What if your son dragged you on Dr. Phil to tell you he was a tranny?
What if your son dragged you on Dr. Phil to tell you he was a tranny?
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That shit was heartbreaking. I hope that tranny is happy when his dad kills himself.
Poating in 300 replies bread
Im not a cucktard American. My son could just tell me. Thanks for playing homophobe. Enjoy being poor & stupid.
looks like u studied hard and made ur dad proud too
I actually don't mind trannies but only the passable cute ones should be allowed
That's why you have multiple kids.
I want to plung my tongue deep into her ass pussy
I have a buddy who rubs the tranny thing in his dad's face. It's really upsetting and meanspirited, like he tells him it's his fault he's a tranny all the time.
I'd fuck his boipuss. No homo.
>Meeting His Daugher As A Woman For The First Time
What did they mean by this?
>being friends with a mentally ill faggot in a dress
reddit truly has taken over
Whatever man, he's the same guy who would cum in his dog's food and keep sperm jars in his bedroom. He also got caught beating off it school several times. He's still my good pal despite being a creep.
It suddenly all makes sense.
>disgusting pervert becomes a tranny
rlly mks u thnk
Seriously dude, I get that the tranny thing is a delusion, but they're still human beings, and they're still the same people they were before they got all crazy about trying to find doctors that will hook them up with hormones.
>The sound of a man who's going to kill himself later.
Fucking R.I.P the poor bastard.
do you even hear yourself?!
Unfit for society is just crazy talk. There are weirdos and creeps and they exist. You're on a site full of them. You act like this is a hangout for successful conservative family men or something. Sup Forums is full to the brim with sexual deviants and you talk to them every day.
>still the same people they were before
You mean psychologically damaged degenerates? They should be avoided pre and post op.
Jesus christ what a nightmare, they want us to believe this ""person"" is normal
there's nothing abnormal about being gay, wearing women's clothes and eventually taking hormones to counteract your natural sex and then having your penis surgically removed so you feel better
That's weird because that is the very definition of abnormal.
they should all be destroyed
There's nothing wrong with being gay
You figured that out, did you?
Now my eyes hurt and everything has a pink tinge to it, fuck you
Didn't need to. It is innate. Knowing the difference between deviance and normalcy is instinctual for people who aren't degenerates.
Just a reminder that transsexuals suffer from severe mental delusions. The transsexual suicide rate is through the roof and the difference is negligible between pre-op and post-op. Recent polls suggest about 1/5 regret the mutilation of their genitalia. John Hopkins refuses to do the surgery anymore because they recognize it is ineffective at treating transsexuals underlying issues AKA suicidal tendencies, bipolarism, depression etc etc. If some one said "I believe I was born a penguin in a man's body" and goes on to dress like a penguin and act like one, would you think him to just be a 'normal' person? Or is he somebody who needs PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT AND HEAVY MEDICATION. Being transsexual isn't the main disease, it's a retarded coping mechanism for being royally fucked up in the brain with a bunch of other shit.
Do trannies seriously think they'll be accepted by society and treated like they are actually women? This will always be taboo and the best they can hope for is to be someone's fetish.
They're immoral and evil, and us righteous people need to round them all up and mass murder them.
Why this isn't obvious to everyone really confuses me
>Sup Forums autist can't grasp sarcasm
what a shocker
>I am hurt bad...really bad
jesus tapdancing christ
>This will always be taboo and the best they can hope for is to be someone's fetish.
That's what they want. Transsexualism is just a sex fetish gotten way out of hand
>He's a very beautiful man!
What did he mean by this?
I'd be okay if my son was a tranny as long as he never let Sam Hyde fuck him.
He probably diddled him which is why he became a tranny.
Jesus fucking Christ that Tranny is huge. No one would believe in a million years that's actually a woman. It's built like a brick shithouse.
When the fucking door opened and that thing entered, they should have played: youtube.com
His boipucci would never be the same again.
Well, they would have to censor the part when I beat him to death on camera
> all that work just to shit yourself
Looks like Bruce Willis and his mutant daughter
what the fuck
And it's considered tolerant and progressive to accept their deviance and psychological disorder rather than treating them with medication, counseling and therapy.
I recognized the sarcasm, douche. I responded with a fact that some people in this very thread do not seem to grasp.
Dudes fucking massive man, not even the biggest pissup could mistake or fool himself that there is anything feminine about him
I would attempt to murder everyone in the studio, my faggot of a son woild be the first person I would lunge at
Is that Bruce Willis and his daughter in the picture?
>Sorry, excuse me, Dr Phil, but I don't have a son OR a daughter
>turn 180 degrees and moonwalk out of there
I certainly wouldn't give them the satisfaction of making a show out of my progeny's degeneracy. At least not one that involves me.
This is probably one of the few times he cried in his life. What a poor soul.
>I responded with a fact that some people in this very thread do not seem to grasp.
Who, obvious trolls? Lurk moar faggot.
Patriarchy status: SMASHED
is that ryan reynolds sister or something?
I would make bioweapons out of my turds and hurl them at everyone, screaming FAGGOTS AND TRANNIES MUST DIE over and over.
I would be very upset, just like any reasonable person would be.
Can you imagine failing so hard that your son gets a sex change?
right wing "logic"
>when your genetic line is over
Nothing wrong with wearing a dress, the dude wants to be a woman, which he will never be
>what if this isn't a mental illness
>what if his brain is pre-wired to be this way
Does Dr. Phil not know what mental illness is? Schizophrenics' brains are "pre-wired" to experience delusions and hear voices, but we call them mentally ill. Clinical depression stems from a brain "pre-wired" to not produce enough chemicals related to happiness and satisfaction, but it's still a mental illness. Being born with a mental illness doesn't make it not a mental illness.
bumfights guy is exactly right
Dr phil is a hypocritical shit. Why even air this if he was so disgusted?
a normal man would have shot uncle Phil for asking those fucking questions on public televsion in front of a live audience.
this guy know what's up
Not everyone is trolling. People actually believe it is possible to be born as a different gender than the body they are in. I'm also sharing my opinion on the subject.
Fuck off and never respond to me or my posts ever again.
>Americuck "reality" TV where 100% of this is scripted
If my Dad cried like that in front of me, I would be gushing tears along with him. I literally couldn't help it if he did that around me. It shows how delusional and lost these trans people are in their psychosis to show absolutely no emotion when their own father is balling like that. Either that or that tranny is just a cold selfish entitled douchebag. Its one or the other or perhaps both. Some really sad shit.
Yeah she looks lovely
The root of this problem [aside from the SJW/PC push for societal acceptance] is the doctors who prescribe hormones & perform sex-change operations... it's 100% going against the Hippocratic Oath!
>I would be gushing tears along with him
Get a load of this pussy. If I saw my dad crying like some sort of faggot, I would lose any respect I had for him. This is what happens when you preach tolerance and give out participation trophies: you get soft, feminized people.
shhhh user, stop making sense.
The whole time all he said was "I, me, my" etc.
I can't believe the dad wanted to go on Dr. Phil either unless he was seriously misinformed about how fucking retarded the show is and thought "Dr" Phil would side with him about how his son is a nutcase.
So the dad is a faggot for crying because his son turned out to be a freak but you have no words about the son himself dressing up as a woman? What?
The poor guy basically watched his son as he knew him die and be replaced with a freak. If there's ever a time to cry, thats it.
His father is basically best boy.
Dick Masterson talked about the inside baseball of the show a while back on his podcast (although I think it was on one of the bonus episodes). The whole show is exactly as disgusting behind the scenes as you'd expect. Dr. Phil is a colossal cunt.
>but you have no words about the son himself dressing up as a woman? What?
Are you one of those "you have to criticize all sides" people? Fuck's sake, man. Grow a pair! It's obvious that trannies are freaks that should be beheaded publicly. Do I really have to state it over and over so your pussy doesn't hurt?
>spend 1000/month minimum raising child of your brother
>not your kid but whatever he loves me and will turn out OK.
>216,000 later he decides to join the military right out of college
>an odd choice but whatever-
>comes back from the military with gender dysphoria
The only positive is that the tranny probably used their TriCare to pay for the surgery rather than his savings or his health care insurance.
You sound like you have the emotional complexity of a cinder block. How many fedoras do you own?
Lol, sounds like something a overcompensating nigger that doesn't know his father would say.
Trannies are socially engineered by progressives, it has no basis in evolutionary biology. Shit is made the fuck up.
Whoa dude i bet you didn't even cry when you were born, you're so tough! I'm seriously impressed with you for telling me how tough you are on the internet!
>insurance companies and tax dollars will pay for gender reassignment surgeries in our lifetimes
>omg, thith problematic athhole needs to check his privilege!!
Go home.
>The state doesn't pay unconditionally for your sex change
America, everyone.
They already have. See: """"""Chelsea""""""" Manning.
sure thing kiddo
This guy was such an asshole. I really hope he runs into the wrong dude sleeping around like that, and gets his ass killed. Poor dad and his poor wife.
>oh no, this man owns a fedora
>stylish accessories triggers me
Subtle, but I think someone will fall for it.
He almost got me.
Thank Jesus it's still a sensible country
Didn't the son end up killing himself anyways?
Don't like more than half of trannies despite surgery end up killing themselves?
what's up with those fucking chairs
Satan speaks for the good of mankind
>See: """"""Chelsea""""""" Manning
How many times has he attempted suicide post tranny?