Galen Erso created the Death Star? I thought bug people created the Death Star.
Galen Erso created the Death Star? I thought bug people created the Death Star
They literally never even said he was responsible for it. He just helped them build it
Disney $hills defending shitty movie
Galen just designed the laser firing system.
he orchestrated the laser
But...the laser optics are right there...
Even the EU before the prequels wasn't this retarded. The designer of the Death Star, Suncrusher, and World Excavators thought they would be used to benefit the galaxy. Death Star as a mining tool, suncrusher to clear out dying stars safely, excavators to extract rare minerals from uninhabited worlds.
Daily reminder the Empire killed every single Geonocian after building the death star just in case any of them squealed.
Fucking cunts
I'm so glad the turbovirgins of the EU were BTFO by Disney.
Are you fucking 5
This sounds awful
Bug people got designs from the Rakata and were used as slave labor to build it and then got genocided
Too bad the OT turbovirgins are betting BTFO as well :^(
>Death Star designed faulty on purpose, negating Luke's impact on the battle
>He Doesn't Like You and I Don't Like You Either survive a planet getting blown up
>Vader already saw Leia like 10 minutes before ANH and didn't need to beat around the bushes
I didn't say it was good but much better than ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU
None of that is true anymore, thank Christ. Please read those words again and tell me that sounds okay
It hasn't been true since AotC
>Implying Dark Empire wouldn't have been the GOAT sequel trilogy
I hate the EU as much as the next guy, but watching 90's-era Luke wrestle between the light and the dark side amidst a resurgence of the Empire led by a clone of Palpatine that could have been played by scene-chewing TPM-era Ian MacDiarmid, with GOAT-new ships like the world devastators, V-wings, E-wings, new Mon Cals, and space battles to rival ROTJ's all would have made for god-tier kino.
Please screen cap this post for future reference.
The geonocians designed and assembled the beginning of the death star for count dooku. They then went behind his back and started developing it for the republic. Orson Krenick was in charge of the development and oversaw the geonocians. Krenick then tricked Galen Erso into helping develop the weapon for it. Galen found out what they had done and went into hiding with his family, refusing to work on it more.
Read this book. It's good.
>Galen Erso created the Death Star?
no he created the weapon, he was a jedi crystal specialist. The death star was made upon the blueprints from the bug people
You have absolutely no taste. Please cease propagating your shit opinions on here or anywhere else.
Why the fuck would the geonosians go behind doofus back when dooku is working for the republic secretly
The Geonosians thought up the basic design, Krennic and Erso built it and got it to work. The separatists were all working for Palpatine so it makes sense that he would obtain the plans after he crushed them and created the empire.
It's not that hard.
t.disney shill
>dooku is working for the republic secretly
working for palpetine =/= working for the republic
>Suncrusher, and World Excavators
The EU was always just fanfic/merchandise.
The Suncrusher is more Mary Sue than any character has ever been.
how can a civilization so undeveloped like geonocians develop such technology?
What if they just made the design of it? All the "inside" stuff was Galen's and Krennick's work.
Pulpy shit.
Which is okay for you and me, not so much with the box office.
There is already a definitive canon answer
>Krennick's work.
Is he an engineer? I thought he was only the admiral in charge of the project.
it's ok, according to lucas they are like termites
even though they have language, culture, civilization and can clearly understand abstract concepts :^)
Your first point is wrong. The rebels already knew the weakness at the start of the battle and their whole campaign was designed around attacking the weakpoint. Luke's impact on the battle isn't hampered in any fucking way. Stop making shit up.
Agreed with your second point that the cameos of those two was retarded in general, but the whole planet didn't blow up, so that's wrong.
Vader literally did NOT see Leia in R1, he just saw the ship which allowed him to know right off that bat that she was full of shit at the start of ep4.
Your prequel trilogy has done FAR more damage to the OT, where as R1 just supports it. Now fuck off and die you misinformation spreading turbo fucking retard cunt.
So you'd be ok with ANOTHER rebel vs empire trilogy rehash? Isn't that what we already have though?
Are you somewhat happy with the direction of the new trilogy then, given what you would have liked it to be?
Read the fucking book. Galen created the weapon. The bugs took an old design that they found (Sith battle station leaked by Palatine) and altered it some.
The plans were ancient sith plans that they "found". Its kinda implied Palpatine leaked the plans to them. They just made some cosmetic changes.
So who designed StarKiller base? The Death Star took the full resources and the best scientist the Empire had to make. How did Space ISIS build something bigger and better?
snoke is plaguies and has resources mortals cannot fathom
Literally head of the Corps of Engineers.
But he didn't actually do any designing himself even though he is an engineer.
>The plans were ancient sith plans
oh I didn't know that...
But the geonocians have ships aqnd technology to build that thing?
In the movies they don't have even cities or advanced weapons.
Maybe the project was already under development during the Empire era but kept secret. The First Order just finished it and started to use it. It's like the ISIS would found a hidden uncomplete nazi wunderwaffe.
They were never developing the Death Star for the Separatists. Palpatine got it as soon as Dooku delivered it to Coruscant.
The Genosians were where the bulk of the droids were already produced. Remember that shitty factory scene? Like the whole underground of the planet was just a big fucking factory.
mmmm It's true
but in any comic or something they have spaceships and more advanced weapons??
>Start building the single biggest construction project in the history of the Galaxy EU stuff like the Star Forge not withstanding
>Do this half a decade before you even figure out how the fuck the weapon you're building it for will function
That's like building a tank before knowing what kind of turret you're going to mount on it.
The geonocians are inteligent and advanced, they just are also very instinctive and rely quite a bit on natural instincts. Catalyst describes this.
>ancient sith plans
>built before
>destroyed as well.
Why are the Sith so obsessed with reusing super weapons.
>>built before
>>destroyed as well.
so there have been three death stars?
galen erso just created the design flaw to "fix" star wars ™ a new hope
>reading Star Wars books
phew lads
Would you believe me that in multiple instances they are better than the movies? Especially the prequels
It's a space station. It's meant to subjugate systems with its presence due to the sheer amount of ships and guns it has. Even without the laser it would do a good job. If it wasn't for the weakness that was intentionally put in the rebels wouldn't have put a dent in it
>death star
>Some of the earliest plans for a mobile, planet-destroying superweapon dated back millennia to the ancient Sith.
But I don't see that it was built.
the RotS novelization blew the movie out of the fucking water. the internalization of Anakin's struggle and how it was shown to us was fan fucking tastic
It's a space station pre-designed with the laser's mount in it as you can see in Attack of the Clones.
That laser, it's function and dimensions were part of the Death Star's design from the start.
A simple mobile station with troops on it wouldn't have accomplished anything more than a fleet of star destroyers. Infact, it would have accomplished less, for a fleet of Star Destroyers can be split and manoeuvred as the situation dictates, while a massive station can only sit and look pretty until the enemy gets stupid enough to get within firing range of its turrets.
Didn't they have giant fucking robo-factories? That whole disaster of a conveyor belt sequence was on Geonosis.
but how can they have robo factories and then have shitty weapons?
and the factory could have been created by dooku and his allies and only is in geonosis because it's the perfect place to hide it
Good, fuck xenos
>The designer of the Death Star, Suncrusher, and World Excavators thought they would be used to benefit the galaxy. Death Star as a mining tool, suncrusher to clear out dying stars safely, excavators to extract rare minerals from uninhabited worlds and distribute ice cream to needy orphans
> destroying a dying star is a good thing and won't bathe all nearby habitable planets in permanent radiation
> a laser capable of exploding a planet will surely be useful to percussively remove a crust from valuable minerals and not melt them
Who wrote this idea? Lucas?
This "purposely missunderstanding something and starting several threads based on that missunderstanding" meme is getting old.
That's bullshit. In Catalyst it's made pretty clear that the Geonosians are master builders, and it's heavily implied that Poggle designed the Death Star on his own, with some influence coming from Sidious. They mention the control ships from Episode One being an influence on the actual design, for instance.
The seperatests were fully convinced that the weapon was being built for them
Its in the book.
I remember one line in particular krennick was wondering if in Dookus head their death star production was going smoothly
Good. Hate insects.
You read that wrong. The book never says that the Separatists thought the weapon was for them, just that the Republic was convinced that they were potentially working on the same thing. Given that Dooku was pretty hasty in getting the plans to Coruscant, I think it's safe to say that only Palpatine, Dooku, and the higher-ups on Geonosis were really aware of the project.
oh I see. Actually that makes a lot of sense. My bad
A sphere makes perfect sense as a spaceship, because the sphere has the least amount of surface area and the most amount of volume of all shapes.
>The dark is generous
>The dark is patient
>This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker
God, I loved the book
Reread the scenes with the archduke. He outright tells Krennic that they found old designs (implied Palpatine leaked them) and modified them. My first interpretation was that Luceno is actually referencing the Star Forge. Palatine probably discovered the Star Forge plans in some sith holocron and gave them to the Genosians. The Genosians modified the plans to make it a weapon rather than a factory.