Do you respect Tony Soprano?

Do you respect Tony Soprano?

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No, he shot that bloke that wet himself

He was a fat selfish cunt who ruined the lives of literally everyone around him for his own ends.

>respecting criminals


he was just pushing balls

>giant alpha male with a booming voice, quick wit and a confident swagger

lets just say i respect him more then anyone on this site, even though he's fictional.

this. Tony had no time for anyone but himself.

I must be loyle to the capo


he was a fat fuck, I have no respect for fat people. they should be allowed to be spit on.

How could anyone respect someone like that?

>implying you would have the balls to spit on someone
no one is stopping you from doing that you know, there are no laws against that as far as i know.

Public harassment?

I'm pretty sure somebody would rather kick your ass then call the cops if you spit on them. which is the real reason why you won't.

>implying a fatass can catch you even if you spit on them

Maybe if you try to spit on them a second time, before they get winded.

What kind of American accent is that?

Not as such.

he looks just like Carmella too.

I can't remember did she sleep with him or not?

I honestly don't think so. It'd be piss-poor drama if they did.

No she didn't.