Why is pol so antimuslim? Don't they realize that all people are just people...

Why is pol so antimuslim? Don't they realize that all people are just people? Being kind and loving one another is the most important thing

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the best muslim you can find is malcom x?

islam = shit

I know you're baiting, but Islam is a toxic ideology that coerces otherwise ordinary people into performing extraordinary acts of violence. The fact that you've failed to recognize this tells me you're either a college Liberal or a Muslim yourself.

All religions are shit

but islam is more shit than others


>Malcom X
>Good muslim
The man was a terrorist.. Wait, that's what a good muslim is.

Check your peaceful privilege you spoiled americentric ignorant shitlord.

>Your beliefs don't make you a bad person, your actions do
Wow good thing no one acts on their beliefs and actions aren't determined by free will but magic

Hitler didn't really practice Christianity. It was more for pr.

And he wasn't really a bad person either.

>malcolm X

shirt chart made by a virtue-signalling prick

That's true but you fail to understand that Nipons aren't Mexican, Argentinians aren't Italians, etc...
If a people is hateful, that's all there is. People are people after all.
late 13c., "humans, persons in general," from Anglo-French people, Old French peupel "people, population, crowd; mankind, humanity," from Latin populus "a people, nation; body of citizens; a multitude, crowd, throng," of unknown origin, possibly from Etruscan. The Latin word also is the source of Spanish pueblo, Italian popolo. In English, it displaced native folk.

Meaning "body of persons comprising a community" first recorded late 13c. in Anglo-French; meaning "common people, masses" (as distinguished from the nobility) first recorded c. 1300 in Anglo-French. Meaning "one's own tribe, group, etc." is from late 14c. The word was adopted after c. 1920 by Communist totalitarian states to give a spurious sense of populism to their governments. Legal phrase The People vs., in U.S. cases of prosecution under certain laws, dates from 1801. People of the Book "those whose religion entails adherence to a book of divine revelation (1834) translates Arabic Ahl al-Kitab.

Hitler wasn't really a Christian.

>Bill Gates


from all atheists and muslims
gates and malcom x are the good guys?
What about Einstein? What about Stephen Hawking? What about Charles Darwin?

>1 post by this ID





How are any of those people good, with maybe the exception of Martin Luther King Jr(good intentions count for something)?

>Being kind and loving one another is the most important thing
Nice bait.

>that fucking image

Defend your claim

Finally I can maintain my belief of nordic whites being superior to all other races without anybody accusing me of being a bad person.

>malcolm x
>good muslim

Fucker was a turbo-racist black nationalist terrorist. Late in his career he had some sort of epiphany and chose to stop being a turbo-racist terrorist, and was summarily assassinated by a different turbo-racist black nationalist terrorist.

How does malcolm x do anything but prove that violent ideologies are a problem?

IMO a religion should be judged not on what the good of it do, a good person shall be good regardless of doctrine, but on what the bad of it are able to get away with.

Yeah no

t. Sup Forums

>THAT fucking image

einstein and darwin were christians