Whiy is it when a Muslim-American terrorist commits a mass shooting , people want to ban all Muslim immigration , but when a white Christian terrorist commits a mass shooting , people don't want to ban all white Christian immigration?
Whiy is it when a Muslim-American terrorist commits a mass shooting , people want to ban all Muslim immigration...
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Because white Christians are the core group of American and everyone else is an outsider who should appreciate being able to stay at all.
Because most mass shootings by Christians aren't done because of Christianity. Most mass shootings from Muslims are done in the name of Islam.
Uncle Fester on the right there was Jewish.
None of those people were actually Christian though.
And Omar wasn't really a muslim. He's a fag.
Real christians dont kill people.
Maybe some people who subscribe to Christianity do but not the real deals.
Before you go all #notallchristians
Realise my religion does not require me to kill as islam (satanism) does
Not all whites are Christians
Oh, and Fuck Muslims.
thats like asking why you dont kick your own child out of your house when they do something bad, but want to remove a complete stranger when ther do the same. one is an internal problem and one isnt
Well said.
Couple of things to think about.
1) How many white Christians immigrate in comparison to Muslim?
2) Is a mass shooting done in the name of Christianity in comparison to the those done in the name of Islam?
Gee I don't know maybe the part where they didint call the cops and say they are doing this in the name of Christian group
Because when a white christian does it, it's a traitor attacking their homeland. When a muslim does it, it's an enemy we allowed to attack us.
Maybe you should look up the differences between muhammad and Jesus. One preaches violence, the other does not. None of those men are Christians.
I don't understand this line of thinking. You don't solve problems by adding more problems to distract you from the original. If you have a mouse problem in your office building, is the solution to add rats?
> posts atheists
> claims they're Christian
Go eat a dick Smorgasbord
>white christian immigrants
U wot m8?
Omar Mateen Rails Over BP Oil Spill...
simple as this
>white Christian immigration
germanics arent christians
Muslims are closet fags though. Their prophet was a pedophile.
What's your point?
Because theres a difference between someone doing something horrific in the name of their religion, and someone who adheres to a religion doing something horrific for other reasons.
>Fuck niggers
>Mental disorder
>Mental disorder
I doubt he was really a faggot, probably just msm's desperate attempt at damage control. It fits the muh mental illness, muh homophobia, muh ban ar-15 fags agenda better than admitting radical Islam is the bigger problem.
Protestants / Orthodox = half-catholic half-christian
Real Christians "turn the other cheek".
But Omar and the San Bernadino guy were born in America. They were US citizens.
Actually I want to ban them because they're useless shit skins
Islam isn't Satanism you moron. Keep my religion out of this.
When these things happen, we ask:
What were the killer's stated intentions?
What was his political, religious, social ideology?
Can we trace his actions back to what is espoused by that ideology?
These questions don't hold up for Christianity. In the case of Islam, they do.
I believe he was a Muslim fag in a headspin he knew he was doing wrong according to his religion and his "redemption" for his "haram" was to destroy the sin he was apart of
Islam - at war with everyone else.
Everyone else - fine with each other
He was documented bipolar.
G4S is a multinational company that doesn't have to abide by US regulations. He probably faked his medical exam.
Mateens parents were Afghani immigrants.
Their parents weren't.
Because Dylann didn't pledge his allegiance to Pope Francis on the phone while shooting up darkies. In fact he shot up a fucking church, in case you forgot.
also because of this
White people are retards.
Aren't Mexicans considered "white Christians" according to the government?
If so I fully support banning that group too, thanks OP, good idea!
hey retards, the Orlando shooter didn't practice Islam. Sure, he might of grew up with Islamic ties, but how many of us have grown up with Christian ties and denounce the faith?
I'll believe it when it's reported by a credible source
Killing is against Christian doctrine but it is mandatory in the Islamic one.
Can someone please explain to me how dylan roof isn't a terrorist.
Because they werent motivated by religion you simpleton
Because they aren't doing it because of a religious doctrine. They don't have a common motivation. If there is a common motivation, you target the motivation.
I really can't blame the mulsim shooter. Mass shootings are part of american culture. He was just trying to integrate and fit in.
They believe in good djinn and such. All I know djinn is products of satanism.
What is the difference between terrorism and a hate crime?
This, how can you be so fucking autistic op
>White Christians
>One is of Jewish descent
>Two are atheist Democrats
Muslims and Jews are the same coin.
Neither of them believe in Hell.
Muslims burn the bodies of infidels so they cannot ascend to their heaven / afterlife.
"Researchers" incorrectly label Muslim "Pit of Fire" as Hell as a political correctness measure.
"Islamic Teachings" are a farce. They're the equivalent to Orthodox Jews/Catholics.
It was the guns fault
They should all be banned no one needs an assault weapons if war it drove them to do what they did
>Christian terrorist
yea sorry not a thing
Since when were any of those guys in those pics Christian Terrorists?
Those are what we call Betas, Newfag.
foreign terrorism (ISIS) and domestic terrorism (KKK, La Raza, BLM, etc)
Because the Muslim shooter was following his scripture to the T.
The "radical" Muslims are the ones that aren't throwing gays off of rooftops or executing apostates.
You've provided terrorism and terrorism and nothing about hate crime.
Oh.. how about all those abortion clinic bombings and shootings?
How about stuff like the Branch Davidians?
Because we already banned white Christian immigration. You have any idea how hard it is to get a visa?
And I'm sure Roof's ancestors immigrated from Europe.
Now stop bumping this shit bait, use sage if you must reply.
Because Christians are the founders and immune to criticising.
>attended his mosque several days a week
>went on hajj
>professed loyalty to a theologic state
>N-no, but he wasn't a TRUE muslim, you see.
>Used to frequent a gay bar
>used to go on grindr and take it up the butt
He was a conflicted Muslim at least
This is basically what I came to say.
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>anti-christian terrorism non-profit activism .....
Because we already have a soft-ban on Christians from Middle-East, but not on muslims because banning muslims would be "discrimination."
>White Christian immigration
We haven't had that in 100 years, son.
if Islam hadn't instilled such hatred in him, he would be less conflicted
But they do faggot. They want to ban all white male Christians everytime. Everytime.
Even when its a muslim homo democrat.