can't prove their supremacy ideas wrong.

I've even seen some white supremacists say they're afraid of technology that can increase your IQ, because they're afraid of everyone who isn't white getting smarter. They're not much different from old Christians who thought bathing was against God's will.

I see. So what's the difference between their strict "breeding policies" and Sup Forums's beliefs that whites should only breed with whites? Population size?

Because it seems like they would just breed themselves out faster than whites at this rate.

So whites actually aren't superior in this day and age?

most jews are mixed with white and east asians are not smarter.

To note that Israeli kikes thing European/Western Kikes are retarded and don't understand their pushing for degeneracy.

Unless it's just Yid-Taqqiya

This is why I have trouble believing this board isn't satire.

Reminder the Judaism is a religion and not a race.

This. Diaspora jews are alredy mixed af.
Only orthodox promote purity of the race.
Also, by jewish standards it's only necessary that the mother is jew for the child to be jew which would make sense why the racemixing is focused on women mainly.

Don't you fucking bring logic into my xenophobia, don't you know? Aristotle and Plato were Jews!

Jews have strong traditions like wanting to marry other Jews and so on..

They are promoting race mixing WHILE AT THE SAME time promoting abolition of traditions and breaking down family values to normies.

Also have you seen race mixing propaganda white a big nosed jew mixing with other races?

the "Jews" don't care about their own kin.

it's the 1% of the 1% pushing this shit, people like Soros. they want to dumb down the population so they're easier to control

>Sup Forums's beliefs
1. I am not a representative of Sup Forums
2. Sup Forums is not an individual. It doesn't have beliefs.
3. There are many people here with many views.
>So what's the difference between their strict "breeding policies" and Sup Forums's beliefs that whites should only breed with whites? Population size?
4. I smell some kind of framing in your questions. Are you trying to make one of those arguments like:
>inbreeding didn't work for Jews so why does white race want to inbreed? Does white race want to die?
Mate, let me explain. Racial purity is not a fixed concept. It is a work in progress. Moreover, if you knew a little about punctuated equilibrium, you would be aware that things are never 100% steady.
Racial purity is a social construction that aims to force cultural values and fix them into biology. It is basically the attempt to impose human will on nature... and not just any will, but that of a specific group with certain shared cultural features and narratives.

So if you want to obtain racial purity in the white race, first of all you have to meet minimum standards, and then you can fine tune it.

So now, given what's happening in 2016, I can tell you that white race is running the risk of dying because of dilution... not certainly because of inbreeding like the Ashkenazi (who also suffered the Holocaust, which slashed their numbers).

So, if you want my friend's opinion (not mine actually), which may or may not mirror pol's average opinion, white race is facing an emergency due to flood. And the flood is diluting and it is caused mainly by Jews who have an interest in diluting because they are too concentrated and not with a good seed -- so they have to dilute to enhance.

That's about it. Don't think of whiteness as an exclusive set of genetic features. Try to think of it more like the attempt (or: the project aimed) to make stable a certain series of traits (i.e. expressions of genes and cognitive behavioural variations -- not genes themselves).

>longest living race

Top bankster jews are turning on their own. They want EVERYONE to be a complacent dumbed down slave. Even other kikes.

>jews are the longest living race
you a bible thumper?

The Jews are already a mongrel race, user. Edomites, Kazars, Caananites, Blacks, you name it. You would think someone would call them out on it since the old testament is full of restrictions on miscegenation.

Clay is a supreme example of what I mean.
Too much water, and the bloc is lost forever.
Too little water, and you cannot mold it into the desired shape.

Same goes for dough: too much water, and you will need extra dough to make it dense again. Too little water, and all the grains don't fuse together.

Problem is baking time never comes. You just keep stirring over and over again.

I'd rather say
"longest dying race"
Because when they tried to achieve racial purity, they didn't have the knowledge to make it work properly. And so they fucked up at some stage.

I'm a goy who dated a Jewish girl for a few years(we almost got married) and my take is that race-mixing is a Jewish trait as long its the female doing the mixing.

1. When a Jewish woman has a child outside the faith that child is considered Jewish to the community. Jewish women have very little push back when they marry non-Jewish men for this fact. Some Jewish communities embrace it even as it brings in new blood to their community.

2. Although it has loosened in the last few decades there is still a lot of pressure from the community for Jewish men to NOT marry non-jewish women. Example: My ex's parents loved me but hated her brother's non-Jewish WASP girlfriend. To be fair to them she was a cunt.

They don't give a shit about the diaspora

There are many views here but the general ideology is apparent. The words Echo Chamber come to mind.

Idk, the whole race mixing strategy just seems counterintuitive, or at least ineffective, when its also being applied to their own minority race.

Because there is no jewish conspiracy. Jews are one of the most atheist, "liberal" groups in the USA. They are destroying themselves according to Sup Forums

Well i guess it's easier for retards to blame every problem they have on some obscure entity

>muh patriarchy
>muh koch brothers
>muh Soros
>muh socialism
>muh joos

Well, nothing new, just retards being retards

See this is what I thought.

I'm from Sup Forums initially.

Before MOOT left and Star Wars VII, there used to be a lot of genuine film discussion. In the last couple years, our board has become infested with political threads because Sup Forums believe Jews are destroying the white race via media psyops. But now that I'm here at the root of the problem, it seems like Jews are gonna have themselves BTFO (bred the fuck out) first if anything. Idk just trying to figure out what makes this board think they're so special that they need more than one board to push their propaganda.


It's quite simple, actually: Jews are an ethnoreligious group, which propagates itself though a combination of sociobiological variables which has allowed for them to exist to this very day, even though they've been all over the Old World, living in all kinds of different societies, alongside so many different kinds of peoples; endogamy is so integral to Judaism, that any change in global demography is merely another day for Jews.

False, all of those.

That is a fine leftist conspiracy you've got there, friend :^)

>Jews are one of the most atheist, "liberal" groups in the USA.

That is correct, yes, and it's no coincidence that is the case.

>They are destroying themselves according to Sup Forums

This is assuming that American Jews are going to perpetually live in a fixed location for all of eternity (the US in this case), which is false.


because it's a huge sin for a jew to marry a nonjew, and jews have survived in foreign countries for over 4,000 years, fighting against the urge to destroy their culture/religion through racemixing.

they're trying to create an environment for everyone else that they themselves have had to live through for thousands of years

basically they're more immune to racemixing and destruction of their culture than any other group

Jews are almost extinct in America. Many of them marry chritians nad don't follow their faith.

Have you ever heard the term Sup Forumstard?

>one jew wrote an article
>therefore there is a jewish conspiracy

>This is assuming that American Jews are going to perpetually live in a fixed location for all of eternity (the US in this case), which is false.

So do tell me another tinfoil conspiracy? What wil happen to american jews?

Hybrid vigor is a myth.

Hybrid vigor (heterosis) does not seem to apply to humans as we are already very heterozygous, at 0.776
Compared to dogs for example at 0.401.

So are they race mixing or dying due to inbreeding?

Two claims going on in here.

simple. its what works with every leftist. simply shout "racist" or "antisemite" and you're good to go

Are you retard?

They live longer than the japanese

>Specifically, we see that whites who identified as Jewish were dropped from the analysis of black exclusion because it was a perfect predictor; that is, all white men and women who identified as Jewish excluded blacks as possible dates

Jews don't watch the media.

So how do they know what to put on tv then? Seemed like they'd need some familiarity with it to produce their psyops.

So they're only race mixing with non blacks?

And the talmud says to do all of this, destroy goyims nations and make them serve the Jews, it says the Jews have chosen blood and therefore they should preferve it and it's not racism and because goyim don't have chosen blood they can mix because it would be racism if they didn't, read the talmud it is the journey into the Jewish mind.

We don't call it race mixing, we call it "assimilation"
And there's tons of propaganda against it but it comes from religious movements, in your culture you call them Jesus freaks, right?
We also have liberals who want Israel to be Sweden #2
Anyway it's all the same bullshit everywhere, we also have this stupid shit, but with Jews. It's like in a Disney movie, when you have fish living in a reef and they have cars and small fish houses with fish kids riding fish bicycles, and also fish niggers! so they're like people, but they're fish!
That's the same in Israel, we have all types of people, religious, atheists, fucking satanists, queers, even hillbillies, but all Jews.
Maybe being a Jew is an advantage among liberals, it's something you can wave, just like Arabs like to wave around the fact that they are Arabs.

The reality is that they get effected by cultural-Marxism too. Huge ammounts of them are becoming atheists and not having children and there's "gay-pride" marches in Israel ect.

>implying jews aren't made in cloning machines

It's a minority they display, the vast majority of Jews are all educated in the Talmud and have Talmudic beliefs.

>Because of hybrid vigor.

If you still believe this, you're an idiot

go read

the whole fucking blog

She could shit down my throat.

The difference is that liberal kikes are in positions of power in western societies, meanwhile in Israel they are marginalized.


Your idea of everything is completely out of proportion and your priorities are molded by what the Jews repeat or show as priorities in the media.

To be an "educated" Jew is to be of the highlest caliber of Talmudist, this means defending the truth of the Talmud they know from the minds of Goyim.

You think the power elite Jews are the ones race mixing? No, it's the podunk Jews like you and me that are encouraged to breed with niggers so that the elite Jews can usher in a new age of Jewish supremacy completely unchallenged by other races.

>Podunk Jews

That's right, you're (((just like the rest of us)))

Jews already bred their own race out. What you getting served is their meme race as an excuse for stealing money and their private bank Israel, who is protected by guru god from corruption inspection. Jews don't believe in races, they only care about money.

Following the logic in this thread, shouldn't those Elite Jews worry about the genetic diseases that come from such passionate inbreeding?

Fuck off with your Talmud bullshit, no one who's a normal person cares about this shit, and those who do care are stupid ultra religious freaks that either say shit like "You have to understand the meaning, you can just read it like it is" or if they do take it as it is, It's like being concerned about what some Amish people think about you
because that's what they are, just freaky Amish-like people who wont bring a TV into their house, they even have kosher Internet that blocks EVERY site on the planet except a few cherry picked websites that fit within their belief system.

If the world is actually one race/culture, then globalism can actually work very well.

They are playing the long con to get the global government established.

What ever happened To Kevleena?

She looks like someone who started sleeping around at 13.

Because Jews are stupid in their own way.

Sup Forums usually falls into the grand conspiracy trap. Jews simply do jewish shit because they are chaos people, they are just naturally inclined to be extremely neurotic and histrionic which leads to destabilizing the world around them. Not because it's a conspiracy, it's just their nature.

Jews have been parasites on whites society for thousands of years. They have developed an ancient blood hatred and fear of whites and seek to undermine and destroy their host culture.

It's instinctual. They are the most prosperous and successful ethnic group in white societies because they are a highly neopotistic and deceitful ethnocentric group who take advantage of the lack of white ethnocentrism.

But they always push it too far. Inevitably their treacherous nature is exposed and the whites finally wake up and expel them from our society. Jews are such highly evolved liars that they lie to themselves without effort, they honestly believe that the long history of "persecution" of Jews is irrational. This only fuels their paranoid neurotic treacherous nature.

The Jew religion reinforces these characteristics. Take kosher laws for example, which is designed to prevent jews from even sharing a meal with their white neighbors, one of the most simple and universal acts of human friendship and hospitality.

They want to form a lower race and rule them. They even got a word for it, "goyim".
That is because they feel superior, probably coming from the belief to be the chosen people or whatever. Their plans involve a global government. They tell themselves they want to make everyone happy be "ignorance is bliss", but of course they will keep us smart enough to be their slaves and servants. They control Hollywood and the media, they brainwash us everyday and form opinions. cont.?

See how this lying Jew tries to salvage the situation?

>Jews are almost extinct in America.

Not only is this completely false, it is actually an inversion of reality.

>one jew wrote an article
>therefore there is a jewish conspiracy

That must mean the user is incorrect, oh wait.

>So do tell me another tinfoil conspiracy?

Your post is a good conspiracy :^)

>What wil happen to american jews?

Why, the same that has happened to Jews since their establishment, of course: adaptation to new realities.

Do you see Jews running to the arms of Sub-Saharan Africans? Me neither.

>So how do they know what to put on tv then? Seemed like they'd need some familiarity with it to produce their psyops.

I've already addressed that point on my previous post.

>So they're only race mixing with non blacks?

A more appropriate question should be: if they're not running to the arms of Sub-Saharan Africans, how come so many Jews promote that other peoples (Europeans and their diaspora, in particular) should do it instead?

If race mixing is such a good boon to mankind, as so many Jews claim, how come African immigrants are involuntarily sterilized in Israel?

Fuck off ahistorical propaganda apologist. We need the complete and total expulsion of all jews from white societies. They have their own country now, we don't have to be all Hitler about it. I'll give them a free plane ticket. But they have to go and stay go, forever. This is how we end anti semitism for good. By eliminating the competition for resources between incompatable ethnic groups. Jews cannot be part of a white civilization because jews aren't white. Go to Israel and we can have peace and trade and cultural exchange and tourism and all that stuff. But jews have to leave, all of them have to leave. Only then can we have a stable, long term foundation for peace between our peoples.

>implying that a FUCKING WHITE MALE in the same position would've immediately ordered white baby farms to be opened in order to deal with the decline in population
You give to much credit to people based on their ethnicity, you think that all whites are brave crusaders.
And then you act surprised when a Jew in europe won't play the heritage game

I can see how a Jew that scientifically studies this would become spiteful of past persecutions. The whole situation is kind of reminiscent of genetic bottlenecks that occur because of great extinctions, like the one 10,000~ years ago.


Fuck off kike.

Jewishness is passed through the mother and everyone wants to fuck Jewesses their whole system of population growth is based on race mixing

only a joo in 30.000 will have tay-sachs for example, and they can study genetics to see if a couple would have fucked up sons

So let me get this straight.

Jews control the media and are trying to breed out white people.

But these tactics don't work on American Jews because they're wise to the game and inherently xenophobic?

The US isn't a white society, it's based on civic nationalism, If a Jew or any kind of person can sing the national anthem and know the history and eat burgers than he's an American just like you. That's the basis of your county, isn't it?
If you want to live in a white society go back to your ancestral land (Europe, home of the whites) and rebuild what you've lost when your family was exiled due to religious persecutions, just like we did.

hybrid vigor is true if someone is very inbred but ovbiously not with niggers as they re highly dysgenic, even apes are superior genetically to them, also, what kind of magic do have plants that only reproduce by cuttings ???

even then the eternal joo would start with: oyy veyyyy this is too inbred and rayciss !!! it needs dieversity !!!! also nearly every white isnt pure because race mixing between white races, seriously difficult to find pure red nordids, pure blond nordids, pure alpinids ect

imho what he was trying to say was that ashkenazi jews are very homozygous among each other so racemixing could actually lower chances of recessive disease, he wasn't talking about all humans in general

While you're correct about that, a completely deracinated America marks the death knell of Israel. I'm a dual citizen and I find it highly disconcerting that we're expected to believe that non-white left-wing politics are going to remain in our favor very much longer. Michael Savage has been trying to sound off on this for years. We should be listening.

Jews are a minority and always will be. They can't make everyone jewish because then they'd have to share their wealth with other Jews and can't clam MAH 6 GORALIIN

You dont know any jews do you?

>What protects Jews from these psyop conspiracies Sup Forums is always harping on about?

They are very worried about this. That's why they have things like Birthright.