With only a few days to go, I don't think the leave campaign can recover from this.
No merchant pictures please.
With only a few days to go, I don't think the leave campaign can recover from this.
No merchant pictures please.
Sorry, here's a share-token version.
Always in motion the future is. Brexit could be the best thing to happen to the UK ever and no made up statistics could prove that wrong.
>(((Jacob Rothschild)))
My stomach hurts.
This thread is closed. Fuck off
Hope you brits leave.
My opinion is that you should leave the EU, but for gods sake don't fall victim to the 'free trade' meme. Its a disaster for the lower and middle classes, but a boon for the investor class who will just build a Rolls Royce factory in India, then ship them back and charge people the same ungodly price. Thats how it works here.
Think that us having all our stuff made in Mexico and China actually lowered the price? Fuck no! If no one brought attention to the matter of the Carrier AC company moving to Mexico, no one would have noticed. The same A/C would be priced at the same price as it is when made in the USA, and the only assholes who gain are the executives with stock options and investors in the company's stock. Who the fuck does that help?
I don't know... I think the protectionist tactics of the EU are fantastic, thats why your lifestyle is so much better than ours here in the USA. Our hours are longer, less vacations, more materialistic... We're fucking robots, not humans.
>tfw you weren't born in western europe
holy shit how did I not notice a fucking ROTHSCHILD wrote this headline
Every fucking time
>countries having to negotiate with you directly instead of being lost in the shuffle of german-kike bureaucrats "diminishes" your role
ahahahahaha this fucking kike
>Brexit would be a disaster
this country is already a disaster lol
time to speedup the process
t. Increasingly nervous kike
I'd love to see what actual (((evidence))) they have that isn't hearsay or scaremongering.
So this confirms it's going to be rigged so that we stay?
>Jacob Rothschild
That man's opinions should be ignored when it comes to what's good for your country.
He's only concerned with what's good for him and his family.
>Jacob Rothschild
> Jacob Rothschild
What? For real?
Fuck. Always do the opposite of what Rothschilds say.
with so much at stake for the international banking jews and their plans for one world government it would not surprise me at all
Rothschild is pulling the ol' double reverse false flag shill technique. The leaders and owners of the largest companies in Britain are yearning for the ability to twist the arm of their governing bureaucrats more easily.
Honestly, watch the Brexit: The Movie. They're whinging about France getting more influence over the leadership than them, it's the equivalent of a big brother feeling like his little brother is the beneficiary of favoritism by his parents. The whole movie is about Britains biggest businesses dreaming of more easily shoving their proverbial cocks up the collective ass of the British people.
Voting out is voting to become a banana republic pretty much, you need to hold your leaders accountable VERY HARSHLY if you successfully depart. Because they really, really, really want to fuck you.
Liechtenstein doesn't seem to care too much neither about not being in the EU nor about their role in the world stage.
Once again it has fallen to the British working class to liberate Europe.
As long as TTIP is on the cards I and all those I know are voting out
A year from now, Trump could be in the White House and the UK could be out of the EU.
What do you really lose by being in the EU? The problem is that the leadership is not accountable. You need elected leaders, or at least transparent leadership so you know who to have fired when things get fucked up. Just reform the EU into a more efficient and efficient structure and you'd be way better off than leaving. Can't Britain just suspend EU policy until reforms take place? Just, like, willful disobedience?
It's almost like a joke at this point. You simply cannot make this up.
Mr. Burns wrote an article? Neat.
we already know it will be an economic disaster, that's been the case for weeks/months now. Yet Out is still pulling ahead because voters don't care.
They'll still whine when their tax goes up and the country becomes poorer. Their loss
Yeah, like the UK has any presence that isn't strangled by the EU.
Fuck the EU. Leave, pave a better future for all of us.
>Banana republic
>What is the pax Britannia
It all went to shit the second we got involved in the continent
All evidence shows that you are a cuck.
Are you on drugs?
Economy will dip a little, as expected, but it will recover faster and better. EU is well on it's way into another recession, not to mention most countries in the EU haven't even recovered from the last one.
No my friend, you'll be better of out of the EU, we'd all be better of out of the EU
>leave wins
>EU laughs and ignores the result of yet another referendum
>Cameron says he can't do it
>no other big party in Britain wants to do it either
>Brexit just remembered as a scratch on the wall as Britain swirls down the drain
Yes a disaster for european politicans and their stupid constant power grab.
No britain, no money for refugees, no islamisation, no sharia, no ficki ficki Ohhh nooo how baaaad :^)
>just reform the EU
Yeah, ask Merkel nicely and she'll take care of it for us. We'll get right on that. Why didn't we think of this before? Wow!
We've summoned the final boss.
A disaster for you perhaps, dirty globalist kike.
This thread won't have any more replies by the OP anyway.
You could always fuck off to France if you love the EU that much. #Brexit
One of the realest quotes during that speech.
>breaking away from unelected slavemasters in Belgium
How can you have evidence for a hypothetical future?
Britpol chimpanzees are going to pussy down from Brexit like they pussied down from russian hooligans in France. They are spineless cowards by nature, all talk, no play.
Apply yourself
Low energy shill.
is he okay?
>grand canyon-tier echoes
same here. if nothing else just to make the remain fuckers butthurt.
Sorry but I'm not listening to a nobody on Sup Forums. Predictions from everyone worth listening to, including people on the Out campaign, have predicted economic damage. We heard recently from a brexiter that the economy will "only" take ten years to recover. And that's optimistic. Make whatever argument you want about politics but it's untenable now to claim the economic argument hasn't been won by the remain campaign
So why do you participate?
Withhold participation, boycott, you don't have to LEAVE do you?
Have me meme'd out the final boss?
kek laughs at your pathetic memes
fuck the (((eu)))
Jeeze I know right? People are so dumb for valuing control of their own country over having a few more shekels.
You guys have a pretty strong legendary on your side. Farage has decent attack stats. But we are dealing with kikes here. They might just cheat desu.
Are you fucking serious right now? Britain needs to leave. NOW.
Our meme magic is not strong enough for this one. I'm sitting this one out
Leave, then watch the whole shithouse fall apart.
The time has come.
he'll be fine
debate me faggot
lets go right now
You dare doubt the power of meme magic? All those dead celebrities that defied the Donald and you still doubt? Tricking the jews into literally naming themselves and you still doubt?
When will you understand. Everything is a meme. Memes ARE the world.
Rothschild is a cunt
Fucking come at me you dickhead
I'm not scared of you my dubs will protect me
lol, am I supposed to believe that the British Empire lasted for hundreds of years and now suddenly they are dependent on some bureaucrats in Brussels who suck their own dick? Yeah,... well,... I'd take my chances.
well fuck gg bye guys
Reform has already been tried, the EU will not have it.
They do not want a democratic state friend, they want power over Europe, they do not want us to have sovereignty.
> we shouldn't accept a diminished role on the world stage
> Rothchild
Here, have my dubs instead
Twice failed. Kek does not smile upon you this day.
Nice one mate now we're both fucking dead.
Pure coincidence, ausbro.
>fiddle music starts playing over the sound of falling coins
Well that's it then
I'm #MentallyHill now
You don't need dubs. The power was in you all along.
>diminished role
so much retarded hypocritical bullshit I could rage like a nigger on crack
for one thing being a member of the EU means that we accept a diminished role on the world stage as a part of the globalist clusterfuck, two it only benefits the elite. The EU shits on joe blogs, unsurprising a rothsatanist likes it so much
> What do you really lose by being in the EU?
Cultural identity
Democratic elections
Legislative powers
>valuing control of their own country
But do you have any control? Or does BAE Systems and BP?
When you leave the warm bosom of Europe, watch how quickly your country gets sold out by the ruling class
Im willing to bet it happens overnight
It's almost as though people are more than happy to take an economic hit on exchange for freedom.
Stop trying to Jew my country out of its sovereignty.
Oy vey! Ze goyim are vaking up!
Holy shit dubs. Meme magic has spoken.
We are one. The jew will be defeated.
Seriously the fearmongering is fucking hilarious.
You wot? It's not the people that are participating, it is the government.
>Rothschild publishes an article
>wants you to pay to read it
Then why dont you just not follow the parts of their doctrine you disagree with? What the fuck can they do to enforce it? Withhold your special funds? You'd lose it anyway by leaving. Maybe if you give it a trial run, get your finances in order so that you can survive without the EU, then you can happily tell Brussels to go fuck themselves every time they try to force you to do some shit that hurts your country. Let them kick you out, don't leave because "t-t-t-they n-never listen to m-me"
Of course there will be short term economic damage. In the long term you will have economic stability and sovereignty. It's a pretty simple choice. Britain won't be truly economically stable in the long term until it drops socialism.
Don't fuck this up, britbongs. You'd better get the fuck out of that clusterfuck, because you won't get another chance.
>implying England was part of the EU for a thousand years and nobody remembers what to do as an independent nation anymore.
>> pax """Britannia"""
British education system, everyone
Because breaking the law would make you a rogue state and a shaky investment ground. Why are shills so retarded? Can't they hire someone over the age of 21?
You keep saying "you" I personally, nor the people have any say, our government is pro EU and actively finaces/supports the in campaign, what am I supposed to do? Start a butter knife revolution? They have an army and they arrest us for having spoons in the street
It will be about 2020 we leave anyway.
The rest of it is chicken little.. sky's gonna fall.
A lot can happen in 4 years, its time for Britain to reassert its identity before we lose it.
>[blank] BTFO!!!!
is there an easier way to spot a shill thread?
>legislative powers?
They have their own parliament. EU doesnt have an army, tell them to fuck off by writing a law that says "the eu law that was just passed is not effective in britain" boom. out-kiked the kikes just like that.
voting out is voting for the opportunity for the biggest businesses in britain to flee to the 3rd world then sell back the same shit they used to make in the UK for the exact same price
they still have a military, one of the biggest in the world, so they can easily tell any other country on earth except the USA to suck their big fat dick if they have a problem
>cultural identity
People from Alabama and Massachusetts are in the same country, yet if you said they share the same culture they'd tell you NO
>democratic elections
Ive been repeating it throughout the thread. If other countries in Europe feel like Britain, you can abstain from participation in certain facets of the EU until such time as political reforms have been made
Is the UK a sovereign country or are they too far gone? Tell me they are too far gone, and the only way to get it back is to vote OUT and I will leave this thread.
>Bilderberg meeting last week
>Rothschild, owner of the globe, comes out against Brexit now
Oy fucking vey