Why is a child being eaten by an alligator world news?

Why is a child being eaten by an alligator world news?

It's a tragedy, don't get me wrong, but why is it being reported as a major story across the world? It's a local story, at best.

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anything to draw attention away from islam murdering gays in the west

Why do major news channels run commercials all at the same time in unison and cherry pick events around the world all while ignoring others ones like pic related?

Not all of us live in alligator infested lands.


Basically this. If you ever notice after a major Muslim event somewhere, within a day or 2, something completely stupid pops up that sweeps the world news and everything is forgotten

Who exactly is "ignoring" the Israel-Palestine conflict?

Because it's been going on for ages now. Practically non stop fighting in Israel since '47.

It's the same reason why Syria, a far larger conflict, is often relegated to a secondary story.

Because a kid being eaten by an alligator while his dad tries to save him, at fucking DISNEYLAND is kinda an unusual and interesting happening?

Give it up muzzie, no one gives a shit about your made up country. Maybe THATS why it isnt news?

inb4 father threw the kid in the water because he couldn't handle his son being a console peasant

Clearly a false flag because Oboama wants to take away our alligators

dude it happened at Disney World

tell me the whole world isnt laughing on the inside

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Because "muh babbys" are more precious than adult functional people.

if they're going to write horror stories like this for clicks and views they might as well gater to the perverts like us who want all the graphic details in glorified prose

The (((news))) isn't there to inform you, it's there to keep you entertained with interesting stories and operates on a for profit basis.

i wonder how many african babies get eaten right now by various creatures.

I didn't even think about this, what a fucking shit show. Obama is unbelievable

When is Obama going to make a speech on behalf of the rest of the alligators being persecuted for the actions of a few. Alligators tend to be animals of peace. #NotAllAligators #I'llSwimWithU

it happened at the happiest place on earth and Orlando really needed some lighter news after last week

No it didnt. It happened at a resort owned by Disney.

Basically, think of a hotel, with the name Disney on it. It was no where near the park

Because it happened in Orlando.


Reptilians are truly in control.

Really makes you think...

Making Americans seem like Africans or Papua New Guinians serves to level. Pretty funny shit.

Do you think God is sending us a message tbut it's only landing on Orlando? Sends a deranged fan to kill Literately Who.Thinking the message got garbled, he ups the signal and gets 100 people shot. Nobody picks up the leaflets, so He tries one last time and kills a baby.

The world really does not care about the Palestinians.
Now go crawl back to your terrorist plotting.

kek, that fucker looks hungry for baby

I know, but this isn't even entertaining. Warfare, scandal, heists, riots in France. These make good news.

US media

Europeans to a lesser extent however the EU anti antisemitism laws may change that

It like no one reads the English variants of foreign news sights to see their agenda to understand public opinion of demographics.

This is (((sanders))) exploding on another liberal girl for questioning the apartheid state.

Why do you think the vast majority of liberals in the US don't give a shit about US foreign policy or know nothing of it?

It was extremely close to the Magic Kingdom, the main park at WDW. The hotel was on Disney property. Don't feed misinformation to the already misinformed anons of this board.

This. You're on to something.


Trump's pledge to ban alligator immigration is both unconstitutional and racist. Besides, most gator attacks are carried out by domestic, white gators. There's over a billion green alligators in the world, if they were all murderers, you'd already be dead.

Because it happened at "the happiest place on earth," on a resort beach, right across from Magic Kingdom. Not to mention a ton of people were there to witness it. It's pretty fucked up when you think about it, just try to picture being there.

The alligator is the well.

Little Timmy down the well syndrome.

It's kind of wild story, too. A kid got swallowed alive by a gator. That's some Australia level shit.

If the kid survived and killed the gator from the inside, he's a fucking legend. He's gonna grow up to be an Emperor or some shit.

Literal fucking JIDF

The entire world votes to end the apartheid state though the UN and the Unites States is the only country OUT OF THE WHOLE WORLD to veto it.

All leftists care, except for American ones, now why is that?

He wus a gud gator

lol the kid was 2, all the experts and sheriffs already publicly that the kid's a goner. Somewhere in Africa Gustave is proud

Its part of their whole vacation complex you dumdfuck, it was on their land.

If only someone had a gun to shoot the gator.

Really makes me think hmmmmmmmmmm

because disneyland in news is good for business, even if its about a kid that got ate. no such thing as bad publicity.

Florida Alligator attack claims child.

CNN: " the perpetrator has been identified as a Mr. Sayeed bin Fasal Al Igator, before taking the child he called an anonymous call to the local police pledging allegiance to ISIS, he has had a long past of homophobic behaviour and has been rumoured to associate himself with middle eastern Nile crocodiles, although this has yet to be confirmed. One thing is for sure, a ban on assault weapons is needed, and we see this ferocious attack as the final judgement for the AR-15. Donald Trump has tweeted a hate filled response using the term "radical amphibious Islam", which Obama claims is a term that is beside the point. In this time of tragedy, we must remind ourselves not to blame all alligators, they are the reptiles of peace, after all. Our hearts go out to the victims."

Mugshot of perpegator pictured.


>Be American
>Get crocked

Quite frankly, I'm surprised no one's blamed Trump yet.

Why can't people stop fucking around with animals? It's an Alligator! Surely people should know their strength.

It's news because it happened here.

The parents are way too hopeful the kid will be alive, he's DEFINATLY dead. The way they're talking you'd swear the alligator took the kid hostage or something. "Please mr. Alligator, you've done wrong but if you find it in your heart to give us back our son, we'll forgive you." I can just imagine swat team breaching some old disused shed in the Everglades and riddling an alligator with bullets, looking at the ak lying on the ground next to its body and saying "shit,cold-blooded motherfucker was armed to the teeth." As another swat unites the kid strapped to a chair in a back room. Luckily they didn't have to pay that ransom of 100 water buffalo.

>Gators residing in water

>but why is it being reported as a major story across the world?

Because it's fucking funny,

Yeah, but it's Disney's water.

It's right by the parks, right across the lake

What sucks is that Alligator chillin on the bottom of the swamp, full of baby back ribs while his hommies gettin cut up lookin for the bones. BAKA

This. First thing I thought too. King Burger told them to cut it out with the religion of peace talk.

It's another story from Florida, which has had many headlines over the weekend. God I love living in Orlando, it's always so exciting.

I can't wait till Israel wipes all the Palestinians off the planet

1. why is apartheid bad
2. why are you on pol?

two year old child refused to believe in Allah. Mudslimes summoned the beast of the waters to deal with non-believer. fuck muslims and their stupid fucking black box.

Because it took place in Disney World, and because it comes within a week of two major tragedies in Orlando

Hook II not happening then

lotta news crews are prolly still in the area doing the follow up on Pulse desu

yeah lets rather talk about a gorilla being shot :^)

Yeah, I keep forgetting that cute singer girl was gunned down by le bald irate r9k fedora guy. That was really sad

#notallgators you racist scum.

>It like no one reads the English variants of foreign news sights to see their agenda to understand public opinion of demographics.
What the fuck. It's not "like" that at all, that's exactly true. You really expect the average American to read foreign news? They dont even like to watch CNN. You must never go out.

Just rolls right off the tongue. But this is the basic thought process for anyone that works in mainstream media and all of the people that take those words as truth. Nothing has changed.

fucking jidf everywhere

whenever a child dies a jew gets his horns

Well the way the news works here is a terrible thing happens in a place, and for a week all of the bad things that happen in that place get reported.
It's called 20 something white girls and faggot news.

It's an alligator pajeet... There's a pretty big difference

Distraction from Obama supporting ISIS

Disneyland is in California. Please differentiate in the future

>tongue in a crocodile
Fucking retard can draw a crocodile properly but doesn't bother to learn its anatomy right.

Am i the only one who thinks this is fucking hilarious?

>Why is a child being eaten by an alligator world news?
Honestly I'm surprised they didn't try to mention it had a gun.

Seven Seas Lagoon


Disney used to allow swimming in the Lagoon until 1998 but only stopped allowing people to swim in the Lagoon not because of alligators but because of Rental Boats.

However, water skiing and fishing in Seven Seas Lagoon is still allowed.

So Disney is still in deep shit because they allow people to fish and water ski in alligator infested waters.

Also, visitors have mentioned that Disney does not ban children making sand castles near the Lagoon which is incredibly retarded of Disney since their signs only mention No Swimming and nothing about Alligators and Banning People from making sand castles near the Lagoon where alligators can sneak close by is common sense but again no signs banning children making sandcastles near this alligator infested lagoon or the reason why there is no swimming.

The official reason for no swimming is actually like I said, rental boat activity in the lagoon, not because of alligators.

Why are there so many threads on this incident?

It's almost like people are trying to hide something. Hm, rly makes u think.

There are 30,000 lakes and 2 million alligators in Florida. People swim in "alligator infested waters" all the time. Gator attacks are extremely rare. They will pay because of PR, but they are not actually liable for anything.

and the fact the we need to demolish known jihadist centers

we shut bars down in this country if its caught serving underage people, yet we allow mosques that turn out Jihadists to continue to exist

Problem is that this isn't a natural lake.

There didn't used to be any alligators in this artificial lake and Disney allowed the gators to infest their artificial lake.

>It's a local story, at best.
for some reason this made me laugh

Funny how racist ass whites was crying cuz they shot the monkey to save black child

but now these whites is killing alligators cuz some dumb ass whiteboy

u would never see a black child fuck with an alligator.

on the real tho if a black boy got ate yall would not even care

Pretty much.

It happened in Orlando and we always need some more Orlando shilling after the shitfest that was last weekend.
Plus it was at a Disney resort. You can't get anymore newsworthy than that.



Right here. Who gives a fuck? Nothing of value lost

An alligator kills a child, suddenly the authorities kill multiple alligators....

>innocent alligators are killed because ONE is vicious

A Muslim kills someone, the Dems swear the rest are innocent and wants them left alone

It's called sensationalism, look it up.

There are alligators in nearly every lake in Florida, artificial or otherwise. And this one is connected to a natural lake that is almost a mile across. There is no way to keep alligators out even if they wanted to. Landowner has no duty to protect visitors from the natural wildlife. Kid could have just a easily been bitten by a water moccasin or any other deadly animal.

well, it happened at disney world, not only a major international tourist destination but also like a little kid's dream paradise
also it could be to distract from the orlando shooting thing. don't want no one agreeing with trump now

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i didn't learn about this until now. brilliant!

It happened at a Disney hotel that's like a five minute walk and a minute long monorail ride from the actual main park

If it bleeds, it leads. Getting eaten by an animal is weird as fuck. Just think about it. The thought of yourself being digested within an animal. It being a toddler on the happiest place on earth just makes it even more surreal.

International laugh at the USA week?

Well the kid was eaten, they found the body, gator must have stashed for later or got scared off by the search team.


>mfw this isn't a story in my country

Seven Seas Lagoon is connected to the natural Bay Lake.

This. Fpbp. Standard operating procedure.