I dont think this level of cringe can ever be topped.
The OA
Well after seeing this gif I won't be watching that
what am i looking at
What the shit is this
I was tempted to start watching until these gifs. Can anyone explain what's going on, and if the show in general is worth picking up
Flash mob?
fucking shit i'm on episode 4 or 5 and its been amazing. why does this fucking have to happen
>The OA
Is this supposed to be some Green Lantern shit?
OA means Original Angel and those dance moves are movements to open a portal to another dimension and they stop a school shooting with those dance moves.
So what is it?
Aliens or something?
its about some metaphysical shit involving near death experiences and weird rituals. basically you "go somewhere" when you nearly-die where you are communicated with and given the choice of going back to earth or not
starts off with a blind girl who ran away from home is found again after attempting suicide by jumping off a bridge
she now has sight. mystery ensues.
its been pretty dang good but this
sounds like they completely took a huge fucking gay dump over everything they were building up for
Sounds like some JJ Abrams/Lindelof mystery shit
yes but like (most of) those it was really really intriguing. I got fucking tricked, rused, bam-fucking-boozled again.
Should have seen it coming tbqh. There was too much mystery and it was too 'wondersome' and large. No one on tv or film can leave holes open that large without letting the audience know they fucked them
Lost and The Leftovers did a lot of crazy shit, but desu it didn't take itself too seriously, and it knew that it could get weird and silly sometimes. This is played 100% seriously like it's the most profound thing ever.
Also, I'll always defend LOST by saying that its characters usually made up for the story problems. This show doesn't have that advantage.
Leftovers doesn't really have the same cancer that LOST did
They knew what they were doing the entire time
You are completely right. I would also say that The Leftovers does an excellent job both in press release and in the show itself of saying
"Look, you aren't gonna get all the answers, nigger. Thats not what the show is about"
LOST lost (lol) the character driven drama it had sometime after season 3, when they pivoted to giving "the mysterious island" more importance
So far none of the characters in the show are interesting at all except the Teacher girl from The Office (i do hope she gets more roles she's pretty great). Trans boy a cute tho. too bad about being trans.
I genuinely thought for a moment there that the movement thing was only to make them work together as a team and tackling the school shooter.
then they got up and fucking danced.
fuck this show, I feel like I've been played
yeah i guess i wont watch the rest. i don't want to be let down that hard.
really did have a lot of potential though. cant deny that.
Brit Marling is a hack. Everything she does is this new age bullshit. I will never watch anything from her.
how is the leftovers
dont have any shows left to watch since the walking dead is shit, southpark is shit,
I bet you plebs loved stranger things tho, right?
The OA is a patrician series. It asks for attention and critical thought.
And also knowledge and appreciation of modern dance.
>season ends with LITERALLY
>Dance off, bro, you and me.
Don't fucking deny that the show completely shat the bed halfway through.
> Don't fucking deny that the show completely shat the bed in the last 15 minutes
FTFY. I actually thought it was good right until they revealed the end and that it was BS
watch it. the second season was the best thing in tv last year
It's good, but it really falls apart at the end and has no real conclusion.
>So far none of the characters in the show are interesting at all except the Teacher
It's because she was the only one to actually develop, going from being all sad and bitter because of her brother's death to accepting life as it happens and trying to have fun. Everyone else stayed completely static the whole time besides becoming obsessed with OA. the show would be fine if they stuck to it being character driven, but the whole time it seemed like there was supposed to be either some great plot development or some great character development, but it never happened. they kept flipflopping between whether they wanted it to be suspenseful, character driven, or some philosophical show, and they failed on all three counts by having an ending that seemed like they got bored and said "fuck it".
> edgy chad bully is a main character
i want this shit to stop
so is the theory that the mom kidnapped her and its all in her head true, what do you guys think. the end was super retarded. just school shooter out of no where.
The school shooter was homer