26 year old women gang raped by 6 men, 5 from Iraq (one has German passport, probably a Turk)
After she was gangraped they also stealed her laptop. German media first reported >NO REFUGEES They are probably refugees from 2013 or something. Fucking stupid bitch, she met those subhumans and took them into her apartment. >German women
Why do these dumb bitches always take kebabs into their homes?
Even if you weren't race-aware this would be very obviously a bad idea.
Nicholas Hughes
> with the support of a special five apartments in Munich and one in a district of Sauerlach (Kreis München). According to information from the tz it should be among the inhabitants of the house in the Sauerlacher district to young Iraqis. A neighbor reported: "They are only a few months here." On Tuesday morning, six strips vehicles and a civilian police car to be driven up in front of the house.
This could also be ISIS, highly unusual in Germany to come with special units.
Fucking arab scum desu anyways And fuck German women, they are the worst on this fucking planet
Robert Edwards
>Deutscher Wein und >Deutscher Sang
Samuel Reed
Reported to Merkel. Genießt lebenslänglich, ihr rassistische, weiße Säcke!