Why did Sheev live in a tower? Wouldn't this be the most vulnerable place on the entire Death Star to be during a space battle?
Why did Sheev live in a tower...
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high ground
Looks comfy
He works in mysterious ways
>Takes over the whole galaxy just so he could have a maximum comfy place to sit around and fap.
Is Sheev /ourguy/?
It was originally meant to be his palace but building the imperial capital became too expensive so they decided on Death Star 2.
Does Sheev sleep in a hibernation chamber?
Because tower is the place where wizards live? Duh.
Where is the pool?
What's the point of being galactic overlord and not even having a pool?
Man, Sheev looks pretty ripped.
>That comfy lounge
a high castle would have been too crass even for lucas
or maybe the fat fuck just hadn't heard of it
What did he do up there?
Watched his bubble opera tapes
Those are for accident saberfights with your servants' children.
It was so he could take nice little walks around his tower from multiple heights. Sheev's life was all about the /comfy/ and thw simple pleasures of life aboard a superweapon
this, I bet he's got a hands free fapping machine in there
>not using the force to fap
Where does he keep his pissjars?
Around the elevator shaft I guess?
wonder if the royal guards ever accidentally caught him fapping
Why would you even fap if you can convince any stupid woman to have sex with you?
the royals guards are his harem
wonder if he ever ordered them to help
he'd just use a good force trick to make them forget, that or use force lightening to shoot them out a window
Imerial Fapping is actually official event. All the guards and invited guests have to watch.
I think you mean "Cos".
Shreev is retcon bullshit.
That's Jedi's ability.
Siths can't convince with Power.
Does the artist follow some sort of instructions or does he just make all that shit up
I bet he faps in there too
Why do we see Luke with Darth in the bay after they kill Sheev though?
It doesn't look like he's living in a tower that's only accessible by spaceship.
It isn't. There's an elevator in the middle.
They were at different Death Star that time.
This one was blown away in ep4.
They took the elevator
No. The first Death Star had no Sheev tower
No, an oxygen chamber. Which he believes gives him sexual powers.
Looks more like emergency shower to me.
Why does Sheev life in a pink room with pink chairs ? What is he hiding ?
He's the Emperor of the galaxy. He can convince your dad to suck his cock.
could Sheev have survived the Death Star blowing up if he was in the Sheev tower with 15 minutes prep time (no escape pods or crafts)
That's another way of solving it.
But rebels could send specially trained cutie to nip off and swallow the Empreror's dick. I doubt he'd risk this much.
No, the fapping is the only option for Sheev.
Journal of the Whills, mofugga.
It probably was designed to rocket off the station in case of emergency.
>we we never get the original vision for RotJ with the battle of Endor only serving the purpose of taking Had Abbadon's shield down.
MLP collection.
Cos was never canon and Sheev is /ourguy/
Looks like he has a lot of tricks up his Sheevs.
i'd watch MTV Cribs series set in Star Wars
Unlimited sexual power
I wand a tour of Obi-wan's mancave.
Or a shitter.
Jabba's Palace
Yoda's Hut
The Lars Homestead
The Wampa Cave
50 Nights in a Hutt's Harem?
/fa/ as fuck
Man oh man I wish RotJ ended with a combined space/ground/lightsaber battle over Coruscant instead of Endor/DSII. Replace Ewoks with the regular citizens of Coruscant, and have them deactivate the planet's shield for the fleet to attack the Capital.
I wish they'd have just made episode 7 there and then and made it about how killing the emperor doesn't mean the empire's infrastructure or military might just disappear overnight and had the dirty rebels getting fucked up.
Sheev is from the mouth of Lucas himself
And in nu-canon, the Imperial Palace is just the Jedi Temple.
That concept art looks much better.
I still can't wait for a quiet scene where Luke walks into the Jedi Council chamber on Coruscant, maybe turns a chair right side up.
>So this is where generations of brainwashed child soldiers were trained after being taken away from their families
>I'm so glad I'm one of the good guys and fought the good fight against le ebil empire
It would have been much better if the Rebel Alliance had linked up with insurgents on the surface of Coruscant. The sudden collapse of the Empire would make much more sense if it had been an attack on the Imperial Palace instead of another Death Star. If they had lost the capital and the Emperor, their rapid defeat would have made much more sense.
What's the point of those circular computer battlestations? How do you even get inside to look at the screens without awkwardly jumping into them?
You stand on a elevator platform at a lower level and get raised up into the middle.
>Luke, I'm glad you're awake. Did I ever tell you about the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center? The Chancellor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center, sometimes shortened to ChanPal SuRecon Center, crowned one of the tallest buildings on Coruscant.
its real
Why don't we just call him that? Like Scarjo.
Would be top tier comfy if he didn't miss a fridge and a bathroom
>ywn live in a comfy tower high above and out of reach of all the plebs that form the society
Truly life is suffering.
It would also be the closest to a means of escape. See the airlock and shuttle right next to the living quarters?
Remember the Death Star 2 was nothing but a bait to lure the rebel fleet out.
Is that capsule in the left wing Sheev's comfy sarcophagus?
Hey that's only half true!
>ChanPal SuRecon
Also I never got why all of the doctors in Star Wars are robots, yet countless other more automatable and dangerous jobs are done by humans. Are droids just expensive but when you can aford one they are better than a human or something?
>His rage destroyed the medical droids that had saved his life and severely damaged the interior of the main laboratory. It also caused a worker to go deaf permanently.
>The workers didn't know it was Vader who was being worked on. They thought it had been either a ghost or all the beings who had been killed in the Clone Wars screaming one last scream. This rumor continued through 18 BBY.
So it was staffed by Mexicans?
the properties of Star Wars universe are different than ours.
It is possible there to create fully concious robots without fully understanding how A.I. works. Star Wars robots work basically by magic.
>another Death Star
This shit was dumb as fuck.
"Oh hey look theres steal a fucking weak point"
wonder if he ever used the force to fling his jizz at them
I absolutely love the autistic amount of detail the artists put into these cross-section drawings.
What does Sheev fap to?
Jyn Erso
that's a high school in my hometown
It's the future and aliens
It might not even be computer battle stations they could be decorative art pieces for all we know.
Are you retarded? He lifts you up with the force and puts you there.
>yfw you realize Sheev was defeated by having the high ground taken away from him
Kek! Saved
extra high ground just incase.
I love how interesting everything that isn't in the movies looks in these things.
>Why did Sheev live in a tower?
ultimate high ground
>the moonlet-size superweapon
moonlets btfo yet again
Looks pretty comfy.
Why didn't they just build the shield generator for the death star in space?
Why risk putting it on the ground?