Marvel (((directors))) will never make a image as powerful and beautiful as this
Marvel (((directors))) will never make a image as powerful and beautiful as this
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you could've at least used an actual screenshot from the film, rather than a set photo
>le sunset meme
No one said bvs didnt look or sound pretty but thats not nearly enough to cover the huge plotholes
Turn the sound off and it's a cool screen saver.
sorry you're too used to being spoonfed to actually pay attention during a film. there are no major plot holes in BvS.
>le jesus metaphor
oh come on
i wonder how it feels to have brain damage
meanwhile in marvel
i-i don't see how that's a party ;)
The people who write the comics are responsible for that image. We'll see if DC actually start to add anything with their films.
But Robert Downey Junior is responsible for the MCU.
You don't know because as a DCfag large sections of your brain have already been removed
Lex creating doomsday was as big a plothole as your moms gaping vagina
believe it or not, i don't have any particular brand loyalties. Batman v. Superman just happens to be a very good movie.
classy. Lex created Doomsday with the belief that he'd be able to control it and use it as a weapon to kill Superman. seems fairly straightforward to me.
>Batman v. Superman just happens to be a very good movie.
I apologise and retract my previous comment, because clearly they removed your entire brain.
there is like 1000 times more plot holes in Zemo's plan in Civil War than in BvS
ahhhh, gotta love marvel fags
I really like this image
Zod, faora and namek are the greatest villains in capeshit since joker
Nice head canon
Such as?
Go on.
Where was Zemo's plan unrealistic or inconsistent?
there's a difference between "head canon" and paying attention to the visual and behavioral cues in the film.
Go to bed, Zach.
>Watchmen, Kickass, Man of Steel, Dredd, BvS
Only good comic capefilms in the last 10 years
>no "i'mwithher" or some kind of shillary reference
Room for improvement there
TDK > Watchmen > Iron Man 1 > Batman Begins > Raimi SM1 > First Avenger > MoS > TDKR > BvS > Winter Soldier > Raimi SM2&3 >>>> rest of the MCU >>>>>> ASM 2 > ASM 1 > Suicide Squad
I guess we all agree on this, being objectively correct and all
BvS > TDK > Batman Begins > Guardians of the Galaxy > Iron Man 1 & 3 > shit > who cares
Id personally swap first avenger with winter soldier but otherwise good list
GotG 2 could only benefit from moving away from Supers and towards Space Fantasy. Even Thor should be going this way, I doubt it will.
And it's a fucking travesty that Stark wasn't stuck on the other side of the wormhole in Avengers. Stark built this in a space cave was the logical next step for the franchise.
sorry, why?
well you see if you expose you think in this false dichotomy of dcfags vs marvel cucks- like that is a thing outside of advanced level 9000 autists- then you reveal yourself as a marvel cuck ie a fucking piece of shit advanced autism retard
Because your mom takes the BBC on the reg
daily reminder that bvs is attacked by paid shills and it was also targeted for some reason in a cultural warfare meme war for some reason (don't ask me, these guys clearly don't know what they are doing, look at how bad they lost against trump)
The posters who attack BvS are the same shills who support Trump.
Trips confirm, also expect them going full force this week since Rogue One is tracking to perform worse than BvS. Y'know, that movie that NOBODY liked
I wonder if unironic shills make these threads
>in the same movie
Yes, i wonder why it did so well opening week... surely it must have made over 2 billion at the BO
I dunno, you just post piles of shit
Fuck off, DCuck shill
Except that Trump and the MCU are winning.
DCuckoldry is more like Hilldawg shilling
Amazing cinematography
I love it
If dubs the DCEU will win the war against the MCU and be recognized as kino
breathe it in
that's loyalty
you're not loyal
hired guns are
mos was cooler than dbz ever was
Zak Synder makes pretty looking films, but he can't direct a narrative for shit.
In the 1980s someone films a random street accident
The tape exists
The tape is at a Soviet base
Zemo owns a "make a fake Bucky mask factory"
Zemo knew about the tape
Tony and/or anyone else never looked through the files leaked online
Tony and Steve wouldn't just discuss their differences seeing as they are friends and work together
Zemo knew they would both be in the secret soviet base at same time
Zemo randomly didn't want to just kill the avengers but just hurt their feelings
Zemo didn't just use the Soviet super soldiers to just kill the avengers
The airplane fight sequence was dumb
Tony acted the opposite of how he acted in every other movie (because a black lady was mad at him)
Winter soldier killed Tony's parents but tony still exists ?!?!
Probably more. I only saw the film once when it was released. It was easily the weakest of the captain American flicks
uh... problematic much?
Funny, because a single scene in BvS is better written and directed than the entire MCU combined.
not pic related, I assume
He's right though
Pic related definitely. The MCU is without soul.
Do you remember the music of the last Marvel movie you watched?
No you didn't. Because their goal isn't to make it memorable. It's to make it bland and forgettable and as inoffensive as possible. These people aren't artists. They're businessmen. And businessmen only see numbers. The music actually reflects the entirety of MCU films. Because the music is just one example of just how forgettable and boring these Marvel movies are.
They are focus-tested. They are reshot. They are studied and tweaked over and over and over again so that it has exactly filled all the boxes of its checklist. The director doesn't direct. He does what he's told from his corporate bosses that see him as a tool, a puppet, more than an artist. This isn't film. This is just mindless trash for the brain to passively consume for an hour and half.
TDK> Watchmen Ultimate Cut > BvS > Iron Man 1 > MoS > Raimi SM2 > Winter Soldier > Raimi SM1 > Blade 1 > Hellboy 1&2 > Winter Soldier > Batman Begins > First Avenger > Rest of MCU > ASM1 > shit >>>>>>>>>>> ASM2 >>>>>>>>> even more shit >>>>>>> Suicide Squad
Shame about SS tho i really like the characters...
When did this board become overrun by capeshit manchildren and Sup Forums still has the nerve to call themselves patrician. Now wonder everyone else calls you the most Reddit board
I never understood the Marvel/DC rivalry.
We as consumers should unite and hold movie makers to a higher standard, not fight between each other.
Marvel blind you with beauty. Their films have plotholes and weak arguments, and the forced diversity is unrealistic and boring now.
What cues were there that Lex thought he could control Doomsday? Why did he think he could?
What did the movie show us that made us and Lex think he could control DD?
Batman Begins trumps BvS and Watchmen by miles man
– Lex Luthor
maybe the fact that he was a megalomaniac with a god complex and a rapidly deteriorating grip on reality. he created Doomsday, and his reaction of shock and surprise when it attempts to attack him speaks volumes. note that he doesn't even attempt to move.
But they can check these dubs.
>No Hulkino 2003
>No X2
>No Blade in sight
>First avenger that high in the first ranking
>Winter soldier 2 times in the second ranking
How did you not notice all the abhorrent writing and dumb studio exec demanded scenes?
Fuck off
The scene where the capitol building gets bombed and Superman sits there unaffected is really fantastic, it was an excellent usage of having the opportunity to direct a Superman movie. Snyder is great at showing how comparatively powerful these superheroes are.
Snyder a shit
Ok, but then this Lex isn't very smart.
Odd too that BvS fans are split when it comes to Lex and DD.
Some say that Lex thought he could control him and others say he didnt care and wanted DD to just destroy the planet.
I get what youre saying, his ego made him think he could.
But thats really stupid, especially for Lex. I guess youll call it a case of "not muh" but i mean the character is a genius, a villain yes, maniacal? Sometimes. But Lex is a genius who plans and researches, this lex is just maniacal, and doesnt show any real intelligence.
So maybe youre right, he thought he could control DD just because he thought he could. No scientific reason, no logical reason,but that sounds really lame man.
Superman wouldve cared, he wouldve flinched, he wouldve looked around in confusion and shock. He wouldnt just stand there with a glum expression like " oh great.."
Superman wouldve reacted with some empathy.
Snyder is not good at portraying character traits, hes completely style over substance.
He's reaction was great, he's angry and annoyed at himself that he failed and sad that so many died
it's when idiots flock in from Sup Forums and take the ironic meme too seriously
same thing almost happened with the "hating jim cameron is red.dit" meme, but that never really took off, maybe because he hasn't done a film since Avatar
Plot holes?
Im not playing this game. AGAIN
k i n o
Why did Scarjo hack her tits off?
THIS. The movie doesn't have plot holes. It's just that it has scenes that make no sense.
The Batmobile scene is a perfect example. After Superman stops Batman, Superman doesn't even bother to do anything about the semi truck driving around firing off military grade hardware.
It's not a plothole, but it's still dumb.
And the whole subplot about the African insurgents using ammo that is only made by Lex Luthor. Lex is way too smart to have his cronies use ammo that only he makes and thus provides a clear link between Africa and him.
Not a plot hole, just fucking stupid.
That whole subplot was only in the movie so that Amy Adams had something to do in the movie.
Saying that BvS is better than Marvel movies is like saying that dog shit is better than AIDS.
Like yeah, I'd rather have Dogshit than AIDS, but it's not like that makes Dogshit good.
>Raimis Spider-man
>not orange filter: the movie
just fuck off
Nope he isn't
Nice trips.
How can DCucks compete
I always forget X universe for some reason.
Add X2 and DoFP after SM2 and X1 to before First Avenger
The bullets were made with the same metal of the wheelchair, so it was easier to melt the bullets after kgbeast burn the bodies with his flamethrower to frame superman
Lois isn’t exactly right in her brief to Perry. It’s not that the rounds aren’t traceable. It’s that they aren’t traceable by her. They’re preeminently traceable by Lex.
In fact, Lex confronts Lois about that on the helicopter pad. Indicating he knows what she’s been up to. When she says she’s proven his involvement, his retort? “Unfortunately, that will blow away like dust in the desert.” He’s not above a cover-up. The rounds are evidence he can use to track any escaping evidence or subsequent investigation, because the ammunition is only known to and understood by his people. The ammunition immediately throws up red flags for Lex. This puts any investigation on his radar first and allow Lex to keep tabs on or clean-up if necessary. If he used rounds without intrigue there would be nothing to trace or track and an investigation could happen under his radar. Even if the Nairomi incident is airtight, the rounds allow any snoops to be sniffed out and “blown away like dust.”
>that image
>quote "powerful"
the rumors are true
the ms paint comics are true