Hey user, wanna go see a movie with me?

>Hey user, wanna go see a movie with me?

And so it begins.

Cloister gets out of bed. Sucks cats' tiny dick.

And then the underage/pedo/rape/cocks threads appear.

Same pattern every day.

Y-you too

Sure babe. Pick the one you want and I'm gonna search the torrent right now.


>brown eyes


Sure if you're buying

She looks exactly like all the "white" mexicans look like. It's fucking disgusting.
I only date white chicks

Who the fuck is cats?

shes ukrainian

A mongoloid cunt

>those eyes
Concentration camp tier

So she's not really white either way.
Also being born in Ukraine doesn't mean that one or both of her parents aren't mexicans.

which part?

Why do neckbeard virgins prefer this type of girl?

ah yes, i forgot about that mexican minority in ukraine, that also happen to have slavic names

just admit you have no idea what you're talking about you dunce

It does.

She might be part arab uzbek armenian turk or nigger though.

>People here actually believe that mexicans only move to fucking US
>that also happen to have slavic names
So her father is a slav.
Bottom line is she's not white, and looks like a fucking mexican

>>I only date white chicks

i bet shes really missing out

>and looks like a fucking mexican


she looks like a generic eastern slav with some steppe admixture

mirubro is that you

I'm ukrainian and I literally never saw or heard a living mexican ever. We've got enough of our own sandnigger countries nearby.

Are you one of those that blames Putin for everything or the ones that think the American orchestrated and funded coup had something to do with the Crimea thing?

>are you on my side or am i supposed to call you a cuck

neck yourself