>watch critically acclaimed film
>its boring as fuck
What's her name?
>watch critically acclaimed film
>its boring as fuck
What's her name?
All of them
Boyhood is the perfect example.
the seventh seal
one of the two movies I fell asleep to, the second one being the phantom menace
You are as boring as fuck, cats, and you know it.
its literally good though
>Watch critically acclaimed comedy of the year Silver Linings Playbook
>Only laugh once
Never watched another JLAW lead character movie again
Seventh seal
Touch of evil
Princess mononoke
Spirited away
The two anime ones are probably good for kids who find anything interesting but if they were meant to be good for adults then I can't see a thing in them.
>Princess mononoke
>Spirited away
This. Miyazaki is good at making cartoons for babies but adults shouldn't enjoy them.
The Avengers
There Will Be Blood
Most Gaspar Noe films
The godfathers
how did she get on oscar nomination for that
oh yeah she fucked harvey weinstein
Pan's Labyrinth
The Master
Load of rubbish.
blade runner
Star Wars
I don't understand the appeal, let alone the undeserved one gorillion threads about it.
The Great Dictator, everyone jerks off to the speech which is the last four minutes of the movie. The other two hours are extremely boring.
TV series/anime in general
Never understood the love for this one, it's average.
Lord of the Rings
The seventh seal is overrated IMO. It is not representative of Bergman's other work. Check out Persona and Wild strawberries, i doubt you will be dissapointed.
Lawrence of Arabia
which solaris
>touch of evil
i feel like noir is very polarizing. if you can get past the shitty sound design and weird dialogue you might lke it but a lot of people, including some very film-savvy friends of mine, simply can't get into it because it feels too old=timey
The Breakfast Club.
The most shallow shit that anyone who wasn't a drama-seeking, depressed popular kid or a depressed loner already figured out about highschool.
most arthouse films are pretty damn boring, like kill myself tier
This fucking turd. Made by French "elite" (she's from FEMIS) and revered as such, but fuck was it plain and badly acted.
>which solaris
Nigga you kidding? not him but I bet he's talking about the Tarkovsky one, haven't seen it but I know there's a 10 minute scene of literally nothing and knowing Tarkovsky I bet most of the movie is just trying to surpass 2001 in boredom and long shots
I think James Rolfe's original trilogy review perfectly describes why people like Star Wars, this is coming from someone that doesn't care for most things related to Star Wars.
tasty-looking bait you got there
All of them.
A boring film that is just tiresome and long for the sake of it is shit. A film is supposed to stimulate your brain, to entertain you and let your escapist fantasies take over your mind for 90 minutes.
The only exceptions are film that are historically accurate and need every minute of runtime to explain what's going on like Lawrence of Arabia or Zulu.
Movie critics are the biggest plebs around.
>Semen Demon
>There Will be Blood
>Muholland Drive
>Ichi the Killer (and I liked Audition and Gozu)
>Pretty much any Capeshit after Iron Man II
The whole appeal was "muh longshot" the movie poked fun of itself otherwise.
>watch movie
>think it was shit
>read review on it
>mfw it was actually a masterpiece the whole time
King of comedy. Seen plenty of defensive statements from reddit, so spare me that please. One of De Niro's worst performances
>inb4 you didn't get it
It's as deep as a puddle of piss
TFA and Rogue One
blade runner
under the skin
both are shit movies
>The English Patient
Not only was it boring as fuck, but the "protagonists" were both shitty, horrible people who shouldn't have been celebrated in any way. Only (((truly enlightened individuals))) could enjoy that schlock.
you didn't get it
nicolas winding refn: the thread
The Godfather