>kill gays
>a good chunk of them were blacks
>Sup Forums hates him
Is reddit taking over ?
>kill gays
>a good chunk of them were blacks
>Sup Forums hates him
Is reddit taking over ?
Other urls found in this thread:
We hate sandniggers. You wouldn't know much about that, now would you Ahmed?
Whatever ahmed fuck off.
We need to encourage conflict among the fags and goat fuckers.
We'll demonize him as long as it helps Trump
You are mistaken, he was commemorated in Sup Forums for an entire day.
Sage goes in all fields
I don't think Sup Forums hates black and gay people persay, Sup Forums hates niggers and faggots.
fuck sandniggers
They killed OUR gays.
>Enemy of my enemy has to be my friend
Fuck no, kid. You can hate them both. See Hitler and Stalin, ISIS and Israel, Europe and America, etc etc....
>americans killed by dunecoon in america
>Sup Forums commemorates him
This will be the death of Sup Forums.
I was not commemorating this faggot.
He was a Social Jihad Warrior. Made sure to tell the black people that they were spared because they had enough problems. Even the terrorist democrats have the bigotry of low expectations.
Literally the thing killing the US.
Literally faggots.
Literally Niggers
Nice try though reddit.
>be muslim
>liked on Sup Forums
pick one
>Carter, who was among several patrons Mateen held hostage after they’d tried to take refuge in a club bathroom, told a news conference Tuesday that Mateen asked if there were any African Americans in the bathroom. When one man answered yes, “the gunman responded back to him saying, ‘You know, I don’t have a problem with black people. This is about my country.* You guys have suffered enough.’”
What dont you morons get about these fucks not CARING who they are attacking. They;re not coming over here to kill gays. This shooter was a closet homosexual and couldnt deal with it and probably got rejected by a black or spic so he went into the club he frequented and shot it up. The averag ISIS member is not going to attack gay clubs. They're going to bombs public transits, they're going to bomb restaurants. They're going to blow up schools your children might attend. They are going to try to get sharia laws passed in mass just like they are in Europe. This isnt about defending gays. Its about defending Americans.
Fags and muslims are both shit. But at the end of the end the day, Americans were killed by Islam. again. So I will side with the Americans over the death cultist
>even mass murderers don't want to be seen as racist
liked on Sup Forums
I seriously don't know why the redditards don't like him, Omar "slay the gay away" Mateen is a true American hero
if he were a whiteboi, pol would be celebrating
Muslims are the niggers of Europe just because they accidentally hit the enemy this time doesnt mean the slight wasnt against the white race. Mudslimes are not our friend.
gays are not the problem they are and will be always. But the flaming faggots that appear in media acting like fags to get attention they are the problem.
This narrative falls apart once you realize that his wife frequently drove him to the nightclub. They were conspiring to shoot the place up and scouting it.
But the terrorist can't be liked on Sup Forums since he was a muslim.
Literally goat fuckers
He didn`t mention them though, so I didn`t, either.
According to his ex-wife and a security guard at Pulse, he had sex with men 24/7 through Grindr, smuggled in illegal immigrants and physically abused children. If some of you think this guy is a hero it really just reflects on you
probably because he's a muslim
Prtty sure his other wife confirmed he was a faggot m8. His reasonings for attacking the specific club were personal. She probably went along with it because he is a Muslim and therefore would literally chop her head off if she as much as looked at him in a disconcerning way.
If he were a muslim pol would be celebr-
Oh wait he was one wasn't he
In the case of:
>Refugee Dunecoon
>American Niggerfaggots
many of us are siding with the Americans. Fairly natural for legitimate nationalists. Reddit has nothing to do with it.
sage for another duplicate shit thread
>You have to take sites
That's whats wrong with all you faggots who came here with the Trump hype.
Was Sup Forums around when Dorner shut down CA? What was the reaction then?