>having kids when you're old enough to be wearing diapers yourself
In Hollywood, money can buy you anything, including young women willing to jump on your shriveled old dick and balls.
>having kids when you're old enough to be wearing diapers yourself
In Hollywood, money can buy you anything, including young women willing to jump on your shriveled old dick and balls.
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Research has concluded that the older a father is at the time of their child's birth, there is an increased chance of autism developing in the child
I'm fucking impressed that Tony Randall could still carry around a kid like that at 80+.
As George Lucas proves, money can't buy you good taste in women though.
Tony Randall's daughter is hot.
I thought that was dependent on how old the mother was?
Or was that downs syndrome?
The quantity and quality of sperm decreases starting at 42.
Daily reminder that the mother of 73 year old Mick Jagger's new son "Deveraux Octavian Basil Jagger" is 8 years older than his granddaughter
Both, but for Women the downard slope behind earlier and is much steeper
He aged really well all things considered because he was quite health-conscious, in fact they were surprised that he died before Jack Klugman who was much less of a /fit/fag.
>having kids when you're not atleast a millionaire
>wanting your people to suffer growing up
Anthony Quinn in 1995, age 80. He looked really good for his age and still very mentally sharp.
About a year before his death in 2001. You can see he's slowed down a lot in this interview.
They call that "terminal drop", the idea that cognitive functions begin to decline about 5 years before death.
Some evidence suggests that it begins as much as 15 years before death. Specifically, reaction times are the first to go, while executive planning and vocabulary skills do not decline until 5 years prior to death.
faggotry too if theres already a son born to the father (living with or apart)
It's just a sad fact of the modern world. Whites don't reproduce early or often enough but even if these kids have a slight genetic defect from ancient fathers their moneyed lives will make up for it. Also their parents might get on growth stimulants intentionally to counter it. Making them better off in the long run.
Who's they? Hospice staff?
Surely if this is a study of old people, all old peoples reaction times start to drop 15 years before they're death.
Continued discussion here because janitor is a fag.
The real problem is more that an individual's physiological and calendar age are often not the same. One study of a group of 36 year olds found that, while most had a biological age in their late 30s, a few were as young as 28 and some others closer to 60 under the hood.
It can be seen in children for example. When you were in the 4th grade, you all knew the girl who had tits and acted like a mini-teenager and the other who still believed in Santa Claus.
Tony Randall's "family" was the ultimate Hollywood vanity project.
>he's getting old
>he doesn't get as many movie offers as he used to
>a lot of his contemporaries are dead or close to it
>he never had kids with his wife, who is also now dead
>he's been suspected for years of being gay
>his movies and TV series are getting old too and generally irrelevant to younger people
>so how does an aging actor boost his self-esteem and make himself feel "important" again?
>of course, by marring a woman 50 years younger than her and having kids with her, while of course he dies when they're in grade school
Shit, at least their mom had nice, fresh 20-something eggs to balance out ol' Tony's geriatic sperm.
"Nature decrees the task of procreation is given to young, virile men so that the race might not be degenerate."
-- Arthur Schopenhauer
>Deveraux Octavian Basil Jagger
Can't we just name a child "Johnny" or "Kyle" or "Owen" or "Brian"? Is it _that_ hard for celebrities to not treat their child as a fashion accessory rather than a human being?
Hollywood aren't quite the same species of being as you and me.
that they aren't
Definitely looks like him. The facial structure checks out. Thus proving that Mom really did hit that 75 year old meat and the father wasn't actually Brad Pitt.
People live longer on average nowadays, but the 800 pound gorilla in the room is whether those extra years are healthy ones or if increased longevity simply means more years of frailty and disability.
desu in olden times women sometimes had kids right up to menopause but they also started at like 19 and kept having them
Aging to a large extent is is psychological. People tell you that you're old and your age group is supposed to do Y, and thus it manifests itself as physical symptoms.
Animals, while they do biologically age, don't age the same way as humans because they have no awareness of aging. A dog lives on average 15 years. At the end of his life, he's still just a dog. He may be a little gimpy compared to when he was young, but he's otherwise the same. An 80 year old human is not merely gimpier than a 20 year old, he's continually told by society what his age group is and isn't supposed to do and that he's getting old. In fact his entire life will be radically different at 80 than 20 for this simple reason. This isn't true of the dog. He eats, sleeps, poops, and goes for a walk unchanged from beginning to end.
>just call me Dave guys