Besides Star Wars what else this fucking faggot made of relevant?
Besides Star Wars what else this fucking faggot made of relevant?
Other urls found in this thread:
Indiana Jones
you're welcome
THX was his best film
Howard the Duck
The company, ya dork
my original comment still stands
I actually love that movie. Not even ironically.
I don't care if it's not an accurate adaptation. The Shinning isn't and it's great. Josie and the Pussycats isn't either and it's really good. Same with Howard.
American Graffiti
THX 1388
Radioland Murders
It doesn't. It's not wrong, but it doesn't stand in this particular case.
American Graffiti
The sequel was way better.
American Graffiti
Indiana Jones
Mishima: Life in four chapters
Created Lucasfilm, ILM, Skywalker Sound, LucasArts, EditDroid, Graphics Group (Pixar)
Also, uncredited editor in all the good Coppola films and completed Jurassic Park while Spielberg was making Schlinder's List
Yeah, yeah, but what did he do FOR ME in the last month?
Nothing, that's what. Useless piece of shit that he is.
>i've never seen THX the film
>Mishima: Life in four chapters
Being an *executive* producer for the international version of a film doesn't count for shit. That's like saying you're responsible for the iPhone because you own stock in Apple.
In American Graffiti he invented worldification, a standardized method of using diagetic music that remains in use to this day.
But I am repsonsible for the iPhone if I have stock. That's how it works.
Your an idiot.
didn;t he create ILM ? that's huge..
>Puts money to get the thing done/finished
>doesn't count lol
ok whatever
have some early lucas in return
>what has he made
>funded some films
It doesn't count because he didn't make it. Just because you have the money doesn't mean you own the means of production, you comprador-bourgeois motherfucker.
It does.
explain more? never heard of it
Kermode please.
Don't startle him. You don't want 20 posts about The Exorcist do you?
The Exorcist 2 is Kino. Deal with it. The pacing, the cinematography, the music. KINO.
The tv series was really good. That's all I have to say about that.
You have something against Linda Blair, boi?
The original (not The Version You've Never Seen Beofre, that was crap) and the 3rd movie had some really good imagery. So did the 2nd movie. Too bad the 2 prequels lacked any such visuals.
Pazuzu, please. Souldn't your ugly face be appearing in some kitchen appliance by now?