Movies you know are flawed, but you worship them nevertheless
Flawed yet godlike movies
Honestly it's almost any Boyle movie, the guy always starts well and loses it somewhere in the middle
>should we head straight to the sun and save humanity?
>no let's risk the mission and go save some ship, what's the worse that could happen?
>so flawed the bad parts make you forget the good parts
>that cast
>that atmosphere
>those visuals
>that subliminal frame mindfuck when they board the other ship
She is a rough diamond but a diamond to be sure
haven't heard of it but i like the poster. damn. animated?
they really bent over backwards to explain this, they decided to take the second bomb to increase their chances
saving humanity with one bomb was pure theoretical, so thats justifiable
This. Straight up action, loony badguys, funzies, hot chiq, some shitty scifi, some well known actor phoning it in, Guy Pearce godly at being a prick.
Also, with ya on Sunshine.
watched sunshine once, i remember it being garbage, going to rewatch it now, you better not make me mad Sup Forums
it was shit, 3rd act was such a letdown.
*tips fedora*
i've never particularly understood the criticism for Sunshine's 3rd act. it's a jarring and sudden tonal shift, but it's so executed so perfectly. the editing in the final 30 minutes is absolutely fantastic.
I'm 12 what is this?
Prepare to be disappointed.
Even Europa Report was better.
The Exorcist 2
Except that the only flaw is people thinking it is flawed in the first place.
Plebs. All of you. It's a true auteur film.
No, live action. It's about a Japanese woman, who goes to look for the treasure in Fargo, assuming the true story bit was genuine. Supposedly based on a real story, but there's no record of it ever happening.
Yeah, the 3rd act is perfectly in line with the movies themes, I didn't get why plotbabbys were so up in arms about it
that doesnt make sense you autist
I really enjoyed this movie until the final act when it turned into a bad slasher flick.
I'm pretty sure they would shit themsleves and have a brain aneurysm if they ever watched Psycho. But they won't, since it's old and in black and white.
This post right here. This is how you spot a pleb.
They literally explain this you fucking retard.
>comparing sunshine to psycho
idiot autismo detected
Fuck you. It was way better than the tacked on captain Amuhrika action scenes IN SPAAACE.
Fuck that shit, it took away from the tone of the movie and the bleakness of it all.
*tips fedora*
t. t
Tonal shift. Pay attention when you enter a convo.
An apple and a gun. Don't talk to strangers.
what the fuck are you talking about? capeshit?
Kek no fuckhead, psycho's ending actually made sense, sunshines just went to shit and didnt. maybe pay attention before spewing your ignorant opinion and tipping your fedora next time.
Oh, I completely forgot Evans was in it.
The Chris Evans action beats that were mendated by the studio after they approved of the original screenplay.
They weren't in the original version of the movie. His character was still important though, but he was less no-suit-in-space-bang-bang than in the finished product.
Tonal shift, not ending. Did you ever watch Psycho? You do know it starts as a crime dram with Marion stealing money and running away and turns into a slasher/murder mystery unrealted to the stolen money halfway through, right?
Yes i did and peoples critisism was to do with the stupid ending, not the tonal shift. like pay attention next time.
YOU pay attention. WE were talking about the tonal shift.
Next time, before you join a convo, read the posts you're replying to.
Yes but thats not the reason a lot of people though the third act was shit.
But that's the convo WE were having. I'm done talking to you about this. Let's movie on to something else.
>Let's movie on to something else.
was a film intended pun part of your plan?
>hurr slasher
>dude is one screen for 30 seconds and kills 1(one) person
Yes. I'm a big flick.
You didn't. I made sure no one saw what I did.
Lockout (2012)
It's based on a rumour
I fucking loved this film if I'm totally honest with you.
anything similar to this? Europa mission was shit